Magnetic Pole: Definition, Features, Magnetic Pole of Earth

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Magnetic pole or poles of a magnet is the region at the ends of a magnet where the magnetic field is strongest. Magnetic Poles produce magnetic flux and thus are referred to as the flux source. All magnets have two poles, known as the north pole and the south pole.

  • Poles of a magnet have the property to attract small pieces of magnetic materials
  • The strength with which a magnetic pole attracts is known as Pole strength
  • More the pole strength, more is the power of a magnet
  • When a magnet is suspended freely, the north pole always points towards the geographical north, and the south pole points toward the geographical south of the earth

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Key Terms: Magnets, magnetic pole, Magnetic Flux, compass, magnetic field lines, Earth's magnetic pole, magnetic field, magnetic axis, iron, nickel, cobalt, steel

Magnetic Pole

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The magnetic pole is the region at the end of the magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest. A magnet comprises two poles namely the north pole and the south pole.

  • The line joining the north pole and south pole of a magnet is called the magnetic axis.
  • A vertical plane passing through the magnetic axis of a magnet is called magnetic meridian.
  • A pole of the magnet is known as a monopole magnet, which is a hypothetical elementary particle.
  • Magnetic poles always exist in pairs.
  • If a magnet is cut into two pieces it will result in two complete magnets each having both north, as well as south pole.

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Any physical object that has the ability to attract or generate a magnetic field is known as a magnet. Magnets have the ability to attract ferrous objects like iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel. 

  • A bar magnet is the most common example of a magnet that all of us have seen in our daily lives.
  • The bar magnet is nothing but a regular cuboid that can attract ferrous objects like iron and steel.
  • It consists of the North and the South Poles in different colors.
  • Commonly, the blue end is the south pole and the red end is the north pole.
  • A bar magnet is also called magnetic dipole.

A magnetic compass needle is a most commonly used device to navigate and know about the magnetic field direction. It helps sailors to find their way. The magnetic needle contains a horizontal needle pivoted at the centre and ends of this point to the north and south pole depending upon the location and direction.

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Properties of Magnets

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The important properties of magnets are:

  • Unlike poles of two magnets attract each other and, like poles or similar poles of two magnets repel each other.
  • Breaking a magnet does not result in splitting its north pole and south pole; instead it creates two new respective poles for each magnetic piece.
  • Magnets have the properties of induction.
  • When a piece of magnetic material is brought near a bar magnet without any physical contact, then the magnetic material acquires the property of magnetism.
  • Such a type of magnetism is called induced magnetism.
  • Magnetic field lines of a bar magnet always travel from the north pole to south pole outside the magnet.
  • But it travels from the south pole to the north pole inside the magnet.
  • Repulsion is the surest test for distinguishing between an iron piece and a magnet.
  • North pole of a magnet can be identified by bringing another magnet having its pole marked as the north pole and the south pole.

Magnetic Poles of Earth

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Earth also has its own magnetic field. Earth’s magnetism is assumed due to a huge bar magnet with its axis inclined at an angle of \(11.3^{\circ}\) west of the axis of rotation of earth.

  • The pole near the geographic north of the earth is called the north magnetic pole.
  • The magnetic north pole of earth is located at a latitude of \(79.74^{\circ}N\)  and a longitude of \(71.8^{\circ}W\), a place near south Canada.
  • It is a point on the surface of the Northern Hemisphere of the earth at which the magnetic field of Earth vertically points downwards.
  • The pole near the geographic south of the earth is called the south magnetic pole.
  • The magnetic south pole of the earth is at \(79.74^{\circ}S\)  and \(108.22^{\circ}E\), in Antartica.
  • It is the fixed point on the southern hemisphere of the Earth where the geomagnetic field lines direct vertically upwards.
  • These two poles of the earth are known as Earth’s magnetic poles or Geomagnetic poles and the corresponding north and south pole of earth is also known as the geomagnetic north pole and the geomagnetic south pole respectively.

Read More: Magnetism and Gauss’s Law

Magnetic Flux

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Magnetic flux can be simply defined as the total number of magnetic flux lines passing through a close surface area. It measures the total magnetic field passing through a given surface area. The area can be of any size or orientation. 

The formula for magnetic flux:

\(\phi_B= \vec B.\vec A=BA cos\theta \)


  • \(\phi_B\) = magnetic flux
  • B = magnetic field
  • A = surface area
  • \(\theta\) = angle at which the field lines pass through the given surface area

Magnetic flux is generally measured in weber while the standard unit is volt-seconds.

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Magnetic Moment

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Magnetic Moment or magnetic dipole moment can be defined as the measure of an object’s tendency to align with a given or applied magnetic field.

  • It is a vector quantity that connects an object’s torque to a magnetic field.
  • The magnetic moment is measured in Amp-metre2 (Am2).

