Diffraction: Types, Conditions and Single-Slit Diffraction

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Jasmine Grover

Content Strategy Manager

Diffraction is the phenomenon that occurs when a wave encounters an obstacle or opening. Diffraction is the interference or bending of waves around corners of an obstacle or through an aperture into the geometrical shadow of the obstacle/aperture.

Key Terms: Diffraction, Conditions for Diffraction, Fraunhofer Diffraction, Fresnel Diffraction, Single Slit Diffraction, Single Slit Diffraction Formula, The Central Maximum

What is Diffraction?

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Diffraction of light is defined as the slight bending of light waves around the border of a slit or an object. It is the spread of light waves into geometrical shadows. The effect of Diffraction is dependent on the size of the object and takes place when the size of the object is similar to the wavelength of the light. 

Diffraction of Light

Diffraction of Light

The phenomena of diffraction can be observed if the size of the opening is relative to the size of the wavelength of light. The bending will not be noticeable if the opening is much larger than the wavelength of light. The amount of bending is considerable and can be with the naked eye if both are equal or closer in size.

Diffraction occurs with all waves which include water waves, sound waves, and, electromagnetic waves. It occurs when waves of light pass through an opening or slit or even pass by a corner that should be smaller than the light's wavelength or even of the same size. Some examples of diffraction of light are: 

Sun Rays coming from clouds, Bending of light around the corners of windows and doors, etc. 

The below diagram shows how the diffraction of light occurs:

Diffraction of Light

Diffraction of Light

Diffraction of Light Solved Example

Example: A monochromatic light with wavelength of 5.10-7 m strikes a grating. Distance between slit and the viewing screen is 2 m, distance between the third-order fringe and the central fringe is 150 cm. Determine distance between slits.

Solution: Wavelength (λ) = 5 x 10-7 m

l = 2 m

n = 3

y = 150 cm = 1.5 m

sin θ ≈ tan θ = y / l = 1.5 / 2 = 0.75 = 75 x 10-2

Distance between slits:

d sin θ = n λ

d (75.10-2) = (3)(5.10-7)

d (75.10-2) = 15.10-7

d = (15.10-7) / (75.10-2)

d = (15/75).10-5

d = (1/5)(10-5) m

d = (0.2)(10-5) m = 2.10-6 m

Conditions for Diffraction

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The conditions for Diffraction are mentioned in the below points:

  • The slit width should be similar to the wavelength of incident light.
  • The incident light must be monochromatic.

Also Read: 

Types of Diffraction

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Diffraction is primarily categorized into two types - 

  1. Fraunhofer Diffraction
  2. Fresnel Diffraction. 

​Fraunhofer Diffraction 

Fraunhofer Diffraction is defined as the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limitless or infinite distance from the diffracting system. By using a convex lens, the diffraction pattern is obtained. Fraunhofer Diffraction occurs when the distance is increased and the outgoing diffracted wave becomes straight or horizontal. For eg. Plane Wavefront. The important points for Fraunhofer Diffraction are discussed in the below points: 

  • The screen and the source are infinite from each other.
  • The incident wavefronts on the diffracting obstacle are horizontal or plane.
  • To produce a diffraction pattern, the plane or horizontal wavefront is connected by means of a convex lens.
  • Diffraction object gives rise to wavefronts that are also straight or plane.

Fraunhofer Diffraction

Fraunhofer Diffraction

Fresnel Diffraction 

Fresnel Diffraction occurs due to the size of the obstruction. It is defined as the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limited or finite distance from the diffracting system. For eg. spherical or cylindrical wavefronts. The important points for Fresnel Diffraction are discussed in the below points: 

  • The screen and the source are near to each other. They are limited or at a finite distance.
  • The shapes of Incident wavefronts are spherical or cylindrical.
  • The objects left by the wavefronts are also spherical.
  • To connect the spherical wavefronts, the convex lens is not needed.

Fresnel Diffraction

Fresnel Diffraction

Single Slit Diffraction

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Single Slit Diffraction is that which produces refraction, interference, diffraction, reflection, etc when light travels in the air. The diffraction pattern is formed when light passes through a single slit is different from those formed by diffraction gratings or double slits. Diffraction of light takes place when the light comes in contact with an object.

