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The Most Effective Way to Understand Contemporary Culture is to Analyze the Trends of its Youth GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In GRE Issue Essay, the candidate will be tested for their ability to think critically and write persuasively. In the GRE Issue Essay, candidates must support one side of the topic and select for or against the statement. They should write logical and analytical essays which will prove their point of view as correct. The whole point of the task is to see how the candidates can put forward their opinion on the given subject. The Most Effective Way to Understand Contemporary Culture is to Analyze the Trends of its Youth GRE Issue Essay model answer is given below.

Candidates are required to consider the following structure for the GRE Issue Essay and it is divided into five paragraphs. This is the standard structure, however, candidates can select from 4-6 paragraphs depending on their writing patterns.

Introduction: The first step in writing the GRE Issue Essay is introducing the topic and stating the issue assigned to the candidate. In this part of GRE AWA, the candidate has to talk about the issue and why he/she is in support of or against the motion.
Body Paragraph 1: Candidates are required to present some strong examples and logical analysis to prove why he is in support of or against the topic given. The examples should be believable, real, and relevant to the topic. They also need to provide justification and correct reason behind stating those examples.
Body Paragraph 2: This section is the same as the previous one. The candidates are required to give more examples and logical analyses to support their statements. Candidates can provide real life examples so that the reader can relate to it.
Final Paragraph: In this paragraph, the candidate is required to bring up the topic again and explain why his/her perspective is correct and the counterargument is wrong. Candidates have to present another example in this section to prove that whatever they've explained till now is correct and the opposite is not. Basically, it is the same as the above paragraphs but in this one, you have to focus more on proving why you support the statement.
Conclusion: In the conclusion, the candidate should remind about the topic again and also the reasons for supporting the statement. Candidates don't have to write the reasons in detail as they have also mentioned above. Just a few brief examples will work along with a short summary.

Strategies that can be followed while writing the “The Most Effective Way to Understand Contemporary Culture is to Analyze the Trends of its Youth GRE Issue Essay” model answer:

  • The candidates should strictly choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. They must not argue for both sides of the given issues in GRE Analyse an Argument.
  • The candidates must make sure not to sway away from the given issue. They must always give reasons and examples that are relevant to the given topic. It is advisable to provide relevant examples from the real-world.
  • The candidates must make use of strong and declarative statements in order to avoid any form of misunderstanding or miscommunication.
  • In conclusion, it is important for the candidates to provide and identify a counter-argument and then refute the same with at least two-three sentences.

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Topic: The Most Effective Way to Understand Contemporary Culture is to Analyze the Trends of its Youth GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer:

Culture may be defined as the morals, values, beliefs, attitudes, or fashion of people of certain places and times. The culture significantly varies from person to person, place to place, or even from older to youth. The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is by investigating the trend of young people. However, it is not always justified to comprehend modern culture. In this ever-changing and dynamic world, the culture of a society or country keeps changing from time to time. In addition, new sets of morals and attitudes keep replacing the older ones. I believe a proper understanding of the contemporary culture of a society can be done by a comprehensive study of the trends of cultures of the younger generations.

Since culture keeps changing from time to time, what was seen in earlier times, a prominent trend may not be as prominent to the younger generation in recent times. Thus, it can be said culture is never a static process. As the young are generally flamboyant and expressive, the culture they follow came to the notice of mass people. The youth are the first to accept a new trend or change and make it their trend. The way they think, work, do, wear or eat reflects their spontaneous nature toward the newer trends and eventually. They are the ones who spread the newer trends in the society and eventually those newer trends become the modern contemporary culture of the society.

The trends or ways, the youth pursue, becomes the prevailing contemporary culture of a country. For example, in the case of an Indian marriage ceremony, the older generations used to believe in arranged marriages. In addition, weddings and receptions are held at their own places or homes nearby in their society. But the younger generations tend to believe in love marriages or love cum arranged marriages. Many newer concepts and trends have developed such as destination weddings. The younger generation always prefers to do something unique, and this has led to the emergence of such diversities. As the newer trends have emerged, these trends have become an integral part of the society and the older generation has also accepted the newer trends.

It may be true that contemporary culture is mostly reflected in the morals, beliefs, and attitudes of the youth as they are more expressive. But it should also be remembered that the older generation also forms a major part of society. They also have their own customs, beliefs, and attitudes and they mostly follow their own culture without expressing them, as they are not as flashy as the youths. As the older generation, people mostly prefer to live their life peacefully. They are not much bothered about the recent trends, social media kinds of stuff, and such things. This is the reason that the culture they follow is not highlighted in society. If one has to dig out the rich history of the culture of a society, he must consider both the traditional culture as well as the modern culture. For example, if one considers the rich history of Indian music, he has to investigate the older songs of Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar as well as new songs of Arijit Singh, Shreya Ghosal. Then only he will get detail and complete understanding of the rich history of Indian music. The attitudes and morals can all vary as the people of both cultures are different from each other. It is much easier to read and observe the trends of the youths as compared to that of the old generation as the youths are much more expressive in nature. Hence, the effective way to understand contemporary culture is to understand the youth. This is the culture that the next generations are going to follow.

To conclude, considering only the trends of the youths will help an individual to get an understanding of modern culture. But it will not be enough to get a complete understanding of the contemporary culture of a society. It is not an effective measure to get an understanding of contemporary culture. Therefore, a study of the culture of a society will only be complete and justified. In addition, when all the sections of people viz, the older generation, middle age, and the youths and their trends are studied. The most effective parts are the youth as the number of youth in the country is higher by a large margin.



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