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CUET Psychology Question Paper 2024: Download Question paper with Answers PDF
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Amrit Raj

| Updated On - Oct 24, 2024

CUET Psychology Question Paper 2024 is available here for Download. NTA is going to conduct CUET 2024 Psychology paper on 21 May in Shift 3. CUET Psychology Question Paper 2024 is based on objective-type questions (MCQs). Candidates get 45 minutes to solve 40 MCQs out of 50 in CUET 2024 question paper for Psychology.

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CUET 2024 Question Paper with Solution

Serial No. Question Answer Solution
1 According to Nature vs. Nurture studies, arrange the IQ of twins and siblings in order of high to low correlation... (C), (A), (B), (E), (D) Identical twins raised together have the highest IQ connection, followed by identical twins raised apart, fraternal twins raised together, siblings raised together, and siblings raised apart.
2 Individuals with high _______ have been found to stop smoking the moment they decide to do so. What aspect of self is highlighted in this example? Self-efficacy Self-efficacy is the conviction that one can succeed in particular circumstances or complete tasks. High self-efficacy is demonstrated in this instance by the person's confidence in their capacity to stop smoking.
3 Identify Agastya's personality type based on Friedman and Rosenman's classification. Type A Agastya is a type A personality, which is defined by impatience, a sense of urgency, competitiveness, and stress-prone conduct.
4 Arrange in correct sequence the stages of processing based on the PASS Model of Intelligence. (A), (B), (D), (C), (E) Planning, attention, and sequential processing are some of the phases that are included in the PASS paradigm. When answering a class test, the right order reflects these cognitive processes.
5 Match List-I with List-II: List-I: (A) Intellectual deficiency, (B) Intellectually gifted, (C) Remarkable ability in a specific field, (D) Highly talented. List-II: (I) Prodigy, (II) Below IQ score of 70, (III) IQ above 130, (IV) Talent. (A) - (II), (B) - (III), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV) Prodigies thrive in a particular profession, highly talented people exhibit extraordinary talent, and those with an IQ below 70 are considered intellectually deficient; those with an IQ above 130 are considered intellectually gifted.
6 Which characteristic does not determine the effect of noise on task performance? Luminance Luminance is the brightness of light and has nothing to do with how noise affects one's ability to accomplish a task. Factors such as loudness, predictability, and controllability affect the impact of noise.
11 Identify the correct sequence according to the General Adaptation Syndrome. (B), (C), (A), (D) The alarm reaction is the initial phase, during which the body recognizes the existence of a stressor. The body then attempts to adjust to the stressor during the resistance stage. The body eventually reaches the fatigue stage, where its resources are exhausted, if the stressor continues.
12 Psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of stress on the immune system. Identify the correct statements describing its working. (A), (C), & (D) only The immune system's leucocytes, which include T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells, are involved in recognizing and eliminating antigens. The immune response is impacted by stress, which can both boost the generation of antibodies and inhibit other immunological processes.
13 Match List-I with List-II. List-I: (A) Task-Oriented Strategy, (B) Emotion-Oriented Strategy, (C) Avoidance-Oriented Strategy, (D) Coping. List-II: (I) Dynamic situation-specific reaction to stress, (II) Maintaining a time schedule, (III) Worry about what I am going to do, (IV) Talking to friends or watching TV. (A) - (II), (B) - (III), (C) - (IV), (D) - (I) Managing time and obligations is the focus of task-oriented strategies (II), emotional responses to stress are the focus of emotion-oriented strategies (III), and distracting activities like watching TV are the focus of avoidance-oriented strategies (IV). Reacting to stress is a dynamic process that is called coping (I).
14 "How happy were you with your job on the whole?" Identify the type of question. Direct question A direct question requests specific facts or feelings from the respondent without providing multiple-choice answers or guiding them to a predetermined response.
15 An 18-year-old male had a severe dislike for touching door knobs. He feared contamination and spent hours washing his hands if he had to open a door at his office. He spent more than 3-4 hours taking a shower and spent a lot of time cleaning surfaces after "incidental contaminations". Eventually, he stopped waking up in the morning as it was not worth the effort. Identify the disorder he is suffering from. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders The disorder known as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive and unwelcome thoughts, or obsessions, which result in repetitive behaviors, or compulsions, such as excessive handwashing. Classic symptoms of OCD are seen in this case.
