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We Learn our Most Valuable Lessons in Life From Struggling With Our Limitations Rather Than From Enjoying Our Successes GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE Issue essay analyses candidates’ critical thinking abilities to express ideas and thoughts in the form of writing. The issue task requires candidates to be able to present the essay in a well structured and well-planned manner, expressing precise views and arguments. Candidates are given a topic and they are needed to choose a side. One they choose, they need to portray their thoughts in writing in the GRE Issue Essay. We Learn our Most Valuable Lessons in Life From Struggling With Our Limitations Rather Than From Enjoying Our Success GRE Issue Essay is the topic for GRE Analyse an Issue. The model answer has been given below.

The candidates are advised to keep the following points in mind while writing an essay. It will help students to get an edge over another writer. The standard structure of five paragraph is provided below:

Introduction: Students need to first reason the issue assigned to them followed by displaying your stance, it should always be backed rationally with scientific points. Further, aspirants can prefer providing specific reasons and examples the GRE AWA essay would focus on.
Body Paragraph 1: The most rational reason must be placed first endorsed by suitable examples and logical analysis. This paragraph with reasons should fully support the thesis and be aligned to the topic.
Body Paragraph 2: The subsequent supporting reason should be stated backed by examples and scientific data, if any.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph should bring up the counterargument presented as the topic of the GRE Analyse an Issue essay. With the help of another example and reason, students need to present that their perspective is based on logical facts and the counterargument is flawed.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the examiner about the topic of the Issue Essay. It states the reasons and examples that support the writers’ perception to be correct. A succinct crux and futuristic suggestion of the issue provided can be given here.

Based on the structure of the GRE Issue essay, the topic We Learn our Most Valuable Lessons in Life. That were from Struggling With Our Limitations Rather Than From Enjoying Our Successes consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Choosing a side and sticking to the position throughout the essay unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument where the given statement of the author needs to be critiqued
  • Ensuring relevance and specificity to the real world while stating reasons and examples. This will help to create an impact on the reader’s mind.
  • Making strong declarative statements with use of active language and cause and effect statements is important
  • Identifying your opposite opinion and then refuting it with two-three sentences is important to conclude the essay with a strong point. The counterargument helps to prove the chosen side and establish the thought better.
  • In conclusion, candidates can provide the brief of the topics discussed in the essay.

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Topic: We learn our most valuable lessons in life from struggling with our limitations rather than from enjoying success.

Write an answer in which you’ll state the extent to which you support or discard with the examples and elaborate your reasoning for the stance you take. While developing and supporting your stance, you should ponder ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations strengthens your stance.

Model answer:

It is said when you take risks, you learn that there will be times when you succeed, and there will be times when you fail. The quote of Ellen Degeneres is well suited here in this context. If everything is served on a platter it raises questions on the competence of the one. Real competence bursts out only if one struggles and achieves success. Struggle teaches more valuable lessons than success. Struggle strikes one down, raises one to the glory. Once one has flagged the success there is less motivation to penance more for further achievements.

Struggle nourishes one's personality more than the period after getting success. Lance Armstrong, the world champion in Cycling and a cancer survivor writes in his book “Cancer is the best thing that has happened to me”. This shook the readers, as the readers are at first instance of it, his lifelong journey substantially holds weight of this statement. It was his fighting spirit during the gruesome Chemotherapy that taught him perseverance. We can compare it with the case of carbon, with time and pressure it changes into coal.These are valuable in the market but with time the coal under higher pressure and temperature gradually transforms to diamond. Time and pressure are the struggling period, this is a process to transform one's value into a more valuable person.

Two subjective terms; positive and negative, are subjective in nature. The definition varies person to person and space too plays an important role in defining the two. So, it can not be said as to what constitutes a perfect definition of the subject terms. Therefore, it is essential to draw the line between the two which is widely accepted by the masses. During the struggle period we ourselves learn the most valuable lessons and become wise enough to comprehend the difference between the two. It is the circumstances which motivates us to take our actions. If we had a clear vision to these terms we can take our actions in a more valuable manner.

The reason most humans even dread to try for a difficult facet is their fear of being inferior to others. It will be correct to say that our boundaries are mostly self-proclaimed or self-imposed. Only the fears that we dodge and are not willing to meet the challenge, ripe on to become limitations. Nobody is cursed with it by birth. As Paulo Coelho correctly quoted, “You only know yourself when you go beyond limits”. Karoly Takacs, a Hungarian soldier, was the most competent shooter the world has ever had. Exactly prior to the 1940 Olympics, when the whole world was looking up to him a hand grenade accidentally exploded. In his right hand he was considered un-eligible for the same. In similar instances, it is human to get bogged down by such a misfortunate incident. But what Takacs did was really an appreciable and incredible task. He began his practice with the other hand and engrafted his name under golden letters. The magic rule that works while a person is struggling with his limitations is the will to overcome all the hurdles. As rightly cited “smooth seas never make good divers”. To become a courageous diver, one has to understand the adverse currents and welcome them as they are kids in the game.

As the case study, above, while he was feeling low after the painful incident of losing a hand. It took time but finally, the acceptance came that the truth is never going to change and the sooner he accepted it, the sufficient time for the next Olympic. Occasionally, more than luck, it is perseverance that takes you to places. Lance’s story is one of the best motivations of how far a person can go in pursuit of his dreams and how to push their limits. Rather than shielding your shortcomings as an excuse, dare to make them your biggest strength. Success will one day kiss your path. Let not success be your motivation. Rather, make the journey inspirational.



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