Single Slit Diffraction

Single Slit Diffraction

Observations and Important Notes

  • We can observe the diffraction or bending phenomenon of light in a single slit diffraction experiment.
  • It produces a unique pattern on the screen known as the Diffraction pattern and also causes light from a coherent source.
  • The wavelength on the other side of the opening appears as the wave when light passes through a single slit whose width is comparable to the size of the wavelength.
  • When the sources are very small to the size of the wavelength, diffraction is noticeable. For the large or bigger slits, it is unnoticeable. The effect of single-slit diffraction is given in the below diagram.

Effect of Single Slit Diffraction 

Effect of Single Slit Diffraction 

Single Slit Diffraction Formula 

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Identify the angular position of any point on the screen by ϑ measured from the slit centre which divides the slit by

 lengths. Observation of the condition of the dark fringes is required to establish the pattern. The slit is divided into equal zones.

The path difference exhibited by the two rays mentioned is:

The path difference exhibited by the two rays mentioned is:

This calculation is valid only if D is very large. 

Any number of ray pairings that start from a distance from one another such as the bottom two rays in the diagram can be considered. Any arbitrary pair of rays at a distance can be considered. 

For a dark fringe, the path difference must cause destructive interference; the path difference must be out of phase where λ represents the wavelength.

λ = a sin θ

For a ray emanating from any point in the slit, there exists another ray at a distance that can cause destructive interference.

Thus, at θ = sin−1λa, there is destructive interference as any ray emanating from a point has a counterpart that causes destructive interference. Hence, a dark fringe is obtained.

For the next fringe, the slit is divided into 4 equal parts of a/4 with the same logic applied.

2λ= a sin θ 

Accordingly, for the nth fringe, the slit can be divided into 2n parts and this condition can be used as :

= a sin θ

Solved Example on Single Slit Diffraction Formula

Example: In a single slit diffraction experiment, a slit of width is illuminated by the Red light of wavelength 650nm . For what value of a will the first minimum fall at an angle of diffraction of 30o?

Solution: First minimum fall is given as: nλ = asinθ

1 × 650 = a sin30∘

a = 1300nm

= 1.3μm

The Central Maximum

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The Central Maximum

The Central Maximum

The maxima between the minima and the width of the central maximum is simply the distance between the 1st order minima from the centre of the screen on both sides of the centre.

The position of the minima given by y and measured from the centre of the screen can be calculated as:


For small ϑ,

sin θ≈θ 

λ = a sin θ≈aθ

θ = y/D = λa

y = λDa

Here, the width of the central maximum is twice the value

Width of central maximum = 2λDa

Angular width of central maximum = 2θ = 2λa

Also Read: 

Things to Remember

  • Diffraction of light is defined as the slight bending of light waves around the border of a slit or an object. 
  • The phenomena of diffraction can be observed if the size of the opening is relative to the size of the wavelength of light.
  • Diffraction occurs with all waves which include water waves, sound waves, electromagnetic waves.
  • Diffraction is chiefly of two types - Fraunhofer Diffraction and Fresnel Diffraction. 
  • Fraunhofer Diffraction is defined as the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limitless or infinite distance from the diffracting system.
  • Fresnel Diffraction occurs due to size of the obstruction. It is defined as the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limited or finite distance from the diffracting system.
  • Single Slit Diffraction is that which produces refraction, interference, diffraction, reflection, etc when light travels in the air.
  • The maxima between the minima and the width of the central maximum is simply the distance between the 1st order minima from the centre of the screen on both sides of the centre.

Sample Questions

Ques 1) How does the angular separation between the fringes in a single-slit diffraction experiment change when the distance of separation between the slit and screen is doubled? (AI 2012)

Ans. θ = \(\frac{\lambda}{d}\)

[ where θ is the angular separation]

The angular separation θ remains unchanged when the distance D of separation between the slits and the screen is doubled. 

Ques 2) In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is made double the original width. Determine how it affects the size and intensity of the central diffraction band. (All India 2012)

Ans. If in a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is doubled, the size of the central diffraction band will become half and its intensity will become four times of its original value.

Ques 3) In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is reduced to half its original width. Determine how this will affect the size and intensity of the central maximum. (Comptt. Delhi 2012)


In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is reduced to half its original width. Determine how this will affect the size and intensity of the central maximum.

Ques 4) For a given single slit diffraction, the diffraction pattern is obtained on a fixed screen first by using red light and then by blue light. In which case will the central maxima have a larger angular width in the observed diffraction pattern? (Delhi 2010C)

Ans. The wavelength of the red colour is greater than that of the blue colour. Therefore, the angular width of the red colour is large.

