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KCET Physics Syllabus 2024, Important Topics, Weightage, Preparation, Books

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Sonal Vaid

Content Curator | Updated On - Jul 17, 2024

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024: Physics is one of the four sections of the paper, consisting of topics from class 11th (PUC 1) and class 12th (PUC 12). Karnataka Examination Authority shall release the KCET Physics syllabus on its official website. 

If you have opted KCET Physics subject, you can check here the complete syllabus mentioned in this article. KCET Physics syllabus primarily focuses on the Physical World, Units and Measurement, Motion in a Plane, Motion in a Straight Line, Waves, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and more. These topics are further subdivided into several topics. KCET Physics Topics and Sub-topics

During the initial stage of preparation, your focus should be more on Gravitation, Motion in a Straight Line, Osscilation, Matter and Magnetism, Alternating Current, and Electromagnetic Induction. As per the previous years analysis of the exam, around 6-8 topics were asked from each of these. 

The physics section of the KCET Exam Pattern consists of 60 questions, one mark each with no negative marking present. Total duration of 70 minutes would be given to attempt the Physics section.

  • KEA, the conducting authority, had revised KCET Syllabus in 2021 which has led to a 30% reduction in the syllabus as compared to previous years.

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KCET Physics Syllabus

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 will be notified in the information brochure. KCET Syllabus comprises of topics from PUC I as well as PUC II. The main topics are tabulated below.

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024: Topics from PUC I

The section includes topics from the class 11th or PUC 1st Year included in KCET SyllabusThe detailed list of topics is given below.

Chapters Topics Covered
1. Physical World
  • What is physics?
  • Fundamental forces in nature
2. Units and Measurements
  • Introduction
  • The international system of units
  • Measurement of length 
  • Measurement of mass
  • Measurement of time
  • Accuracy, errors in measurement, the precision of instruments
  • Significant figures 
  • Dimensions of physical quantities
  • Dimensional equations and dimensional formulae
  • Dimensional analysis and its applications
3. Motion in a straight line
  • Introduction
  • Position, displacement, and displacement, path length
  • Average speed and average velocity
  • Instantaneous speed and velocity 
  • Acceleration
  • Kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion
  • Relative velocity
4. Motion in a Plane
  • Introduction
  • Vectors and Scalars
  • Multiplication of vectors by real numbers
  • Subtraction and Addition of vectors – graphical method
  • Resolution of vectors
  • Vector addition – analytical method
  • Motion in a plane
  • Motion in a plane with constant acceleration
  • Relative velocity in two dimensions
  • Projectile motion
  • Uniform circular motion
5. Laws of Motion
  • Introduction
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Equilibrium of a particle
  • Common forces in mechanics
  • Circular motion
  • Solving problems in mechanics
6. Work, Energy, and Power
  • Introduction
  • Notions of work and kinetic energy
  • Work
  • Kinetic energy
  • Work done by a variable force
  • The work-energy theorem for a variable force
  • The concept of potential energy
  • The conservation of mechanical energy
  • The potential energy of a spring
  • Various forms of energy
  • Power
  • Collisions
7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  • Introduction
  • Centre of mass
  • The motion of the center of mass
  • Linear momentum of a system of particles
  • Vector product of two vectors
  • Angular velocity and its relation with linear velocity
  • Torque and angular momentum
  • Equilibrium of a rigid body
  • Moment of inertia
  • Kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis
  • Dynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis
  • Angular momentum 
  • Rolling motion
8. Gravitation
  • Introduction
  • The universal law of gravitation
  • The gravitational constant
  • Acceleration
  • Gravitational potential energy
  • Escape speed
  • Earth satellite
  • The energy of an orbiting satellite
  • Geostationary and polar satellites
  • Weightlessness
9. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  • Introduction
  • Strain and Stress
  • Hooke’s law
  • Stress-strain curve
  • Elastic moduli
  • Young’s modulus
  • Determination of young’s modulus of the material wire
  • Bulk modulus
  • Applications of elastic behavior of materials
10. Mechanical Properties Fluid
  • Introduction
  • Pressure
  • Streamline flow
  • Bernoulli’s principle
  • Viscosity
  • Surface tension
11. Thermal properties matter
  • Introduction
  • Measurement of temperature
  • Ideal-gas equation and absolute temperature
  • Thermal expansion
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Calorimetry
  • Change of state
  • Black body radiation
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Newton”s law of cooling
12. Thermodynamics
  • Introduction
  • Thermal equilibrium
  • Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • Heat, internal energy, and work
  • The first law of thermodynamics
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Thermodynamic state variables and equation of state
  • Thermodynamic processes
  • The second law of thermodynamics 
  • Reversible and irreversible processes
  • Carnot engine
13. Kinetic Theory
  • Introduction
  • Molecular nature of matter
  • Behavior of gases
  • Kinetic theory of an ideal gas
  • Law of equipartition of energy
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Mean free path
14. Oscillation
  • Introduction
  • Periodic and oscillatory motions
  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion
  • Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion
  • Force law for simple harmonic motion
  • Energy in simple harmonic motion
  • Some systems executing Simple
  • Harmonic Motion
  • Damped simple harmonic motion
  • Forced oscillations and resonance
15. Waves
  • Introduction
  • Transverse and longitudinal waves
  • Displacement relation in a progressive wave
  • The speed of a traveling wave
  • The principle of superposition of waves
  • Reflection of waves
  • Beats

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KCET Physics Syllabus 2024: Topics from PUC II

The section includes topics from the class 12th or PUC 2nd Year included in KCET 2024 Syllabus. The detailed list of topics is given below.

