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GATE 2024 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Question Paper PDF- Download Here
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Amrit Raj

| Updated On - Oct 16, 2024

GATE 2024 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Question Paper PDF is available here. IISc Banglore conducted GATE 2024 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering exam on February 10 in the Forenoon Session from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Students have to answer 65 questions in GATE 2024 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Question Paper carrying a total weightage of 100 marks. 10 questions are from the General Aptitude section and 55 questions are from Engineering Mathematics and Core Discipline.

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GATE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Question Paper with Solution

S.No. Question Answer Solution
1 If ‘→’ denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [dry → arid → parched] is analogous to [diet → fast → ________ ]. (A) starve There is an increase in dryness in the sequence [dry → arid → parched]. Similarly, the word "starve" would indicate more food deprivation following "diet" (lower food consumption) and "fast" (no food for a period of time).
2 If two distinct non-zero real variables x and y are such that (x + y) is proportional to (x − y), then the value of x/y is (D) is a constant The continuous ratio between x and y is indicated by the relationship between (x + y) and (x − y).
3 Consider the following sample of numbers: 9, 18, 11, 14, 15, 17, 10, 69, 11, 13. The median of the sample is (A) 13.5 Sequence the following numbers first: 9, 10, 11, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 69. The median, given the ten integers, is the mean of the fifth and sixth values (13 and 14). (13 + 14) / 2 = 13.5 is the median.
4 The number of coins of ₹1, ₹5, and ₹10 denominations that a person has are in the ratio 5:3:13. Of the total amount, the percentage of money in ₹5 coins is (C) 10% Let the coin counts be 5 times, 3 times, and 13 times, respectively. The amount of money in ₹5 coins is 15x, whereas the overall amount is 150x. Thus, 10% is (15x / 150x) × 100.
5 For positive non-zero real variables p and q, if log (p² + q²) = log p + log q + 2 log 3, then the value of (p⁴ + q⁴)/(p²q²) is (B) 81 Step-by-step solve the logarithmic equation by simplifying both sides to arrive at the result, which is 81.
6 Steve was advised to keep his head (i) ____ before heading (ii) ____ to bat; for, while he had a head (iii) ____ batting, he could only do so with a cool head (iv) ____ his shoulders. (D) on, out, on, for Finding the appropriate phrases for each situation: "keep his head on," "heading out to bat," "had a head on for batting," "cool head on his shoulders."
7 A rectangular paper sheet of dimensions 54 cm × 4 cm is taken. The two longer edges of the sheet are joined together to create a cylindrical tube. A cube whose surface area equals that of the sheet is also taken. The ratio of the volume of the cylindrical tube to the volume of the cube is (C) 3/π To find the ratio of volumes, find the surface area of the paper and compare it to the surface area of the cube.
9 A rectangular paper of 20 cm × 8 cm is folded 3 times. Each fold is made along the line of symmetry, which is perpendicular to its long edge. The perimeter of the final folded sheet (in cm) is (B) 24 The folded sheet's ultimate dimensions vary after three folds, but its perimeter may be determined to be 24 cm.
11 The value of the contour integral ∮ dz / (2z−z²) along the circle z 1, oriented counterclockwise, is
12 The tangent plane to the surface x² + y² + z² = 9 at the point (1, 2, 4) is (A) 2x + 4y + z = 14 Apply the tangent plane equation formula to a surface at a specific point. The equation can be found with the aid of the normal vector to the surface.
13 The value of the line integral ∮ x²dx + 2xdy along the ellipse 4x² + y² = 4 oriented counterclockwise is (C) 4π By parameterizing the ellipse and inserting it into the supplied integral, you may evaluate the line integral.
14 The system of linear equations x + 2y + 3z = 4, 2x − y − 2z = a, 2 −x − 7y − 11z = a has a solution if the values of a are (B) −2 and 3 The system of linear equations 
x + 2y + 3z = 4, 
2x − y − 2z = a, 
2 − x − 7y − 11z = a 
has a solution if the values of a are 
(B) −2 and 3
16 A ship with controls fixed, is modeled as a two degrees of freedom system. For the linear maneuvering equations of motion for coupled sway and yaw, if the derived eigenvalues are real and negative, the ship must possess (B) directional stability The ship's yaw and sway behavior are correlated with stability in directional motion, which is shown by real and negative eigenvalues.
17 Which one of the following cooling systems is used in large marine diesel engines? (B) Forced coolant circulation For effective temperature control, forced coolant circulation is used in large marine diesel engines. Coolant is pumped by this system to keep engine running within safe bounds.
18 Which one of the following reduces the ratio of vibratory response amplitude to the forcing amplitude, in large stationary engine shaft design? (B) Increase in the fundamental frequency of the rotating shaft By limiting resonance effects, the shaft's vibratory response can be reduced by raising its fundamental frequency.
19 Consider an initially perfectly straight elastic column with pinned supports at both ends. The Euler load is given by (A) π²El/L² The critical buckling load for an axially compressed column with pinned ends is represented by this formula.
20 A mass m is suspended from a ceiling with the help of a spring. The system is assumed to be initially at rest. If the ceiling suddenly moves upward with a velocity v, the amplitude of the ensuing oscillations is (B) v/ω When the ceiling moves, the spring-mass system experiences simple harmonic motion. The velocity imparted, where ω is the system's angular frequency, controls the oscillation's amplitude.
21 A floating vessel has a length of 20 m and beam of 10 m. When the vessel heels to an angle of 10°, the righting lever is 0.2 m. The ship’s displacement is 2000 tonnes. The restoring moment (in tonne-m) is (C) 400 Moment of restoration = displacement × lever of righting. For the specified values: 400 tonne-m = 2000 tons × 0.2 m.
22 Which one of the following methods is the most effective in measuring surface roughness of a metallic specimen? (A) Stylus probe method By physically following the specimen's surface profile, the stylus probe method yields a very accurate surface roughness measurement.
23 The partial pressure of water vapour at 25°C in an atmosphere of air and water vapour with a relative humidity of 30% is (A) 760 Pa As a proportion of the saturation pressure of water vapor at 25°C, the partial pressure of water vapor is computed, and 30% relative humidity results in 760 Pa.
24 Consider a ship advancing straight ahead. The hull is subject to a surge force F_s, a sway force F_y, and a yaw moment N. The hull’s equations of motion include (D) Duu² for surge The surge force equation includes a quadratic drag element (Duu2) to account for the resistance the ship faces from hull drag when navigating through water.
25 A tank of oil 10 m high has a cross-sectional area of 2 m². The tank is drained through a pipe 0.1 m in diameter. The exit velocity of the oil, assuming no losses and using Torricelli’s law, is approximately (C) 14 m/s Torricelli's law indicates that exit velocity (v) = √(2gh). The velocity at a height of 10 m is √(2 × 9.81 × 10) = 14 m/s.
26 A vessel of displacement 5000 tonnes experiences a wind force of 10 tonnes acting at a height of 15 m above the center of gravity. The heeling moment (in tonne-m) due to wind is (B) 150 Lever arm × force = heeling moment. In this instance, 150 tonne-m equals 10 tons × 15 m.
27 A submarine with a submerged displacement of 4000 tonnes is moving ahead with a velocity of 5 m/s. The drag force on the submarine, given that the drag coefficient is 0.1 and the projected area is 100 m², is (C) 1250 kN

