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True Success Can be Measured Primarily in Terms of the Goals One Sets for Oneself GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay on true success can be measured primarily in terms of the goal one sets for oneself analyses candidates thinking toward goals and success. It requires candidates to showcase their thoughts in a manner where they can link goals and success in a structured way by presenting their views and arguments. The candidate will be tested for their ability to think critically and write persuasively. In the GRE Issue Essay, candidates must support one side of the topic and select for or against the statement. They should write logical and analytical essays which will prove their point of view as correct. The whole point of the task is to see how the candidates can put forward their opinion on the given subject.

The standard structure of the GRE Issue Essay has 5 passages. The students have the liberty to choose from 4-6 paragraphs. Candidates can consider the following structure for the issue essay:

Introduction: Candidates should firstly focus on stating and explaining the issue. Post that they can start with providing the specific reasons regarding the same. The candidate could completely agree/disagree or partially agree/disagree as long as the stand is presented clearly. The candidates must state the topic and explain it in brief. This must be followed by the side that they are choosing.
Body paragraph 1: Share a reason supporting your thoughts on the topic and maintain the relevancy of the topic. Start with your strongest evidence and elaborate with an example. The thesis and the reason behind proving that particular example must be stated. Students must note that they need to stick to the side of the argument that they choose. Candidates need to justify their reasons in the GRE AWA essay.
Body paragraph 2: State the importance of the topic and support it with logical examples. Multiple scenarios and examples can be provided. The need for explaining these examples should be provided with analytical and logical writing. Candidates should provide real life examples which will help the reader to relate to the situation.
Final paragraph: With this paragraph, the candidates should bring up the negatives about the topic, and by supporting their thoughts with suitable examples.The final paragraph should contain a counter argument as the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue essay. The opposing argument should give more depth and reason to prove their point of view.
Conclusion: The conclusion should be the summary of the essay and should act as a reminder of the topic for the reader. It should showcase the correct viewpoints.

Based on the structure, the candidate should consider these points to respond to the topic “ True Success Can be Measured Primarily in Terms of the Goals One Sets for Oneself GRE Issue Essay”:

  • Analyze and choose a side. Make sure to stick to it till the end. Unlike the GRE, choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay GRE Analyse an Argument, in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned.
  • Strongly present your opinions so that it could create a strong impact.
  • Ensure relevance on every point of the essay. While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. Providing relating examples will help the reader understand the point of view better.
  • Candidates need to provide a counter argument to prove their point. This will reflect the strength of their side. Candidates should remember that they will not be evaluated on what side they choose.
  • To conclude the essay, bring up the strongest views and present them in a manner no one can counter.

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Topic: True Success Can be Measured Primarily in Terms of the Goals One Sets for Oneself GRE Issue Essay

Setting goals is the beginning of success. I certainly agree with the statement given that true success can be measured primarily in terms of goals one sets for oneself. Goals are nothing but aspirations that people have for themselves. It is something that they believe in, that they feel is achievable by them and it can lead them to a good path. Goals are the dreams that when achieved, define you. Achieving your goals does not make you successful. What makes you successful is that you keep on working hard on the same goal to make it better every day, even after it is achieved.

People often confuse success with the goal. Success can be achieved by achieving small steps toward your goal and the goal is the final destination where you want to be. Your first step towards success is measured in terms of the goals you set for yourself. Once the goal is decided, the next big step would be deciding the path as to how you want to reach that goal. With a goal, comes many ways to achieve it, you have to decide which one you are planning to go for. Once you set your goals, everything falls into place. Goals just put a lock on every door of confusion. For example: if, after all your research, one day you decide that you want to become a business person. So from the very next day things automatically start falling into places. You would be going through many videos and articles just to get that extra knowledge about your goal. Then you will be planning your studies accordingly and start with your preparation. There might be a possibility that in that excitement of yours, you tell everybody in your family about your goal. So in that case, even your family will work as your biggest supporter in achieving your goals.

The goal makes you a dedicated person. It is a big thing to decide on one thing and constantly work on it. Making a decision about your life, or your career tests your decision-making ability. Whether you will be able to make even more tough decisions in the future yourself or not. Many give up on deciding for themselves and leave it to fate, and those people end up being confused all their lives. Remember, for those who can’t make decisions for themselves, others make it for them. Even if you do not want to, you have to abide by those decisions as you have got nothing else to do. People often feel that deciding on a goal will restrict their life and want to set their minds free. However, this attitude leaves them lost for most of their lives. Goals streamline your life and give you clarity. How would you like it if you are without any goal, any aim and just putting effort anywhere you feel like. In this case, you would be getting results but not the best ones. As you are not focusing in one place and want to get into everything you feel like.

On the other hand, when you would be putting your efforts into a specific goal, you would be working day and night for it. Sometimes you might not get success but the next moment you would not be distracted by any other task. You would be working on the same task with more focus and will try to get the desired result. The goal will give you the confidence and being unplanned and haphazard will not.

Success is a small, well-achieved journey towards a goal. Success ensures an increase in confidence at every level of it and makes the goal more achievable for you. Working on a goal makes you patient, calm, confident, strong, and focused, and saves you time. Life is pointless without goals and if the goal is decided properly, keeping all the clarity in mind. With all the prospects, it means half the success is already achieved.


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