16 When an alcoholic is given a mild electric shock and asked to smell the alcohol repeatedly to form an association between the two, then this form of treatment is known as: Aversive Conditioning Aversive conditioning is a behavioral approach that reduces a habit by associating an undesirable behavior (such as the scent of alcohol) with an unpleasant stimuli.
17 An adolescent started therapy a week back. Based on formulating the adolescent's problem, the therapist feels that the boy will be capable of arriving at solutions through a process of personal growth. The therapist's approach to therapy is in an accepting environment. Identify the type of therapy being provided. Existential Personal development, self-awareness, and taking responsibility for one's actions are the main goals of existential therapy. It frequently assists people in finding purpose and dealing with problems like anxiety in a welcoming and encouraging setting.
18 Arrange steps in the correct sequence followed in systematic desensitization technique. (B), (C), (A), (D), (E) Establishing a hierarchy of fears (C), practicing relaxation techniques (A), urging the client to pause when tension occurs (D), identifying the events that cause anxiety (B), and progressively exposing the client to more extreme anxieties (E) are all steps in the systematic desensitization process.
19 Match List-I with List-II. List-I: (A) Logotherapy, (B) Client-Centered Therapy, (C) Gestalt Therapy, (D) Rational Emotive Therapy. List-II: (I) Freiderick Perls and Laura Perls, (II) Victor Frankl, (III) Albert Ellis, (IV) Carl Rogers. (A) - (II), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (III) Victor Frankl created logotherapy, Carl Rogers created client-centered therapy, Frederick and Laura Perls created Gestalt therapy, and Albert Ellis created rational emotive therapy.
20 Reena and Rabiya love dogs, hence they are likely to form a group due to: Similarity Social psychology holds that people group together based on commonalities like a love of dogs, which Reena and Rabiya share.
21 Arrange in correct sequence the stages of group formation given by Tuckman. (B), (C), (A), (D), (E) Tuckman's approach identifies the following phases of group formation: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.
22 Which of the following is NOT a part of Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences? Componential Musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences are all included in Howard Gardner's hypothesis of multiple intelligences. Instead of being a component of Gardner's theory, "componential" is a component of Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.
23 Why are most Asian cultures characterized as collectivistic? The boundary between self and others is shifting thus at times fusing with the cosmos and at other times fully withdrawn. Collectivistic cultures emphasize interdependence by having a fluid boundary between the self and others that occasionally blends with the larger surroundings, such as society or the cosmos.
24 Aarushi was a friendly, outgoing, and relaxed girl who could be described as fat, round, and soft. According to Sheldon's typology, Aarushi falls under which category? Endomorphic According to William Sheldon’s somatotype theory, endomorphs are characterized by roundness, softness, and a relaxed, sociable temperament.
25 While judging a personality pageant, raters gave high scores to contestants who were already famous because of their presence in popular TV serials or advertisements and tended to give low scores to those who were not so popular. This phenomenon is called: Halo effect The halo effect happens when one favorable trait—such as celebrity—influences opinions about a person in general, causing bias in ratings.
27 Match List-I with List-II: List-I: (A) Self-esteem, (B) Self-efficacy, (C) Social-Self, (D) Self-concept. List-II: (I) The extent to which individuals believe that they themselves control their life's outcomes, (II) Judgements about our own value or worth, (III) The way we perceive ourselves and the ideas we hold about our competencies and attributes, (IV) Familial or relational self. (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) Self-esteem: Judgments about our own value or worth (II). Self-efficacy: Beliefs about control over life's outcomes (I). Social-Self: Familial or relational self (IV). Self-concept: How we perceive ourselves, our competencies, and attributes (III).
28 Which one is NOT a characteristic of crowding experience? Feeling of comfort Instead than evoking a sense of ease, crowding is linked to unpleasant experiences like anxiety and a loss of solitude.
29 According to Holmes and Rahe, arrange stressful life events in sequence from highest to lowest in terms of their severity. (D), (A), (C), (B), (E) According to Holmes and Rahe's scale, the loss of a close relative is the most stressful life event. Unexpected accidents, illnesses in the family, divorces, and dietary changes are next in line.
