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Young People Should be Encouraged to Pursue Long-Term, Realistic Goals Rather Than Seek Immediate Fame and Recognition GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In the GRE issue Essay, candidates are asked to read a prompt positioning an opinion. Candidates are then asked to express their opinion in the form of well structured writing. GRE Issue Essay analyses candidates on how well structured, planned and expressive their writing is. They need to express their views and arguments in a cohesive manner. Young People Should be Encouraged to Pursue Long-Term, Realistic Goals Rather Than Seek Immediate Fame and Recognition GRE Issue Essay topic is provided. The model answer is given below.

Candidates can follow the classic 5 paragraph essay structure for GRE Issue Essay:

Introduction: Candidates need to state the opinion originated statement followed by the structure of the GRE AWA essay that they are going to follow. It is very important to make the analysis with words that will guide the reader through the argument. Candidates can use the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to justify the opinion.
Body Paragraph 1: The most specific and the strongest reasons need to be stated first. Candidates must use their logical analysis and reasoning to support those reasons. Explaining how those reasons are justified and related to the topic is also necessary for the reader to understand the point of view.
Body Paragraph 2: This can be used as a transition phase in GRE Analyse an Issue. Candidates can use their secondary reasons and examples to justify their opinion. Candidates can use their stock of words and vocabulary to justify the examples that they are providing.
Final Paragraph: Candidates can use a third example which supports their thesis. This is also the area where they can bring up the counterargument. It is very important to show why the counterargument is incorrect with proper example and explanation. A well structured paragraph helps the reader understand the thoughts clearly.
Conclusion: The conclusion should have a brief overview of the whole arguments and opinions. It should be a mirror of the introductory paragraph. There is nothing new to add in the conclusion. The opinions of the essay should be concluded in this section.

Strategies for Young People Should be Encouraged to Pursue Long-Term, Realistic Goals Rather Than Seek Immediate Fame and Recognition GRE Issue Essay:

  • Choosing a side and sticking to the position throughout the essay unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument. In GRE Analyse an Argument, the given statement of the author needs to be critiqued.
  • Young people are led to dreams rather than realistic goals. Stating reasons and examples so that the readers can relate to the real world. Students can use out of the box thinking which will impress the reader.
  • Explaining with examples makes the reaser relate to the opinion and thoughts. Making strong statements and opinion oriented words sets an impression in the minds of the reader. This will help the candidates score higher in this section.
  • Putting forward the opposite opinion and then refuting it with two-three sentences is important to conclude the essay with a strong point.
  • The essay should conclude with a brief overview of the whole passage. It should contain the key points and the final opinion of the candidate.

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Topic: Young People Should be Encouraged to Pursue Long-Term, Realistic Goals Rather Than Seek Immediate Fame and Recognition GRE Issue Essay

Model Answer

Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition. This statement was given by the author to create awareness because it happens that people neglect their long-term goals or struggle to achieve their goals. They want overnight success and fame. But it’s very normal because we are human and it is in our nature we want everyone’s attention and appreciation. This thing is also beneficial for us because we work on ourselves. I feel that overnight success and fame is always good to have but young people should be given a reality check. They should be encouraged to have long term and realistic goals.

Since childhood, everyone has had a dream to become famous and get appreciation. To achieve this we started working towards our goal until a certain point in time. We forget to analyze what we are doing and what we have to achieve. Nowadays, with immense career opportunities for students, students want to get success without following the right path. Sometimes due to financial problems students get attracted by a flashy offer to become rich overnight. This is the critical structure where we stop and try to analyze the options that are present. Then we should make decisions based on our thoughts.

If they pursue their goal they would definitely work more effectively and more importantly have job satisfaction. If we notice, we will find that most of the well-known personalities in the world are famous for their achievements. Those achievements were the result of their long-term planned and realistic goal. For example, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, gave the well-known theory of relativity to the world. He initially found himself in the wrong place as a clerk in an office. He was not satisfied with what he was doing. He spent more time in his office in research rather than doing what he wanted to do. He chased his dream and he quit his job and indulged himself only in research. The result was one of the greatest accomplishments in the scientific world. This is the outcome of pursuing our goals and giving our best to reach the target.

“Rome was not built in a day” is an age-old proverb. Trying to understand immediate fame and recognition is similar to the building of Rome in a day, or even worse. Fame requires lots of hard work, patience, and dedication. By following a long-term goal and trying to achieve short-term goals you will get what you want no matter how hard it is. When the luminance was created and the light can never be destroyed by any force, however strong it is. We always admire someone who is famous and successful and we hope the same thing will happen to us. And we negated the important part as talent and the main factor of getting success earlier. Most people are not serious about their goals so they always make long-term unrealistic goals that cause a hilarious effect on their career and personal life. For example, if a kid says that he wants to become an engineer or doctor, we don’t take him seriously. The reason is we know the future is far away, and no one knows what will happen. If we make a long term goal of spending our day and night because we want to buy a big, comfortable car or house after five years. I think we are overanalyzing our life because if it doesn’t happen in the future we will regret and time will not return.

Therefore, one must be focused on life. We must have realistic goals and strategies for how to achieve them. You can have short-term fame and comfort but it should not harm your future plans. Setting goals can be a challenge, but working toward them is a bigger challenge because it implies changes in your life. You have to create new directions and thoughts. You have to make new habits. Change will always be the essence of achieving your goals.


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