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Young People's Tendency to Make Extensive Use of Portable Devices Like Smartphones and Tablets Has Hurt Their Development of Social Skills GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue Essay is an integrated section in the GRE exam where candidates will be given to read a given prompt and derive an opinion from it. After that, candidates have to write a detailed essay in context with the opinion they have derived from the prompt. This GRE Issue Essay gives candidates the ability to think critically so that they can express their views and ideas firmly in the essay. Young people’s tendency to make extensive use of portable devices like smartphones and tablets has hurt their development of social skills GRE issue essay is the topic. The model answer for this topic is given below.

Candidates who are attempting the GRE exam can consider the below-given structure to write GRE Issue Essay. The structure is divided into five paragraphs as shown below:

Introduction: Candidates have to address the issue of the given topic. Later they should state the way that will be followed to take the essay further. In addition to this, candidates can also state the specific reasons on which their GRE AWA essay is focused.
Body Paragraph 1: This is an opening monologue where candidates can provide a strong full proof reason against the given topic supported by some real-life examples. This paragraph should be relevant to the topic and provide convincing evidence to support the argument. Explaining the examples and scenarios will give the candidates an edge over others.
Body Paragraph 2: In this, candidates can provide supplementary reasons that would be logical and in the context of the given topic. Candidates must provide real life examples as it will be easier for the reader to relate. The real life examples and their explanations should have a strong point of view.
Final Paragraph: Considering this is an epilogue, candidates should express views on the counterpart of the topic of the GRE Analyse an Issue essay. With a few relevant examples, candidates can prove that their opinion is correct and the counterargument of the topic is wrong.
Conclusion: This is the culmination of what the candidates have written in the essay. So, in conclusion, one must bring the summary of what exactly has been written and must bring the importance of the topic. The complete essay's synopsis may be written here.

Based on the topic of Young people’s tendency to make extensive use of portable devices like smartphones and tablets has hurt their development of social skills GRE Issue Essay, below standard strategies are to be followed:

  • Candidates need to choose one side and must stick to it throughout the essay unlike it is given in GRE Analyse an Argument where candidates must have to express their views on the given opinion of the author.
  • Candidates must check the fact and relevance of the examples they will be putting while supporting their views.
  • Present explanations and examples that are relevant and specific to the real world. This will give the reader a scope to understand the point of view better.
  • Candidates should express strong declarative views with the help of cause-and-effect statements.
  • In the end, while closing the essay, candidates must bring strong opposition against the counterpart of the topic to conclude the essay on a strong note.

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Topic: Young people’s tendency to make extensive use of portable devices like smartphones and tablets has hurt their development of social skills

Express strong opinions and views in which you can discuss the depth of the topic in context with the favor of the topic or against the topic with the help of supporting statements and examples. Also, consider some insightful facts that would shape your opinion strongly.

Model Answer

It is always said that every technology has its own merits and demerits. So, this is exactly true in the case of the use of smartphones and tablets. With the ample benefits of using smartphones and tablets, many get attracted to the unnecessary and destructive usage of these portable devices intentionally or unintentionally. So, personally, I am in support of the claim of the given topic that “ Young people’s tendency to make extensive use of portable devices like smartphones and tablets has hurt their development of social skills”.

Today’s generation is more materialistic than emotional. They are more alone than social and that’s all because of the new trendy gadgets coming to the market daily considerably, smartphones, and gadgets. With these gadgets, they even forget to take their lunch and dinner. In short, they lose their appetite for sensing what is going on in society out there. I am not saying that using these portable devices is completely wrong but to some extent, that should be avoided. The luring metaverse and attractive news of false la-la land are deviating the minds of the young generation from the real global social issues. Young people are forgetting to interact with people in-person. They are quite used to interacting on social media which hurts their social skills of effective interaction and communication with the right gesture and posture. To support this statement let me explain one of my own experiences. During the lockdown period, I got so addicted to my smartphone that I even sometimes unnoticed what my mother and father were saying. This led to a major communication gap with my parents and later with society too. So, in some sense, young people lost their way of living due to these portable devices.

Another reason why it is crucial to address this issue is that as we grow, we must take care of our surroundings, our nature, and our society. This can be done by interacting more and more in a physical manner, not in the virtual one. Today, we see that the number of young people from initiatives like tree plantation programs or any other social events is considerably decreasing day by day. They are only concentrating on either smartphones, headphones, tablets, or computers. This will surely hurt their social skills of showing empathy, giving help, supporting what is right, obeying senior citizens, etc.

On the contrary, there are some people who feel uncomfortable or quite hesitant to be social. They find solace in engaging on social media platforms. But it will work to the only extent till they get into any trouble of cyberbullying or any illegal cyber activities. So, there is always a risk of overusing social media. So why not take part in society and improve your social skills.

In conclusion, I would like to throw light on the claim that “Young people’s tendency to make extensive use of portable devices like smartphones and tablets has hurt their development of social skills”. There are certain undeniable benefits of these portable devices but only to some extent. If young people give more attention and time to these devices, it can be really harmful to them and it can cost them their future and life too.


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