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Though Often Considered an Objective Pursuit, Learning About the Historical Past Requires Creativity GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE's Analytical Writing section assesses your ability to think logically and coherently. It also checks a candidate's ability to articulate and support their arguments in the form of writing. The GRE issue essay section becomes a valuable tool for demonstrating critical thinking and analytical abilities. Strong oratory abilities, persuasive writing skills, and the ability to think outside the box are all highly valued. Hence, a strong performance in this section will give the candidate an edge over others. Model answer for the topic “Though Often Considered an Objective Pursuit, Learning About the Historical Past Requires Creativity GRE Issue Essay” is mentioned below.

Candidates can use the standard form of the essay which contains 5 paragraphs. The structure of the essay is provided below:

Introduction: In the introduction, candidates need to clearly state the issue assigned to them and the position their essay will be taking on the topic. Candidates can also state points and examples that will be expanded later in the body paragraphs.
Body Paragraph 1: This must state the strongest reason in favor of the position the candidate is taking in the GRE AWA essay with supporting examples and logical analysis. This paragraph must be relevant to the topic at hand and fully support the thesis. Students should use real life examples for the readers so that they can relate to the topic.
Body Paragraph 2: Body paragraph 2 must contain the second supporting reason supported by examples and logical analysis. The examples should be backed by explanations and analysis. Multiple scenarios can be stated in this paragraph.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph deals with the counterargument to the position the candidate is taking. Candidates should bring up relevant points to the counterargument and explain how the position they are taking is right. The final paragraph should contain a counter argument as the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue essay. This will help to strengthen the point that the candidate is supporting.
Conclusion: Candidates should remind the readers of the topic of the issue essay and once again state the reasons why their viewpoint is correct. The conclusion should have a brief summary of the whole essay. It can also be a mirror image of the introduction.

The following structure for the GRE Issue Essay,the following strategies can be considered:

  1. The nature of the subject: In general, the topics and ideas that will be explored in the issue essay will be broad, general, and drawn from everyday life. VCandidates are required to answer based on their own experiences.
  2. Writing style: The issue essay is more about logical reasoning and justification than critical analysis. Simply make sure your reasoning and justifications are sound, and you should be fine.
  3. Disagreement and agreement: While the argument essay has a problematic thesis, the issue essay will usually end with a mention of the opposing point of view and a few examples of when that point of view may be true.
  4. Perspectives: At its core, the GRE issue essay is a question of perspective, and what you think about the topic at hand.
  5. Reasoning vs. revealing: The GRE Analyse an Argument essay requires you to deconstruct the author's claims by exposing the flaws in their arguments. However, the issue task requires you to reason and construct your argument from the ground up using examples and logic.
  6. Expression freedom: Last but not least, the scope of the issue task is defined by the flexibility it provides.

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Topic: Though often considered an objective pursuit, learning about the historical past requires creativity.

We must reconstruct the past by imaginatively interpreting historical accounts, documents, and artefacts because we will never be able to know it directly.
Write a response in which you explain whether you agree or disagree with the claim and why.

Model answer

It is all about the past in history. Written documents are used to pronounce it. All historical events are recorded, and historians are those who record them. People will never be able to visit a historical period. As a result, it takes a lot of imagination to interpret the past in terms of how people used to live, what they wore, their cultural traditions,and so on. To comprehend all of this, historians rely heavily on their imaginations. Documents, accounts, and artefacts from historians can help you imagine the lifestyle and creativity. They are required to interpret and portray history in its current form. I agree that though often considered an objective pursuit, learning about the historical past requires creativity.

Many films, such as The Mummy series, The Cleopatra, Titanic, and others, are examples of such imagination and creativity. Although the directors of these films may have gotten historical information from written documents. It takes a lot of imagination and artistic vision to put those articles into real-life scenarios and present them in the form of a film. As a result, understanding history necessitates the use of imagination and creativity. This goes hand in hand. The historical evidence is not arranged in any order. As a result, determining when certain events occurred becomes difficult. In addition, the excavation is unable to provide precise information about the history of the artefacts discovered.

People used to yearn for pictorial representations of events in caves during the prehistoric period when written documents were not in vogue. To decipher the pictorial language and figure out what happened at the time, you will need to use your imagination. Much historical evidence can be found in school textbooks. Understanding history entails more than just reading it. Learning history as a subject in school transports students to a different world of imagination, prompting them to consider life in that era. History teaches children to imagine and think right from the start in school. As a result, one must connect the dots of events to create a story that accurately depicts history.

Historians are people who research, collect, organize, and present information about the past. They learn this information from available archaeological evidence, historical written sources, and other sources. They compile data and chronologically order the events. This does, in fact, necessitate a thorough knowledge of the facts as well as the use of imagination to connect the events. Yes, the findings by archeologists help us a lot in determining history. However, to visualize that, imagination is required. For example, a group of historians found a site with historical artifacts. These artifacts and other things will say a lot about the people and their lifestyle. If they do not have imagination, they will not be able to proceed further and determine anything with those artifacts. Hence, imagination is required to determine life.

To conclude, interpreting historical data requires a great deal of imagination and creativity. The study will be hampered if neither is available. We should be grateful to historians who study all of the evidence and information in-depth and piece together. A complete story from it to help ordinary people understand history better. These stories and findings are used to teach our future generations about our history. This is not about preserving or knowing just history. It is about the human race and how they dealt with life in the past. Everyone needs to know and understand where we come from. This will help us build the character of our future generation.


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