Mathematically, it is expressed as:

\(\vec \tau = \vec m \times \vec B\)     or   \(\tau= mBsin\theta\)


  • \(\tau\) = torque applied on the dipole
  • m = magnetic moment
  • B = external uniform magnetic field
  • \(\theta\) = angle between magnetic dipole moment and uniform magnetic field

Magnetic dipole moment is also given by:

\(m=q_m \times2l\)


  • qm = pole strength of either pole of the magnet
  • 2l = distance between the two poles of the magnet

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Things to Remember

  • The magnetic pole or pole of the magnet is the region at the end of the magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest. 
  •  A magnet comprises two poles namely the north pole and the south pole.
  • The two ends of the magnet that have the strongest magnetic field are known as the magnetic poles. 
  • The bar magnet is a regular cuboid that can attract ferrous objects like iron and steel. 
  • Unlike poles of a magnet attract each other and like poles of a magnet repel each other.
  • Earth has its own north pole and south pole.
  • At the north pole, the north hand of the compass points downwards and at the south pole, the south hand of the compass points upwards.
  • Magnetic Flux can be calculated by the formula- \(\phi_B=BA cos\theta \)
  • The formula to calculate magnetic moment is \(\vec \tau = \vec m \times \vec B\) and \(m=q_m \times2l\).

Sample Questions

Ques: Why does a compass needle deflect when brought near a bar magnet? (1 Mark)

Ans: When a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet, it experiences a force due to the magnetic field of a bar magnet due to which it deflects.

Ques: How is magnetic field useful in daily lives? (1 Mark)

Ans: Magnetic field is used in many electric devices like freeze, cooler, TV, computers, etc and also in large construction and manufacturing industries.

Ques: Identify the poles of the magnet in the given figure (1) and (2). (1 Mark

Ans: Field lines emerge from the north pole (N) and merge at the south pole (S) as shown in both figures

Ques: Write the main properties of a magnet. (2 Marks)

Ans: (i) Magnet have a south pole and a north pole.

(iii) Like poles of a magnet repel each other and unlike poles of a magnet attract each other.

(ii) Poles of a magnet cannot be isolated.

(iv) Freely suspended magnet aligns in N-S direction.

Ques: Few iron nails and screws got mixed with the wooden shavings while a carpenter was working with them. How can you help him in getting the nails and screws back from the scrap without wasting his time in searching with his hands? (2 Marks)

Ans: All iron nails and screws can be separated from the wooden shavings with the help of a magnet. Iron nails and screws are ferrous materials and will get attracted to the magnet, whereas wooden shavings are non-magnetic so they will not get attracted to the magnet.

Ques: What are the types of magnets? (2 Marks)

Ans: There are basically two types of magnets namely temporary magnet and permanent magnet. A permanent magnet is one that is capable of generating its own magnetic field. A temporary magnet is one whose magnetic field gets diminished on the application of an electric field. They are temporarily generated for industrial use like in DC motor, Computer Drivers, etc.

Ques: (a) Two magnets are lying side by side as shown below.
Draw magnetic field line between poles P and Q.
(b) What does the degree of closeness of magnetic field lines near the poles signify? (2 Marks)

Ans: Magnetic lines from point P to point Q-

(b) The degree of closeness of magnetic field lines near the poles signifies that the field is stronger in that area. The pole of another magnet when placed in the magnetic field experiences a greater force where the field lines are crowded.

Ques: Magnetic field lines of two magnets are shown in fig. A and fig. B.
Select the figure that represents the correct pattern of field lines. Give reasons for your answer. Also, name the poles of the magnets facing each other. (2 Marks)

Ans: In figure A, field lines cross each other which is not possible because if magnetic field lines cross each other then at the point of intersection, there would be two directions of field lines. 

Figure B represents the correct pattern of field lines.

In figure B, field lines are in emerging nature, so poles of magnets facing each other are north poles while opposite faces will have south polarity.

Ques: What are magnetic field lines? Justify the following statements (2 Marks)
(a) Two magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
(b) Magnetic field lines are closed curves. 

Ans: Magnetic field lines are defined as the path along which the unit North pole tends to move in a magnetic field if it is suspended freely.

(a) The magnetic lines of force do not intersect one another. If they intersect, then two tangents can be drawn at the point of intersection which indicates that there will be two different directions of the same magnetic field. The compass needle points in two different directions which is not possible.

(b) Magnetic field lines are closed continuous curves. The magnetic lines diverge from the north pole of a bar magnet and converge at the south pole. Inside the magnet, they move from the south pole to the north pole.

Ques: A coil of insulated wire is connected to a galvanometer. What would be seen if a bar magnet with its north pole towards one face of the coil is (3 Marks)
(i) moved quickly towards it,
(ii) moved quickly away from the coil and
(iii) placed near its one face?
Name the phenomenon involved.

Ans: (i) Deflection in the galvanometer needle will be more if it moves towards it.

(ii) Larger deflection in the opposite direction as compared to the case (i) will be seen.

(iii) No deflection and the phenomenon involved is electromagnetic induction.

Ques: (a) Draw a diagram to represent a uniform magnetic field in a given region. (2 Marks)
(b) List two properties of magnetic field lines. 

Ans: (a) Equidistant parallel line indicates a uniform magnetic field in a given region.

(b) Properties of magnetic field lines are:

  1. The magnetic field lines form continuous closed loops. 
  2. Outside the magnet, they emerge from the north pole and merge at the south pole and inside the magnet, the direction of field lines is from the south pole to the north pole.
  3. The degree of closeness of field lines indicates the strength of the magnetic field.
  4. Magnetic field lines never cross each other.

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