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While Boredom is Often Expressed with a Sense of Self-Satisfaction, it Should Really be a Source of Embarrassment GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE Issue Essay determines the ability of an individual in a critical thinking space because persuasive oratory skills are highly sought after in American Universities. It’s an important tool to test the candidate’s articulation and analytical thinking. It helps in analysing how well they are able to support their arguments and above all authenticity of their SOPs and LORs based on their writing abilities. While boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment GRE Issue Essay is the topic for the essay. The Model answer has been given below.

Candidates can choose to formulate their essay in the given structure consisting of five paragraphs. They also have the option to choose from 4-6 paragraphs. It depends on the candidate and their writing style. Following is the given structure considered standard for the essay with five paragraphs.

Introduction: In this part the candidates are expected to state the topic and the position they have undertaken regarding that topic. They can mention whether they are for it or against it. In addition to this, the candidates can provide a brief overview of the reasons/examples that the latter part of the GRE AWA Essay will be focused around.
Body Paragraph 1: This paragraph should be relevant to the topic and the candidates must stick to the side they choose. So, here the candidates can give the strongest argument that they have in support of their viewpoint earlier stated in the introduction. To enhance the argument further some examples can be given.
Body Paragraph 2: It will contain the second or the rest of the supporting arguments with examples and justifications regarding the candidate’s viewpoint. Real life examples also helps the reader understand the view point better.
Final Paragraph: Candidates can mention the counterargument which is the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue Essay as this needs to be juxtaposed against the candidates’ viewpoint. This will show that what the candidate stands for is correct when compared to the alternative.
Conclusion: it ideally contains a summary of the Essay, but its purpose should further drive home the point that compared to counterargument, the position of the candidate is correct.

Based on the structure of the GRE Issue Essay, following strategies can be considered while forming a response to the given topic. In this case, topic is While boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment GRE Issue Essay:

  • Candidates must pick a side and arguments in favour of that side should be showcased in the whole essay. Unlike GRE Analyse an Argument where a critique of a given statement is required balancing both sides, GRE issue essays need to pick sides.
  • The examples used in the Essay must be relevant to the topic. Choose real-world examples which are practicable as it increases the relevancy of the examples as well.
  • Its important to use strong and declarative language while avoiding self-reference. So, refute the counterargument strongly, preferably, in the conclusion.
  • Both Introduction and the Conclusion should be very precise and written succinctly where introduction talks about the position undertaken. Conclusion talks about the position sought to be refuted in unambiguous terms.

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Topic: While boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

While Boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment. This is because boredom arises from a lack of imagination and self-motivation. This position in my opinion is really harsh because Boredom indeed arises from lack of imagination and self-motivation. But it shouldn’t be a source of embarrassment because too much imagination might cause burnout and self-motivation is difficult to sustain. Further, it can lead to extreme competitiveness in a person. Also, there is no shame in giving one’s mind and body a break to relax a little, boredom can also inspire imagination and motivation. Hence, boredom isn’t a source of embarrassment rather the mother of invention.

It's important to know that the pressure to always be imaginative can easily take a toll on people’s mental health. Its consequences manifest in the form of a burnout where the creativity of a person is just blocked. This issue needs to be addressed as a serious mental health problem. Boredom, on the other hand, inspires people to be more imaginative in order to find a solution if they don’t want to be bored anymore. For Example, Burnout became a common worker problem in Germany even though work hours in Germany are extremely reasonable. But their culture of hard work left no time for them to be bored and just relax for no apparent reason. This is because Germans pushed/motivated themselves to be innovative at all times.

The other reason for boredom is lack of self-motivation which is a natural consequence of events because it’s extremely difficult to sustain. Continuous self-motivation with the same rewards at the end of the day will make the whole process predictable, rendering it monotonous. This results in the first step towards boredom. A person who is self-motivated would like to keep on going even in the face of difficulties. They might tire themselves out in the process which is neither good for their physical or mental health. Since self-motivation keeps disappointment over occasional failures at bay, it also clouds a realistic assessment of goals as achievable and non-achievable. A little boredom will force a person to start again or at least re-assess their priorities in life. For Example, there are many students in India who spend their lives pursuing competitive exams in technical education out of their free will. It is highly likely that they might not have an aptitude for Science & Technology because their self-motivation clouds their self-assessment.

Other side of the argument is that Boredom that is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction should be a source of embarrassment. This is because it means lack of imagination and self-motivation. However, boredom can help someone come out of their imagination or motivational slump. If someone gets bored, they will be more motivated to find a creative solution to end boredom leading to a more colourful imagination than an already active mind. Now, why should one be ashamed of boredom if it makes them more imaginative and more motivated. For Example, Newton was sitting under a tree, probably bored out of his mind, when the apple fell, and he thought about gravity.

In conclusion, I am of the view that boredom shouldn’t be viewed as a source of embarrassment. The reasons include boredom is inspired by lack of imagination and self-motivation and the same attributes are responsible for renewing it as well. Boredom is a natural consequence of our activities because whatever we do can become monotonous. The pressure to keep it from becoming predictable can cause a burnout or take a toll on physical health.


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