F = 0.5 × ρ × Cd × A × v² is the drag force. By changing the provided values, you obtain 1250 kN.

28 The output of a certain system is related to the input as y(t) = ∫ Kx(τ) dτ, where K is a constant. The system is (A) a linear time-invariant system A characteristic of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems is a convolution integral, which is described by the above equation.
29 For a fluid flow described by the velocity components u = −y, v = x, and w = 0 in a Cartesian coordinate system, the magnitude of the vorticity vector is (A) 2 The velocity field's curl is the vorticity vector. The computed vorticity magnitude in this instance is two units.
30 An airfoil in a uniform stream experiences lift due to (A) a circulatory motion around the airfoil Circulatory motion, which produces a pressure differential between the airfoil's upper and lower surfaces, is responsible for the formation of lift.
31 The Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse in time domain gives (C) a sinc function In the frequency domain, the Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse is known to be a sinc function.
32 The root locus of a system starts from (A) open-loop poles and ends at open-loop zeros The root locus of an open-loop transfer function in control systems begins at the poles and ends at the zeros.
33 For a second-order linear system, the peak overshoot in response to a unit step input is dependent on (B) damping ratio For a second-order system, peak overshoot is mostly dictated by its damping ratio (ζ); a lower ζ corresponds to a bigger overshoot.
34 The energy of a photon is proportional to its (A) frequency A photon's energy is determined by E = hf, where f is its frequency and h is Planck's constant, according to quantum theory.
35 If a person starts 15 minutes late from a place, travels at a speed of 5 km/hr and reaches 10 minutes late at another place, then the time he will need to travel the same distance at 6 km/hr is (A) 100 min You determine that the amount of time needed at the new speed is 100 minutes by solving the equations based on time, speed, and distance.
36 The damping ratio of a second-order system whose transfer function is given by H(s) = 1/(s² + 2s + 5) is (A) 1/√5 The damping ratio ζ can be found and coefficients can be compared using the conventional form of a second-order transfer function.
37 Consider the feedback system with G(s)H(s) = 2/(s(s + 2)). The system is (A) unstable Since one pole is situated on the imaginary axis, the system exhibits instability with poles at s = 0 and s = -2.
38 For a two-dimensional flow, the streamlines are (B) orthogonal to velocity vectors At every point in the flow field, streamlines are orthogonal to the velocity vector because they are always tangential to the flow.

GATE Questions

What are the number of numbers possible divisible by 3 if we choose 4 numbers from the set S = {4,5,7,8,9}

      “I have not yet decided what I will do this evening; I ______ visit a friend.”

        • mite

        •  would

        •  might

        •  didn’t

        Eject : Insert : : Advance : _______ (By word meaning)

          • Advent
          • Progress
          • Retreat
          • Loan


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