The angular width of the central maxima in the single slit diffraction is,

2θ = 2λ/ d … (i)

Where, θ is the angular width of the central maxima, λ is the wavelength of the light and d is the width of the slit.

Thus, the angular width of the central maxima is directly proportional to the wavelength of the light and inversely proportional to the slit width. The width of the slit remains constant in both the cases. Therefore, the angular width of the central maxima is greater for the red light.

Ques 5) How many types of diffraction are there and what are they? (1 mark)

Ans: There are two types of diffraction- Fresnel Diffraction and Fraunhofer Diffraction.

Ques 6) Where diffraction takes place? (1 mark)

Ans: Diffraction takes place with sound, electromagnetic radiation such as light, gamma rays, X-rays, and also with small particles that show wavelike properties such as neutrons, electrons, atoms, etc.

Ques 7) The width of the slit is made double the original in a single slit diffraction experiment. In what way it affects the intensity and size of the central diffraction band? (1 mark)

Ans: If the slit is made double the original in a single slit diffraction experiment. then the intensity of the central diffraction band increases or goes up to four times whereas the size of the central diffraction band goes down or decreases to half.

Ques 8) What is minima and maxima in diffraction? (1 mark)

Ans: The diffraction pattern consists of central maxima (central bright fringe) which is surrounded by a bright and dark line called secondary maxima and minima. The central maxima lie between both the sides of the first minima.

Ques 9) What is the Interference of light? (1 mark)

Ans: Interference of light is the distribution of light energy which occurs due to the location of two light waves. It occurs by waves from two different coherent sources.

Ques 10) A parallel beam of light of 500 nm falls on a narrow slit and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on the screen which is 1 m away. It is observed that the first minimum is at a distance of 2.5 mm from the centre of the screen. Calculate the width of the slit. (AI 2013)

Ans. Wavelength of the light beam, λ = 500 nm = 500 x 10-9 m

The distance of the screen from the slit, D = 1 m

For the first minima, n =1

Distance between the slits = d

We can obtain the distance of the first minima from the centre of the screen as,

x = 2.5 mm = 2.5 x 10-3 m

It is related to the order of minima as,

It is related to the order of minima as,

Therefore, the width of the slits is 0.2 mm.

Ques 11) Two convex lenses of same focal length but of aperture A1 and A2 (A2 < A1), are used as the objective lenses in two astronomical telescopes with identical eyepieces. What is the ratio of their resolving power? Which telescope will you prefer and why? Give a reason. (Delhi 2011)

Ans. Resolving power R = A/122 λ

Where A is aperture.

Thus, R1/ R2 = A1/ A2

Magnification of telescope:

m = f0/ fe = same for both.

We will prefer telescopes of higher resolving power to view the fine details of the objects. Meaning, the telescope having convex lens of aperture A1.

Ques 12) A parallel beam of monochromatic light falls normally on a narrow slit of width ‘a’ to produce a diffraction pattern on the screen which is placed parallel to the plane of the slit. Use Huygens’ principle to explain that
(i) the central bright maxima is twice as bright as the other maxima.
(ii) the intensity falls as we move to successive maxima away from the centre of either side. (Delhi 2014C)

Ans. According to the Huygens’ principle, the net effect at any point = sum total of the contribution of all wavelets with proper phase difference.

At the central point O, the contribution from each half in SS1 is in phase with that from the corresponding part in SS2.

Thus, O is a maxima.

At the central point O, the contribution from each half in SS1 is in phase with that from the corresponding part in SS2.

At the point M, where S2M - S1M = n λ/2

Phase difference between each wavelet from SS1 and corresponding wavelet from SS2 = λ/2

Thus, M will be a minima and all such points are also minima.

At the same time, all points for which the path difference = (2n + 1)λ/2 are maxima but with decreasing intensity.

From the figure,

At the same time, all points for which the path difference = (2n + 1)λ/2 are maxima but with decreasing intensity.

Half angular width of the central maxima is λ/a.

Therefore, the size of the central maxima will be reduced to half while its intensity will be four times if slit is made double the original width.

Ques 13) Mention one difference between Fresnel Diffraction and Fraunhofer Diffraction? (1 mark)

Ans: The main difference between Fresnel Diffraction and Fraunhofer Diffraction is that Fraunhofer Diffraction is the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limitless or infinite distance from the object whereas Fresnel Diffraction is the source of light and the screen in which the pattern of diffraction is obtained effectively at the limited or finite distance from the object.

