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CUET Mathematics Question Paper 2024: Download Set D Question paper with Answers PDF
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Mayank Chaudhary

| Updated On - Oct 24, 2024

CUET Mathematics Question Paper 2024 (Set D) is available for download. NTA is going to conduct CUET 2024 Mathematics paper on 16 May in Shift 2B from 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM. CUET Mathematics Question Paper 2024 is based on objective-type questions (MCQs). Candidates get 60 minutes to solve 40 MCQs out of 50 in CUET 2024 question paper for Mathematics.

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CUET UG 2024 Mathematics Question Paper 319 E SET D with Solutions

Serial No. Question Answer Solution
1 If the objective function Z=ax+by is maximum at points (8, 2) and (4, 6) and if a≥0, b≥0, and ab=25, what is the maximum value of the function? (1) 60 Maximum occurs at points (8, 2) and (4, 6). Thus, Z=8a+2b and Z=4a+6b. Given ab=25, the maximum value is 60.
2 The region bounded by the lines x+2y=12, x=2, x=6, and the x-axis is: (1) 34 sq units For the line x+2y=12, vertices of the region are (2,0), (2,5), (6,3), and (6,0). The area is calculated as Area = 1/2 × (6−2) × (5+3) = 34 sq units.
3 A die is rolled thrice. Find the probability that the number obtained on the first and the second throw is greater than 4 and on the third is less than 4. (2) 1/6 The probability of rolling >4 (5 and 6) is 1/3 for first and second rolls, and <4 (1, 2, 3) is 1/2 for the third roll. Therefore, P = (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/2) = 1/6.
4 The corner points of the feasible region determined by x + y ≤ 8, 2x + y ≥ 8, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 are A(0, 8), B(4, 0), and C(8, 0). If the objective function Z = ax + by has its maximum value on the line segment AB, what is the relation between a and b? (3) b=2a The slope of AB is -2, and for Z to attain a maximum on this line, the ratio of a to b must satisfy b = 2a.
5 Given t=e^2x and y=log_e t^2, what is d²y/dx²? (4) (2t²e^(4x) - 1)/t Differentiating y twice gives (2t²e^(4x) - 1)/t.
6 If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order then AB−BA is a: (3) skew symmetric matrix (AB−BA)T = - (AB−BA), which satisfies the condition for skew symmetric matrices.
7 If A is a square matrix of order 4 and A
8 If [A]₃×₂[B]ₓ×ᵧ=[C]₃×₁, then what are the values of x and y? (4) x=3, y=1 The matrix product can only be computed if the number of columns of A equals the number of rows of B, yielding x=2. Since C has dimensions 3 by 1, this implies y=1.
9 If f(x) = x² + bx + 1 is increasing in the interval [1, 2], then what is the least value of b? (3) -2 The derivative f′(x)=2x+b must be non-negative in [1, 2]. Evaluating at the endpoints leads to b ≥ -2.
10 Two dice are thrown simultaneously. If X denotes the number of fours, what is the expectation of X? (2) 1/3 The probability of getting a four on each die is 1/6, so E(X) = 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3.
11 For the function f(x)=2x³−9x²+12x−5, match List-I with List-II. (4) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (I), (D) - (II) The critical points are at x=1 and x=2, with endpoints at x=0 and x=3. The absolute maximum is 4 at x=3, absolute minimum is -5 at x=0, maxima at x=1, and minima at x=2.
12 The second-order derivative of which function is 5x? (4) x²e^(5x) log 5 Differentiating twice shows that the second derivative of x²e^(5x) log 5 matches 5x.
13 What is the degree of the differential equation (d³y/dx³)² = 1 - k(d²y/dx²)²? (1) 1 The degree is the power of the highest order derivative, which is 1.
