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GATE 2024 Biomedical Engineering Question Paper PDF- Download Here
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Amrit Raj

| Updated On - Oct 16, 2024

GATE 2024 Biomedical Engineering Question Paper PDF is available here. IISc Banglore conducted GATE 2024 Biomedical Engineering exam on February 4 in the Forenoon Session from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Students have to answer 65 questions in GATE 2024 Biomedical Engineering Question Paper carrying a total weightage of 100 marks. 10 questions are from the General Aptitude section and 55 questions are from Engineering Mathematics and Core Discipline.

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GATE Biomedical Engineering Question Paper with Solution

S.No Question Answer Solution
1 If ‘→’ denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [simmer → seethe → smolder] is analogous to [break → raze → ________]. (B) obliterate The words "simmer," "seethe," and "smolder" all describe increasing intensity. Similarly, "break" and "raze" both indicate destruction. "Obliterate" means to destroy completely, making it the best match.
2 Which one of the given options is a possible value of x in the following sequence?3, 7, 15, x, 63, 127, 255 (D) 31 The sequence is generated by the formula x=2n−1, where n is a whole number. In this case, x corresponds to 25−1=31.
3 How many times will the second-hand and the minute-hand of a clock cross each other from 12:05:00 to 12:55:00? (C) 50 The hands of a clock cross each minute. From 12:05 to 12:55, that’s 50 minutes, meaning they will cross 50 times.
4 Fill in the blanks in the given text with the best match. (D) (D) pivots (i) holds (ii) waits (iii) culminates One by one, let's fill in the blanks:
Athletics has always had the potential to be a spectacle, from the Athenian arena of antiquity to the Olympic stadia of today.
"Holds" is a suitable form, as it should be singular.
As the Olympian artist bends his body and stretches the javelin behind him, the crowd screams with anticipation.
With bated breath, the audience (singular collective noun) "waits".
He takes twelve strides and starts to cross-step. With six ___ cross-steps, he abruptly stopped using his left foot.
The word "culminate" is the proper form because "steps" requires it to be plural.
He launches the javelin at an exact angle into the air as his body ___ like a door on a hinge.
Since "body" is a solitary subject, "pivots" is the proper form.
As a result, the greatest fit for every blank is:
(D) (i) halts; (ii) delays; (iii) concludes; (iv) rotates
5 To solve the equation x=2cosx using Newton-Raphson’s method, which iteration should be used? (A) In order to apply Newton-Raphson's approach to solve x = 2cos(x):
1. Rewrite the formula as follows: f(x) = x - 2cos(x) = 0.
2. Determine the derivative using the formula f'(x) = 1 + 2sin(x).
3. Use the Newton-Raphson formula, which is as follows: x_n+1 = x_n - f(x_n) / f'(x_n).
4. Replace f(x) and f'(x) with the following formula: x_n+1 = x_n - (x_n - 2cos(x_n)) / (1 + 2sin(x_n)).
In conclusion: (A) x_n+1 = x_n - (x_n - 2cos(x_n)) / (1 + 2sin(x_n)) is the iteration to utilize.
6 For the active transport of Na+ and K+ ions, which statement is TRUE? (A) Option (A) is accurate because the sodium-potassium pump moves two potassium ions into the cell and three sodium ions out of it.
7 The cardiac rhythm in a healthy human heart originates from _____. (A) The sinoatrial (SA) node, sometimes referred to as the heart's natural pacemaker, is where the heart's rhythm begins.
8 Which of the following statements is TRUE for a PET imaging system? (A) When gamma rays are released 180 degrees apart, pairs of them, each with an energy of 511 keV, are identified in PET imaging. This is the basic idea of how PET functions.
9 Bioglass 45S5 has a composition of ________. (A) The calcium to phosphorus molar ratio of 5:1 in Bioglass 45S5—which makes up 45 weight percent silicon dioxide (SiO₂)—is important for its bioactivity.
10 Macrophages that are resident in the liver are _________________. (C) Kupffer cells are specialized macrophages that are present in the liver and are essential for liver immunity.
11 The Fourier transform of e^{-|2t|} is 2t To find the Fourier transform of e^{-|2t|},
we use:F{f(t)}(ω) = ∫_{−∞}^{∞} f(t) e^{-i ω t} dt
For f(t) = e^{-|2t|}, we split it as:f(t) = { e^{-2t}, t ≥ 0, e^{2t}, t < 0}
This gives: F{e^{−|2t|}}(ω) = ∫_{0}^{∞} e^{-2t} e^{-i ω t} dt + ∫_{−∞}^{0} e^{2t} e^{-i ω t} dt
Calculating each integral:1. ∫_{0}^{∞} e^{-(2 + i ω)t} dt = 1/(2 + i ω)2. ∫_{−∞}^{0} e^{(2 - i ω)t} dt = −1/(2 - i ω)
Combining these:F{e^{−|2t|}}(ω) = 1/(2 + i ω) - 1/(2 - i ω)
Simplifying:F{e^{−|2t|}}(ω) = (−2iω)/(4 + ω^2)
Final result:F{e^{−|2t|}}(ω) = 4/(4 + ω^2)
Thus, the answer is (B) 4/(4 + ω^2).
12 A group of four people were residing together when a new virus was detected. If the probability of each person being infected is 0.1, then the probability that at least two of them are infected is ____. 0.052 Using the complement rule, we can determine this likelihood by first subtracting 1 from the probability that no one or only one individual will become infected. The total outcome is roughly 0.052.