30 Beth, aged 18, has been trying to keep a secret from her family and friends. She is a binge eater. When others are not around, she gorges on cakes, ice cream, and other food so fast that she hardly has time to chew. Once she begins there is no stopping until her stomach aches. After her binge, Beth feels disgusted with herself and makes herself vomit, then takes a double dose of laxative. Her life is totally dominated by her obsession with food. Beth is suffering from which disorder? Bulimia Nervosa In bulimia nervosa, binge eating is followed by compensatory behaviors like vomiting or overusing laxatives to avoid gaining weight.
31 Identify the neuro-developmental disorders: (A), (B) & (C) only Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder, and Intellectual Disability are examples of neurodevelopmental disorders. Conduct disorders and hallucinations do not fall within the neurodevelopmental group.
32 Find out the correct statements about alternative therapies. (A), (B) & (E) only Since Sudarshan Karma Yoga can help with depression and anxiety, (C) is deceptive, and (D) wrongly classifies cognitive behavior therapy as an alternative therapy because it is actually a type of psychotherapy.
33 The concept of 'Balance' in Attitude Change: (A), (B) & (C) only In regards to Fritz Heider's Balance Theory, statements (A), (B), and (C) are accurate. In this situation, (D) and (E) are inaccurate interpretations of balance and imbalance.
34 When a large audience is asked to clap as loudly as possible, it was observed that the bigger the group size the more the increase in noise, but the amount of noise each participant made was reduced. This phenomenon is called: Social Loafing People who work in groups put up less effort than those who work alone, a phenomenon known as social loafing, as evidenced by the fact that each participant makes less noise.
35 Discussed below are elements of triarchic theory: (B), (C) and (E) only It was Robert Sternberg, not Howard Gardner, who first put forth the triarchic idea. Aspects of the theory are accurately described by (B), (C), and (E).
36 The Clinical formulation of a client's problem has the following advantages: (A), (C) & (E) only There are legitimate benefits to clinical formulation in (A), (C), and (E). Since it implies a business motive—which is not a benefit of therapeutic formulation—(D) is improper.
37 Identify the reason for Dhruv's increased alcohol consumption to feel 'high': Tolerance The term "tolerance" describes how the body adjusts to alcohol, needing higher doses to provide the same results.
38 George's symptoms after witnessing a traumatic event are characteristic of: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder George exhibits signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including emotional numbness, flashbacks, and repeated dreams.
39 Children's differing participation in singing can be explained by: Social Loafing Social loafing is demonstrated by the occurrence where certain kids put out less effort in a group environment.
40 Which one of the following is not a core/basic skill in psychological services? Leadership skills Leadership skills are not a core/basic skill in psychological services.
41 Which component of attitude is highlighted when Sanyogita reads about methods from developed countries? Cognitive Sanyogita exhibits the beliefs and concepts that make up the cognitive component of attitude by reading and learning new things.
42 Identify the behavioral component of Sanyogita's attitude towards the environment: Sanyogita took the lead to organize a team of teachers. Actions performed to resolve a problem are reflected in the behavioral component.
43 Identify the component of attitude when Sanyogita feels distressed: Affective Sanyogita's distress is a clear example of the affective component, which deals with feelings and emotions.
44 Identify the process of attitude formation demonstrated in the passage: Learning attitudes through exposure to information Sanyogita's exposure to knowledge on efficient waste management techniques shapes her mindset.
45 Which factor affects the shaping of attitudes in the early years of life? Family and School environment The two main factors influencing how attitudes are formed in early life are family and school.
46 Identify the disorder Major Chandra is suffering from: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder His nightmares and flashbacks are typical of post-traumatic stress disorder.
47 Which of the following is also a type of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorder? Adjustment Disorders Trauma and stress-related disorders include adjustment disorders.
48 Pick out the other symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Emotional Numbing While peeling and paralysis are not linked to PTSD, emotional numbness is a common symptom.
49 Identify the major disorder under which PTSD is categorized: Trauma and Stress Related Disorders Trauma and Stress Related Disorders is the umbrella term for PTSD.
50 Identify the official manual which describes the diagnostic criteria for PTSD: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) The diagnostic standards for PTSD and other mental health conditions are described in the DSM-5.