14 What is the value of ∫₁ⁿ (1/x log x) dx? (2) log n The integral evaluates to log n.
15 The value of ∫₀¹ (a - bx)/(a + bx) dx? (1) (a - b)/(a + b) The integral simplifies to (a - b)/(a + b).
16 The distance between the lines r=i−2j+3k+λ(2i+3j+6k) and r=3i−2j+1k+μ(4i+6j+12k) is? (1) 7/28 The distance between two skew lines formula gives the result 7/28.
17 For the function f(x)=2tan⁡(−1)(e^(π/4−x))−1, what are the properties of f(x)? (2) even and is strictly decreasing in (0,∞) The function is even since f(−x)=f(x), and it is strictly decreasing in (0,∞).
18 For the differential equation (x log_e x) dy = (log_e x − y) dx: (A) Degree of the given differential equation is 1. The degree is defined as above and matches with 1.
20 If f(x)=2tan−1(e4π​−x)−1, then f(x) is: -2 The function f(x) is even because f(−x)=f(x). If we differentiate f(x), then it is strictly decreasing in (0,∞).
21 For the differential equation (xloge​x)dy=(loge​x−y)dx: -2 The given differential equation is homogeneous; the degree is 1, and the proper solution is 2yloge​x+A=(loge​x)2 where A is an arbitrary constant. Thus, statements (A), (B), and (C) are correct.
22 There are two bags. Bag-1 contains 4 white and 6 black balls, and Bag-2 contains 5 white and 5 black balls. A die is rolled, and if it shows a number divisible by 3, then a ball is picked from bag-1; otherwise, from bag-2. If the drawn ball is not black, what is the probability that it was not drawn from bag-2? -1 We use Bayes' Theorem to calculate the probability. The event of drawing a white ball from either bag depends on the number rolled and the proportion of white balls in each bag. The probability that it was not drawn from Bag-2 is 9449​.
23 Let a1​,a2​,…,an​ be positive real numbers such that ∑i=1n​ai​=1. What is the minimum value of ∑i=1n​ai2​? -1 By applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality or using the method of Lagrange multipliers, we find the minimum value of ∑i=1n​ai2​ occurs when all ai​ are equal, i.e., ai​=n1​. Thus, the minimum value is n1​.
24 If y=sin−1(x)+cos−1(x), then: -1 It is known that sin−1(x)+cos−1(x)=2π​ for all x∈[−1,1]. Differentiating gives dxdy​=0. Thus, statements (A) and (B) are correct.
25 A particle moves in the xy-plane with velocity v(t)=(−4t2+3)i^+(6t−4t3)j^​. What is the acceleration at t=1? -1 The acceleration is the derivative of the velocity. Thus, a(t)=dtd​[(−4t2+3)i^+(6t−4t3)j^​]=(−8t)i^+(6−12t2)j^​. At t=1, a(1)=−8i^+6j^​.
26 Consider the function f:R→R defined as f(x)=4x3+9x2+12x+5. Which statement is true? -2 To find the local extrema, we differentiate f(x). Setting f′(x)=0 yields x=−2 and x=−1. The second derivative test shows x=−2 is a local minimum.
27 Let P=sin−1(53​) and Q=cos−1(54​). What is the relationship between P and Q? -2 It is known that sin−1(x)+cos−1(x)=2π​ for all x∈[−1,1]. Thus, P+Q=2π​.
28 If the line 2x+3y=12 is tangent to the curve y=ax2+bx+c at x=1, what are the values of a,b,c? -1 The conditions for tangency at x=1 lead to a system of equations, giving a=0,b=−32​,c=35​.
29 If the lines 2x−3y+4=0 and ax+by+c=0 are perpendicular, what is the relationship between a and b? -3 For perpendicular lines, the product of their slopes must equal -1. This leads to ab=−3, hence the answer is (3).
30 What is the number of solutions for sin2x−sinx=0 in the interval [0,2π]? -3 Factoring gives sinx(sinx−1)=0. Thus, sinx=0 gives x=0,π,2π and sinx=1 gives x=2π​. There are three solutions: 0,π,2π​.
31 What is the value of limx→0​xex−e−x​? -3 The limit can be rewritten using sinh(x), leading to limx→0​x2sinh(x)​. Since sinh(x)≈x when x→0, we find limx→0​x2x​=2.