Chapter Topics Covered
1. Electric charges and fields
  • Introduction
  • Electric Charge
  • Conductors and Insulators
  • Charging by Induction
  • Basic Properties of Electric Charge
  • Coulomb’s Law
  • Forces between Multiple Charges
  • Electric Field
  • Electric Field Lines
  • Electric Flux
  • Electric Dipole
  • Dipole in a Uniform External Field
  • Continuous Charge Distribution
  • Gauss’s Law
  • Applications of Gauss’s Law
  • Infinite plane sheet- Field due to uniformly charged 
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 
  • Introduction
  • Electrostatic Potential
  • Potential due to a Point Charge
  • Potential due to an Electric Dipole
  • Potential due to a System of Charges
  • Equipotential Surfaces
  • Potential Energy of a System of Charges
  • Potential Energy in an External Field
  • Electrostatics of Conductors
  • Dielectrics and Polarisation
  • Capacitors and Capacitance
  • The Parallel Plate Capacitor
  • Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance
  • Combination of Capacitors
  • Energy Stored in a Capacitor
3. Current Electricity
  • Introduction
  • Electric Current
  • Electric Currents in Conductors
  • Ohm’s law 
  • Electrons and Resistivity
  • Limitations of Ohm’s Law
  • Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
  • Electrical Energy, Power
  • Cells, Internal Resistance, emf
  • Cells in Parallel and in Series
  • Kirchhoff’s Rules
  • Wheatstone Bridge
  • Meter Bridge
  • Potentiometer
4. Moving Charges and Magnetism
  • Introduction
  • Magnetic Force
  • Motion in a Magnetic Field
  • Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • velocity selector
  • Magnetic Field due to Current Element, Biot-Savart Law,
  • Magnetic Field of Current circular Loop
  • Ampere’s Circuital Law
  • The Solenoid and the Toroid
  • The force between Two Parallel Currents, the Ampere
  • Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole
  • The Moving Coil Galvanometer
5. Magnetism and Matter
  • Introduction
  • The Bar Magnet
  • The magnetic field lines
  • Magnetism and Gauss’s Law
  • The Earth’s Magnetism
  • Magnetization and magnetic intensity
6. Electromagnetic Induction
  • Introduction
  • The Experiments of Henry and Faraday 
  • Magnetic Flux Nil
  • Faraday’s Law of Induction
  • Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy
  • Motional Electromotive Force
  • Energy Consideration: A Quantitative Study
  • Eddy Currents
  • Inductance
  • AC Generator
7. Alternating Current
  • Introduction
  • AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor
  • AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Phasors- Vectors
  • AC Voltage Applied to an Inductor
  • AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor
  • AC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit
  • LC Oscillations
  • Transformers
8. Electromagnetic Waves
  • Introduction
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
  • Introduction
  • Refraction
  • Total Internal Reflection
  • Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses
  • Refraction through a Prism
  • Some Natural Phenomena due to Sunlight
  • the rainbow
  • Optical Instruments
10. Wave Optics 
  • Introduction
  • Huygens Principle
  • Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves 
  • Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves 
  • Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment
  • Diffraction
  • The single slit
  • Seeing the single slit diffraction pattern
  • the validity of ray optics
11. Dual Nature of radiation and matter
  • Introduction
  • Electron Emission
  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect
  • Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
  • Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
  • Particle Nature of Light: The Photon
  • Wave Nature of Matter
12. Atoms
  • Introduction Experiment
  • Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom and Alpha particle Scattering
  • Atomic Spectra
  • Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  • The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom
  • Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation
13. Nuclei
  • Introduction
  • Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus
  • Size of the Nucleus
  • Mass Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy 
  • Nuclear Force
  • Nuclear Energy
14 Semiconductor Electronics: Devices, Materials, and Simple Circuits
  • Introduction
  • Classification of Metals, Conductors, and Semiconductors
  • Intrinsic Semiconductor
  • Extrinsic Semiconductor
  • PN Junction
  • Semiconductor Diode
  • Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier
  • Special Purpose p-n Junction Diodes
  • Optoelectronic Junction Devices
  • Digital Electronics and Logic Gates
KCET Physics Syllabus

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 - Weightage of Important Topics

