Average GRE Score for Top Universities and Programs Worldwide
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Average GRE Score for Top Universities and Programs Worldwide

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Shubhankar Das

Content Writer - Study Abroad | Updated On - Jun 25, 2024


  • GRE average score for best universities ranges on a scale of 155 to 163 for verbal and 155 to 167 for quant.
  • GRE score requirements will depend on the program you are applying to.
  • Before sending your GRE score, check the score requirements from the university’s official website.
  • Science-based programs will require a high quant score. Whereas, humanities-based programs will require a high verbal score.

The average GRE score for top universities varies and depends on the programs you are applying. GRE score for best universities ranges on a scale of 155 to 163 for verbal and 155 to 167 for quant. Before applying, check the universities GRE score requirements from the university’s official website. Science-based programs will require a high GRE math score. Whereas, humanities-based programs will require a high GRE verbal score. Currently, business schools accept GRE scores for MBA programs. GRE score required for top universities MBA programs may range higher than the MS programs.

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Average GRE Scores based on Graduate Major Field

Candidates opt for different majors in top universities. The average GRE score for graduate school is based on a wide range of majors like business, education, engineering, humanities, and arts, law, life sciences, physical sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. Below is the list of average GRE scores that will help candidates get an idea of the required average GRE score for MS in Finance that comes under business.

Intended Graduate Major GRE Verbal GRE Quant GRE AWA
Business 151 155 3.6
Education 151 148 3.7
Engineering 150 160 3.4
Law 155 153 4.0
Life sciences 151 151 3.8
Humanities and Arts 156 150 4.1
Physical Sciences 151 160 3.5
Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences 153 151 3.9

From the above table, it can be understood that the average quantitative GRE score required for a business major is higher than verbal. This also means that the average GRE scores for MBA programs and also the average GRE score for MS in business analytics will have a higher GRE quant score requirement. The highest average GRE scores of quant can be noticed in engineering and physical sciences. For understanding the average GRE scores for public policy programs, candidates can check the education row that requires a higher verbal score. The highest average GRE writing score can be found in humanities and arts majors. The highest GRE verbal score is required in humanities and arts.

GRE Average Score for Top Universities

The average GRE scores for grad schools depend on the competitiveness of the programs. Top universities tend to have a higher GRE best score or average. A candidate will notice Columbia average GRE scores to be higher than the average GRE score for North Carolina State University. Below is a list of average GRE scores of top grad schools:

Top Grad Schools GRE Quant Score GRE Verbal Score GRE AWA Score
Stanford GSB 165 165 4.9
Yale SOM 164 165 4.9
Harvard Business School 163 163 NA
UCLA Anderson 163 163 4.7
Penn Wharton 162 162 4.8
MIT Sloan 162 162 4.7
Dartmouth Tuck 161 163 NA
UC Berkeley 161 162 4.7
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign 155 163 NA
Carnegie Mellon University 159 161 NA
Georgia technical University 155 161 NA
University of Texas Austin 155 160 NA
CMU Tepper 164 159 4.0
Cornell Johnson 160 160 4.4
CalTech 158-166 166-168 NA
University of Georgia 153 155 3.0
Michigan Ross 159 160 4.4
Columbia University 157 164 NA

GRE Average Score Based on Programs

The average GRE scores can greatly differ according to the course of study the test-taker is applying for. Below is a list of average GRE scores of top universities according to the major programs:

Top Universities Engineering Computer Science Psychology Physics chemistry Maths Education
MIT V: 162 Q: 167 V:160 Q:164 V: 163 Q: 154 V: 167 Q: 167 V: 164 Q: 163 V: 165 Q: 167 -
Harvard V:160 Q: 167 V:155 Q:161 V: 163 Q: 154 V: 167 Q: 167 V: 164 Q: 163 V: 165 Q: 167 V: 163 Q: 158
Stanford V: 159 Q: 167 V:160 Q:164 V: 163 Q: 154 V: 167 Q: 167 V: 164 Q: 163 V: 165 Q: 167 V: 161 Q: 156
UCB V: 157 Q: 165 V:160 Q:164 V: 163 Q: 154 V: 167 Q: 167 V: 164 Q: 163 V: 165 Q: 167 V: 159 Q: 152
UPenn V: 155 Q:166 V:155 Q:161 V: 158 Q: 151 V: 162 Q: 164 V: 159 Q: 160 V:160 Q: 164 V: 162 Q: 156
Princeton V: 162 Q: 166 V:164 Q:167 V: 165 Q: 168 V: 168 Q:170 V: 164 Q: 168 V: 168 Q: 168 -
Yale V: 155 Q: 170 V:155
V: 163 Q: 154 V: 162 Q: 164 V: 159 Q: 160 V: 165 Q: 167 -
USC V:151 Q:163 V:155 Q:161 V: 158 Q: 151 V: 159 Q: 162 V: 156 Q: 158 V: 157 Q: 162 V: 161 Q: 154
Cornell V:154 Q:166 V:160 Q:164 V: 158 Q: 151 V:167 Q: 167 V: 164 Q: 163 V:160 Q: 164 -
Columbia V:155 Q:166 V:155 Q:161 V: 158 Q: 151 V: 162 Q: 164 V: 164 Q: 163 V:165 Q: 167 V: 158 Q: 153

Candidates can apply to universities depending on the average GRE scores. If the candidate is unable to score as high as 165 or higher, they can check the CSU Fullerton average GRE scores, or other universities to take admission in.


Ques: What is a good GRE score for top universities?

Ans: GRE score for best universities ranges on a scale of 155 to 163 for verbal and 155 to 167 for quant. Before applying, check the universities GRE score requirements from the university’s official website.

Ques: Is the GRE score of 322 good?

Ans: Overall GRE score ranges on a scale of 260 to 340, and achieving a score of 322 is considered a good score.

Ques: Can I get into Harvard with 300 GRE?

Ans: You may get admission to Harvard with a 300 GRE score. Top programs at Harvard will require 325+ GRE score.

Ques: Can I score 320 in GRE in 1 month?

Ans: Scoring 320 in GRE in one month may be hard. Candidates with effective preparation under expert mentorship and by following a proper study plan can achieve 320 in GRE.

Ques: Can an average student score 320 in GRE?

Ans: An average student with effective preparation and good academic knowledge easily scores 320 on GRE. Regular practice with sample papers will help students to achieve a good score.

Ques: What is a good GRE score for the Ivy League?

Ans: Ivy League has some of the most renowned and prestigious universities. You need to achieve a score ranging between 320 and 330 for Ivy League.

Ques: Is 312 a good score in GRE?

Ans: GRE total score ranges from 260 to 340 level, and achieving a score of 312 is considered a good GRE score. You need to do effective preparation to achieve a good GRE score.

Ques: What is a good GRE score for MS in CS?

Ans: Computer Science is one of the most demanding programs in the world. A minimum GRE score above 290 is required for MS in Computer Science programs.

Ques: What GRE score do I need for Harvard?

Ans: Harvard is known for its prestigious programs, and the admission rate is very low. You need to achieve a minimum of 320+ GRE score for a successful admission to Harvard.

Ques: Is 316 a good GRE score for MBA?

Ans: GRE score ranges on a scale of 260 to 340. Top MBA programs worldwide require an average 325+ GRE score.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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