32 Assume f(x)=4x3+ax2+bx+6. The graph of f(x) has local maxima at x=−1 and minima at x=2. What are the values of a and b? -2 By differentiating f(x) and setting the derivative equal to zero at the given points, we form a system of equations that solves to a=−3 and b=12.
33 If the curve y=ax2+bx+c passes through points (−1,1),(0,0),(1,1), what are the values of a,b,c? -2 Substituting the points into the equation gives a system of equations. Solving these leads to a=−1,b=0,c=1.
34 What is the area of the region bounded by the curve y=x2, the line y=x, and the x-axis? -2 The points of intersection are found by solving x2=x, giving x=0 and x=1. The area can be calculated as ∫01​(x−x2)dx=61​.
35 If z=x2+y2+2xyi, then ( z ) is:
36 What is the value of ∫02π​​sin2xdx? -1 Using the identity sin2x=21−cos(2x)​, we can calculate ∫02π​​sin2xdx=4π​.
37 Let a,b,c be the roots of the equation x3−6x2+11x−6=0. What is the value of a2+b2+c2? -1 By Vieta's formulas, a+b+c=6, ab+ac+bc=11, and abc=6. The expression a2+b2+c2=(a+b+c)2−2(ab+ac+bc)=36−22=14.
38 A die is rolled three times. What is the probability of getting at least one six? -2 The probability of not rolling a six in one roll is 65​. Thus, the probability of not rolling a six in three rolls is (65​)3. The probability of getting at least one six is 1−(65​)3=21691​.
39 If the sequence an​=2n2−3n+1 is given, find the limit of n2an​​ as n→∞. -1 The limit is limn→∞​n22n2−3n+1​=2 as n approaches infinity.
40 What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation 3x2−5x+2=0? -1 By Vieta's formulas, the sum of the roots =−ab​=−3−5​=35​.
41 If the mean of the following data set 2,3,5,7,x is 5, what is the value of x? -2 The mean is calculated as 52+3+5+7+x​=5. Solving gives x=13.
42 If A=(13​24​) and B=(57​68​), what is AB? -3 The product AB=(1⋅5+2⋅73⋅5+4⋅7​1⋅6+2⋅83⋅6+4⋅8​)=(1943​2250​).
43 What is the radius of convergence for the series ∑n=1∞​n2xn​? -2 The series converges for all x such that (
44 If the function f(x)=3x3−6x2+2 has a critical point at x=1, what is the nature of the critical point? -1 The second derivative f′′(x)=18x−12. Evaluating at x=1 gives f′′(1)=6>0, indicating that x=1 is a local minimum.
45 If P(A)=0.5 and P(B)=0.3, what is P(A∪B) if A and B are independent events? -1 Using the formula P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B)−P(A∩B) where P(A∩B)=P(A)P(B), we get P(A∪B)=0.5+0.3−(0.5⋅0.3)=0.5+0.3−0.15=0.65.
46 If x+y+z=1 and x,y,z≥0, what is the maximum value of xyz? -2 The maximum of xyz under the given constraint occurs when x=y=z=31​, leading to xyz=(31​)3=271​.
47 What is the value of limx→∞​x2−x+42x2+3x+1​? -1 The limit simplifies to limx→∞​1−x1​+x24​2+x3​+x21​​=2 as x approaches infinity.
48 In the equation x2−5x+6=0, what are the roots? -2 Factoring gives (x−2)(x−3)=0. Thus, the roots are x=2 and x=3.
49 What is the area of a triangle with vertices at (0,0),(4,0),(0,3)? -2 The area of the triangle is given by Area=21​⋅base⋅height=21​⋅4⋅3=6.
50 If f(x)=x2+2x+1, what is the vertex of the parabola? -1 The vertex can be found using x=−2ab​=−22​=−1. Plugging into f(−1) gives f(−1)=0. Thus, the vertex is (−1,0).

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                _________      :     \(\#\) line  2
                 _________     :      \( \#\) line 3
                 _________     :      \(\#\) line 4           
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              B to C60m
              C to D125m
              A to D102m
              B to D190m
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                      Wages and salaries in cash ₹5,000/- 
                      Mixed Income of self employed ₹3,500/-
                      Rent ₹4,000/- 
                      Corporate Profit Tax ₹2,000/-
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