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Ever since it has turned autonomous in 2018, we have more and more companies coming and the highest package in 2023 season was 58.4 lakhs. From Coforge, Amazon to Cognizant there's not a single IT company that doesn't visit our campus for placements.
We are allowed to sit for placements, only in last year(Ly). Around 200 companies had visited somaiya last year. Highest package was Microsoft with 51LPA, 2 stundents, one from CS, one from IT. Companies like: JP Morgan, Microsoft, Edelweiss, ICICI, Godrej, Barclays, etc. Average package: 10LPA Most students who sit for placements are placed. About 90% students are placed. I would be doing Mtech after my BTech
From the 7th semester one can sit for the placements. Companies like TCS, Accenture, Infosys and many more are the mass recruiters for this college. Around 60% of the students are placed and have job profiles like Software Engineer, Data Analyst, etc. The highest package was around 17.5 LPA in 2023 and the average package is around 6 LPA. My plan after the degree is to pursue a master's degree from US/UK .
The campus placement are usually carried out in the 7th semester. There are a consistent companies visiting our campus like IDFC Bank,seclore, Accenture etc. The on campus highest placement is 14lpa by IDFC first Bank. Average placement is about 6 lpa. Almost all the eligible students from the tech branches are placed. Many students from your college aspire for master's so there is good GRE culture.We also have AIR-5 in gate examination from our college.Also many aspire for CAT exams. I am not yet sure about my plans after getting degree but most probably I would look for placement rather than master's
The course is good overall but the teachers and staff are not so qualified to give us the knowledge of the course and like every other college, students have to learn everything by there own. Since no teacher has knowledge about the course
Placements are offeredint the start of the last year in which student is asked prior to the placements that all of them has to sit the placeement or not, then when the placement starts the students has to prepare a final year project in which the cordintor seletds the students for the job, if students wants to go for the off campus placements they can
KJ Somaiya provied good campus placements depending on the CGPA and overall academic abilities and skills. The average package of KJ Somaita is 5L PA and goes upto 18L PA, many MNCs visits KJ Somiaya like Accenture, TCS and many more.
Actually everyone in my family is an engineer so I decided to become one myself. I will be honest doing this degree has taught me so much about the real world applications. You can try to change the syllabus. Though the faulty have really bn helpful in all aspects
Students are eligibale to sit in placements from 7th semester Companies that visit us are tata consultancy service , accenture , and many more Highest package got by student is around 20 lpa This year placement opportunities is low
The placements offered by companies visiting this company are very good. Many of our college students get placed. Maximum packages are around 1 crore and the average package is around 15 LPA. Companies like tcs,wipro, etc. Visit the campus.
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