Indiana University is counted as one of the top 75 US universities. It enjoys a global ranking of #198 in the current THE Rankings, #115 in CWUR, and #313 in the recent QS Rankings. Additionally, Shanghai Rankings place the Indiana University in the rank band #151-200.

Indiana University’s best-ranked academic programs include “Geography”, “Ecology”, “Business Administration”, etc. Furthermore, it occupies a national rank of #52 in the current CWUR. Moreover, it is also regarded by the US News as one of the top 20 study-abroad destinations, nationally.

Indiana University Ranking: World Ranking Trends

The following ranking trends demonstrate how Indiana University competes with other top universities, worldwide:

IU World Ranking Trends

Ranking Body 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS Rankings #312 #320 #311 #339 #313
US News National Rankings #79 #76 #68 #73
CWUR #152 #105 #111 #115
THE Rankings #134 #140 #167 #170 #198
Shanghai Rankings #101-150 #101-150 #151-200

Indiana University Ranking: Engineering Ranking

The following table explores the performance of Indiana University’s engineering programs through their previous years’ ranking trends:

IU Engineering Ranking

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
QS World Subject Rankings Engineering and Technology #401-450 #401-450 #401-450

Shanghai Rankings

Biotechnology #201-300 #76-100 #101-150
Biomedical Engineering #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
Environmental Science and Technology #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
THE Rankings Engineering and Technology #301-400 #251-300 #201-250 #201-250

Indiana University Ranking: Computer Science Rankings

Here’s how the computer science program of Indiana University is positioned in the top ranking lists:

IU Computer Science Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
QS World Subject Rankings Computer Science and Information Systems #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
THE Rankings Computer Science #251-300 #201-250 #301-400 #301-400
Shanghai Rankings Computer Science and Engineering #301-400 #201-300 #151-200

Indiana University Ranking: Natural Science Courses

Indiana University resides in the rank band #51-75 in the current Shanghai Rankings for its “Geography” program. Moreover, Times Higher Education ranks it at #54 for Psychology. The ranking trends of various courses offered at Indiana University across the natural science stream are presented as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Earth Sciences #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
Physics #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Atmospheric Sciences #101-150 #201-300 #201-300
Ecology #76-100 #101-150 #101-150
Geography #51-75 #101-150 #76-100
Chemistry #301-400 #201-300 #201-300
Mathematics #76-100 #51-75 #51-75

QS World Subject Rankings

Biological Sciences #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Chemistry #301-350 #251-300 #251-300
Mathematics #151-200 #132 #151-200
Psychology #95 #84 #101-150
Physics and Astronomy #251-300 #201-250 #201-250
Natural Science #257 #248 #226
Geography #51-100 #51-100 #51-100

THE Rankings

Physical Sciences #201-250 #201-250 #251-300 #201-250
Life Sciences #251-300 #201-250 #201-250 #151-175
Psychology #54 #59 #59 #69

Indiana University Ranking: Medical Science Courses

Indiana University’s Nursing program gets placed in the rank band #101-150 in ‘QS World Subject Rankings’ for the second consecutive year. Following are ranking trends of the medical science courses available at Indiana University:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Medicine #251-300 #201-250 #301-350
Nursing #101-150 #101-150

Shanghai Rankings

Public Health #151-200 #301-400 #201-300
Dentistry and Oral Sciences #201-300 #76-100 #76-100
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Clinical Medicine #101-150 #201-300 #201-300
Medical Technology #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
THE Rankings Clinical, pre-clinical, and health #176-200 #201-250 #201-250 #201-250

Indiana University Ranking: Business Courses

Shanghai Rankings have recently placed Indiana University at the 6th position for its “Business Administration” program. Furthermore, the US News has ranked it as the 8th best US institution for business programs. Similar courses and their corresponding ranking trends are demonstrated by the table below:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Accounting and Finance #98 #95 #101-150
Economics and Econometrics #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Business and Management Studies #94 #94 #108

Shanghai Rankings

Management #23 #31 #34
Finance #21 #18 #18
Business Administration #6 #4 #8
Economics #49 #45 #42
THE Rankings Business and Economics #66 #66 #69 #45

Indiana University Ranking: Humanities Courses

Indiana University’s “Library and Information Science” program currently occupies the 3rd rank in ‘Shanghai Rankings’ and the 9th position in the ‘QS World Subject Rankings’. It caters to a plethora of well-structured courses in humanities stream whose ranking trends are presented by the table that follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Hospitality and Tourism Management #151-200 #151-200 #101-150
Education #47 #37 #45
Public Administration #8 #5 #5
Sociology #19 #14 #19
Library and Information Science #3 #3 #3
Political Sciences #76-100 #76-100 #76-100
Law #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Communication #25 #13 #11

QS World Subject Rankings

Law and Legal Studies #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Linguistics #85 #73 #71
Modern Languages #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Arts and Humanities #99 #86 #89
Performing Arts #38 #35 #17
Politics #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Social Policy and Administration #15 #22 #25
Education and Training #82 #72 #58
Social Sciences and Management #141 #149 #142
English Language and Literature #90 #71 #96
Library and Information Management #9 #9 #6
Communication and Media Studies #51-100 #46 #48

THE Rankings

Education #60 #60 #49 #45
Social Sciences #55 #58 #62 #51
Law #79 #87 #68 #126-150
Arts and Humanities #93 #126-150 #92 #96

US News Subject Rankings:

With the new edition of US News Rankings, various business courses of Indiana University can be assessed as:-

Subject Rankings 2022-23
Economics #41
Production/ Operation management #9
Marketing #3
Management Information Systems #7
Management #5
Finance #10
Entrepreneurship #4
Analytics #10
Accounting #4
Business Programs #8

Indiana University Ranking: Miscellaneous

Apart from the above-mentioned academic rankings, the following miscellaneous rankings will help you assess the global reputation of Indiana University and how the institution has aced various sectors of education:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2023-24


Sustainability Ranking #426
QS WUR By Subject #85

US News

National Universities #73
Top Public Schools #34
Best value Schools #165
Study Abroad #16
Best Colleges for Veterans #43
Top Performers on Social Mobility #376
THE World University Rankings World University Rankings #198


National Rank #52
Employability Rank #92
Research Rank #118
Education Rank #258
Faculty Rank #177