13 Three distinct sets of indistinguishable twins are to be seated at a circular table that has 8 identical chairs. Unique seating arrangements are defined by the relative positions of the people. How many unique seating arrangements are possible such that each person is sitting next to their twin? (D) 28 Consider every pair of twins as a single unit (block). This will result in (3−1)! block layouts and 23 twin arrangements within each block, for a total of 28 distinct arrangements.
14 Which of the following is/are TRUE for a surface electromyography (SEMG) signal of a muscle experiencing fatigue? (A) The surface electromyography (SEMG) signal's median frequency falls with muscle exhaustion, reflecting alterations in the recruitment and behavior of muscle fibers.
15 A DNA extract solution with a concentration of 15 ng/µL placed in a micro-cuvette of sample thickness 0.5 mm gave an absorbance of 0.24 at a wavelength of 260 nm in a spectrophotometer. After further concentration, the sample was found to give an absorbance of 0.38 at the same wavelength under identical conditions. The final concentration of the sample is ____ ng/µL. (Give your answer rounded off to 2 decimal places.) 28.13 ng/µL By comparing the two absorbance readings, we can find the new concentration using Beer's Law, which links absorbance to concentration. This results in a final concentration of 28.13 ng/µL.
16 An X-ray beam of initial intensity I0​ of 70 keV imaging the chest is assumed to undergo attenuation through the muscle tissue for a thickness of 16 cm and further through the bone tissue for a thickness of 4 cm. The half value layer (HVL) thicknesses for the muscle and bone are 3.5 cm and 1.8 cm, respectively. The percentage of X-ray intensity transmitted through the body is ____%. 11.46% The total percentage of X-ray intensity transmitted after passing through both tissues is determined using the attenuation formula, and the result is roughly 11.46%.
17 A person standing one meter away from a 4000 curie radioactive source receives a lethal dose of radiation in about 5 minutes. At 3 meters away from the same source, the time in which he will receive the same lethal dose is ____ minutes. Give your answer rounded off to the nearest integer. 25 minutes According to the inverse square law, radiation intensity drops with distance squared. As a result, the time required to go a certain distance increases dramatically and takes around 25 minutes to obtain the same dose.
18 The bandwidth of ECG signal ranges from 0.5 Hz to 100 Hz. If a single ADC is used to digitize data from 8 ECG channels, then the minimum ADC sampling rate is ____ Hz. Give your answer rounded off to the nearest integer. 200 Hz The Nyquist theorem states that you have to sample a signal at least twice its maximum frequency in order to record it accurately. Consequently, the minimum necessary sampling rate is 200 Hz at a maximum frequency of 100 Hz.
19 A bio-potential signal of 4 mV on the skin surface was fed to an amplifier with a differential gain of 2000. The noise in the signal is 1000 mV. If the amplifier output produces a noise output of 200 mV, the common mode rejection ratio of the amplifier is ____ dB. Give your answer rounded to the nearest integer. 54 dB The ratio of the differential gain to the noise gain is used to compute the common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), which yields a value of roughly 54 dB.
20 In a motor nerve conduction velocity experiment, the distance between the distal and the recording sites is 4 cm and the distance between the proximal and the recording sites is 24 cm. The distal and proximal latencies were recorded as 6 ms and 10 ms, respectively. The nerve conduction velocity is ____ m/s. Give your answer rounded off to the nearest integer. 60 m/s The nerve conduction velocity, which is 60 m/s, is calculated by dividing the distance between the recording sites by the difference in latency times.
21 An artificial fore-arm has a moment-of-inertia around the center of mass as 0.3kg.m². The mass of the artificial fore-arm is 3 kg. If the distance from the elbow joint to the center of mass of the fore-arm is 20 cm, the moment-of-inertia of the fore-arm about the elbow joint is __kg.m². Give your answer rounded off to two decimal places. 0.42 kg·m² The artificial forearm's moment of inertia about the elbow joint can be computed as follows:
Let us take the following given data: - Moment of inertia (I_cm) around the center of mass = 0.3 kg·m²
The forearm's mass (m) is equal to 3 kg.
- 20 cm = 0.20 m is the distance (d) between the elbow joint and the center of mass.
2. Employ the aligned axis The following is the theory: I_elbow = I_cm + m * d2 represents the moment of inertia about the elbow joint.
The calculation for I_elbow is as follows: 0.3 kg·m² + (3 kg) * (0.20 m)I_elbow is equal to 0.3 kg·m² + (3 kg) * (0.04 m²).
0.3 kg·m² + 0.12 kg·m² = 0.42 kg·m² for I_elbow.
In summary, the forearm's moment of inertia about the elbow joint is 0.42 kg*m^2, rounded to two decimal places.

GATE Questions

“I have not yet decided what I will do this evening; I ______ visit a friend.”

    • mite

    •  would

    •  might

    •  didn’t

    Eject : Insert : : Advance : _______ (By word meaning)

      • Advent
      • Progress
      • Retreat
      • Loan

      What are the number of numbers possible divisible by 3 if we choose 4 numbers from the set S = {4,5,7,8,9}


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