The teacher is to student ratio is around 1:10 because of lesser number of students enrolled here. Mostly 4 to 5 examinations per course is taken. Best to graded quiz marks are taken and rest with his given to mid semester and in semester examination. The letter grade and CGPA system is followed here. Still around 5% of a batch fails each year in a course.
Faculty members numbers are quite good. In some aspects this number is not good like in theoretical chemistry faculty members are less only 3 pure computation chemistry faculty are there. Faculty are very friendly and they interact with students very much. Some faculties are rude but most of them are friendly.
The faculty to student ratio could be low in the first year as the whole batch has almost all the same courses. But doesn't matter, professors are well larned and helpful. In 2nd year, after stream selection, the ratio improves. Professors are quite approachable and most live in the same campus and you can see them taking walks in the evenings.
Extremely good faculties. They teach all the things starting from basic to advance one and technique to proceed in research. Most of the faculties teach the subject which they are working in labs. They have completed their PhD, Post doctor and many degrees in foreign universities.
The faculties are one of the best researchers in the country with training in the best institutions in the world.The teaching style is very modern.They do not rely on just exams, but give exciting projects for evaluation.
Most faculties, being graduates from reputed institutes in and outside the country are very well versed in the topic of their expertise, though some have trouble making students understand things that are obvious to them.
The faculties are the best here in Niser.The faculties here are the top graduates of the best institutes in India and abroad.They are most experienced that your doubts has no place to stay on.They are even providing internship programs.
In Niser most of the faculty are very friendly and have a great and strong background in their respective fields. The faculty is always ready to help and are available almost all time in office hour as well in off hours.
NISER faculty have a flair for balancing their research activities with a dedication to teaching, through both classroom instruction and independent study advising. Concentrating in physics at NISER will not only teach you about the structure of physical law, but it will allow you to take part in demonstrating them in the laboratories. Along the way you will learn to "think like a physicist" -- a hard-to-describe skill combining practiced intuition, the scientific method, and a knack for approximation -- and you will develop powerful, broadly applicable problem-solving skills.
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