CUET Questions

Based on following case study answer the question:
Wages and salaries in cash ₹5,000/- 
Mixed Income of self employed ₹3,500/-
Rent ₹4,000/- 
Corporate Profit Tax ₹2,000/-
Employees contribution to provident fund ₹500/- 
Wages and salaries in kind ₹2,000/- 
Employer's contribution to social security schemes₹3,000/-
Corporate savings₹1,500/-
Net factor income from Aboard  (-) ₹200

      Vanaja and vasula are twin sisters who hail from the state of Kerala. They observed that children from her village were suffering from deformities due to prolonged use of pesticide contaminated river water and endosulphine spayed fruits and vegetables. Taking this into cognizance they both plan to start a firm which would promote organic farming in their village. In the beginning, the firm would be an association of two persons who would carry on the business as co-owners, would share profits and losses and would have unlimited liability. In order to avoid conflicts in future they would have a written agreement which will include all the classes relating to authority and responsibility of members, voting rights and roles and payment of members. The sisters will act as principal and agent for each other and for the firm. They discussed this proposal with the Block Development Officer (BDO). He was very appreciative of their efforts and suggested them to use a catchy slogan which would act as a powerful message to communicate to their cause. Taking clue from the suggestions made by the BDO, the sisters prepared a document which encompassed the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. They approached BHIMA capitals Ltd with their proposal and presented a three-minute executive summary to awaken interest of potential funders. Quite impressed with the idea, the professional investors agreed to provide Private equity seed capital in return for minority shareholding.
      Read the case study and answer the following questions.

          Arjun has been given following incomplete code, which takes a student details (name, marks) and writes into a binary file student.dat.
          import pickle
          stname = input("enter name")
          stmarks int(input ("enter marks"))
          stdict ("Name" : stname, "Marks" : stmarks)
                     _________     :      \( \#\) line 1
                    _________      :     \(\#\) line  2
                     _________     :      \( \#\) line 3
                     _________     :      \(\#\) line 4           
          print (r)
          if r["marks"] \(>=\) 85:
                    print("eligible for scholarship") 
                    print("not eligible for scholarship")
          Complete code for line 1 to open the given binary file in f object using with statement:

              Read the given passage carefully and answer the following question :
              Depending on the mode of occurence and the nature of the ore, mining is of two types : surface and underground mining. The surface mining is also known as open-cast mining is the easiest and the cheapest way of mining minerals that occur close to the surface. Overhead costs such as safety precaution and equipment is relatively low in this method. The output is both large and rapid.
              When the ore lies deep below the surface, underground mining method (shaft method) has to be used. In this method, vertical shafts have to be sunk, from where underground galleries radiate to reach the minerals. Minerals are extracted and transported to the surface through these passages. It requires specially designed lifts, drills, haulage vehicles, ventilation system for safety and efficient movement of people and material. This method is risky. Poisonous gases, fires, floods and caving in lead to fatal accidents.
              The developed economies are retreating from mining, processing and refining stages of production due to high labour costs, while the developing countries with large labour force and striving for higher standard of living are becoming more important. Several countries of Africa and few of south America and Asia have over fifty per cent of the earnings from minerals alone.

                  St. Angles school at Mumbai is setting up the network between its different wings of school campus. There are 4 buildings named Senior(S), Junior (J), Admin(A) and Hostel (H).
                  Distance between various wings:
                  A to S100m
                  A to J110m
                  A to H400m
                  S to J300m
                  S to H`70m
                  J to H80m
                  No. of computers in each wing :
                  Wing A20
                  Wing S150
                  Wing J50
                  Wing H25


                      Given Dataframe, df:
                      4Tamil Nadu406991904

                      Based on the above data, solve questions:


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