KCET 2024 Exam pattern has 60 Questions in total from Physics. Based on the previous years KCET Paper Analysis the weightage assigned to various topics in the PUC I and PUC II years in KCET are mentioned below: 

PUC Ist year:

Name of the Chapters Weightage (Number of Questions Asked)
Gravitation 8
Motion in a straight line 7
Oscillations 7
Thermodynamics 7
Mechanical properties of solids 4
Mechanical properties of fluids 4
Kinetic theory 4
Units and Measurements 3
Physical-world 2

PUC Second year:

Name of the Chapters Weightage(Number of Questions Asked)
Matter and Magnetism 7
Alternating Current 7
Electromagnetic Induction 6
Nuclei 6
Atoms 5
Communication Systems 3
Electromagnetic waves 2
KCET Physics Paper Analysis
KCET Physics Preparation

KCET Physics Preparation Tips 2024

Candidates should follow the below preparation tips before appearing in KCET 2024. Some of the preparation tips for the preparation of KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 are mentioned below:

  • Follow the Syllabus - KEA had made changes in Physics Syllabus 2021. As a result of which topics such as - Brewster’s Law, Reflection of Light from Spherical Mirrors, Wattless current, Cyclotron, Carbon Resistors and others have been omitted from the syllabus. In order to crack the KCET 2023 exam and save futile efforts, it is very essential for the candidates to understand the syllabus properly. Candidates will soon be intimated regarding updates in KCET Syllabus.
  • Getting Familiar with the Exam Pattern -. Physics is a bit difficult subject from Mathematics or Biology in the sense that it contains - Numerical, Theory and diagrams. all together. Thus It is very necessary for the candidates to know the exam pattern, type of questions, marking scheme, exam mode, duration, before appearing at the entrance exam.These details can be obtained from the KCET 2024 Exam Pattern
  • Follow a proper Time Table for Topics -  Following a proper timetable is necessary for the aspirants to crack the KCET 2023 exam. The timetable should be realistic and followed regularly to get success in the exam. Topics such as - Oscillations, Thermodynamics, Mechanical properties of fluids, Alternating Current and other may take more time to comprehend and master than other topics, thus provisions for longer study and revision of them should be accommodated into the time table.
  • Practise regularly and attempt mock tests - KCET Physics session consists of 60 questions to be attempted in 70 minutes, leaving the time aside for filling out details in the OMR sheets, one basically gets 1 minute for 1 Question. As such the candidate should be quick on calculations as well as have basic time management skills. There are no shortcuts for learning these skills, candidate’s speed can only be raised by practise and the time management skill can only be learned by giving mock exams or attempting sample papers

Read More : Preparation Tips for KCET 2024

Best Books for KCET Physics 2024 Preparation

Some of the best books to study for KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus Preparation are mentioned in the below table:

Book Author/Publisher
Physics for 1st Year PUC AS Govind
Physics for Karnataka COMEDK and CET. Thomson Press India Limited
NCERT Physics - Part 1 and Part 2 NCERT
Fundamentals of Physics  S. Chand
Pradeep’s Fundamental Physics - Class 11 and Class 12 KL Gomber and KL Gogia
KCET Physics Syllabus Frequently Asked Questions

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 FAQs

Ques. Where to download the KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus?

Ans: The direct links to KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus will be released by KEA. Candidates can check the pdf of KCET Physics Syllabus- PUC I Physics Syllabus, PUC II Physics Syllabus. The students are advised to check out the KCET 2024 Exam Pattern too.

Ques. What are some good books for KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus preparation?

Ans. Few good books for KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus preparation are listed below- 

  • Physics for 1st Year PUC - AS Govind
  • Physics for Karnataka COMEDK and CET - Thomson Press India Limited
  • NCERT Physics - Part 1 and Part 2
  • Fundamentals of Physics - S. Chand
  • Pradeep’s Fundamental Physics - Class 11 and Class 12 - KL Gomber and KL Gogia

Ques. What chapters would be considered in the KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus from PUC -II year?

Ans. The topics covered in KCET 2024 Physics Syllabus from PUC -II year, are given below - 

  1. Electric charges and fields
  2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 
  3. Current Electricity
  4. Moving Charges and Magnetism
  5. Magnetism and Matter
  6. Electromagnetic Induction
  7. Alternating Current
  8. Electromagnetic Waves
  9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
  10. Wave Optics 
  11. Dual Nature of radiation and matter
  12. Atoms
  13. Nuclei
  14. Semiconductor Electronics: Devices, Materials, and Simple Circuits

Ques. What has been omitted from KCET Physics Syllabus from the Chapter - Moving Charges and Magnetic FIled?

Ans. Changes in KCET Syllabus had been made by the KEA  in 2021 and some topics from the chapters included in KCET Physics Syllabus are omitted. The topic omitted from the Chapter - Moving Charges and Magnetic FIled is - Cyclotron. Whether these topics will be retained in KCET 2023 Physics Syllabus or not, will be notified by KEA. Any new changes will be updated here.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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