Ques 14) Compare the interference pattern which is observed in Young’s double slit experiment with the single slit diffraction pattern, pointing out three distinguishing features. (Delhi 2016)

Ans. The three distinguishing features that are observed in Young’s double slit experiment when compared to single slit diffraction pattern are,

  • All the bright fringes have the same intensity in the interference pattern. The bright fringes are not of the same intensity in the single slit diffraction pattern.
  • The dark fringes have zero or small intensity so that the bright and dark fringes can be easily distinguished in the interference pattern. Whereas, in the diffraction pattern, all the dark fringes are not of zero intensity.
  • In interference pattern, the width of all fringes are almost the same. On the other hand, in a diffraction pattern, the fringes are of different widths.

Ques 15) (a) A monochromatic source of light of wavelength λ illuminates a narrow slit of width d to produce a diffraction pattern on the scree. Derive the conditions when secondary wavelets originating from the slit interfere to produce maxima ans minima on the screen.
(b) How would the diffraction pattern be affected when
(i) the width of the slit is decreased
(ii) the monochromatic source of light is replaced by a white light.  (5 marks)

Ans. (a) When a plane wavefront coming from a distant source illuminate the slit of size ‘d’, each point within the slit becomes the source of secondary wavelets which superpose on each other to generate the maxima and minima on the screen. the path difference between the rays directing to the point P on the screen can be,

When a plane wavefront coming from a distant source illuminate the slit of size ‘d’, each point within the slit becomes the source of secondary wavelets which superpose on each other to generate the maxima and minima on the screen. the path difference between the rays directing to the point P on the screen can be,

When a plane wavefront coming from a distant source illuminate the slit of size ‘d’, each point within the slit becomes the source of secondary wavelets which superpose on each other to generate the maxima and minima on the screen. the path difference between the rays directing to the point P on the screen can be,

Condition for minima: If the set AB is parted into equal halves each of size d/2, for every point in part AM, there is a point in part MB that contributes the secondary wavelets out of phase. Thus, net contribution from the two halves is zero and with that intensity falls to zero for path difference, Δ = nλ

Threrfore, d sin Θ = nλ

Condition for maxima: If slit AB is parted into three equal halves and if two thirds of the slit having a path difference λ/2 between them cancel each other and only the remaining one third of the set contributes to the intensity at the point between two minima, so the path difference,  Δ =(n +1/2)λ 

We have d sin Θ = (n +1/2)λ 

(b) (i) For the given monochromatic waves, if the width of the slit is decreased, the fringe pattern becomes broader.

(b) (i) For the given monochromatic waves, if the width of the slit is decreased, the fringe pattern becomes broader.

(ii) If the monochromatic source of ligght is replaced by a white light, instead of white fringes we will have coloured fringes on either side of the central white fringe and then uniform illumination on the screen.

Previous Year Questions

  1. Unpolarized light of intensity I is incident on a system of two polarizers, A followed by B…? [JEE Mains 2018]
  2. Light of wavelength 550nm falls normally on a slit of width 22.0×10−5cm. The angular position…? [JEE Mains 2018]
  3. In an interference experiment, the ratio of amplitudes of coherent waves is…? [JEE Mains 2019]
  4. Diameter of the objective lens of a telescope is 250cm. For light of wavelength 600nm…? [JEE Mains 2019]
  5. An observer is moving with half the speed of light towards a stationary microwave source…? [JEE Mains 2017]
  6. A plane polarized light is incident on a polariser with its pass axis making angle ‘a’ with x-axis…? [JEE Mains 2018]
  7. Two light sources are said to be coherent if they are obtained from … [VITEEE 2010]
  8. The Brewsters angle … [NEET 2020]
  9. A linear aperture whose width is … [NEET 2016]
  10. At the first minimum adjacent to the central maximum of single-slit diffraction … [NEET 2015]
  11. In a diffraction pattern due to a single slit of width 'a' … ​[NEET 2016]
  12. In a Young' double slit experiment … [NEET 2019]
  13. In the Young's double slit experiment, the intensity of light … ​[NEET 2014]
  14. In Young's double slit experiment, the slits are 2mm apart … ​[NEET 2013]
  15. Young's double slit experment is first performed in air … [NEET 2017]
  16. When the angle of incidence on a material is 60 … ​[KEAM]
  17. The ratio of the intensities of two waves is 16 : 9 … [KEAM]
  18. A monochromatic source of wavelength 60nm … [KEAM]
  19. A narrow slit of width 2mm … [KEAM]
  20. A slit of width a is illuminated by red light of wavelength … [KEAM]

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