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The Human Mind Will Always be Superior to Machines Because Machines are Only Tools of Human Minds GRE Issue Essay
Bhaskar Das logo

Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay tests candidates' critical thinking skills and their ability to express their ideas and thoughts in writing. Candidates must be able to present the essay for the issue task in a well-structured and well-planned manner, expressing precise views and arguments. Positive actions should be recognized, while negative actions should be avoided. GRE Issue Essay is the topic for GRE Analyzes an Issue. The model's response for “The Human Mind Will Always be Superior to Machines Because Machines are Only Tools of Human Minds GRE Issue Essay” is given below.

For the GRE Issue Essay, candidates can use various structures ranging from 4-6 paragraphs. The following structure, which is divided into five paragraphs is considered as the standard structure:

Introduction: Candidates must begin by stating the issue assigned to them, followed by the position that the essay will take. Furthermore, for the GRE AWA essay, candidates should consider providing specific reasons and examples.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling reason should be stated first, followed by supporting examples and logical analysis. This reason paragraph should fully support the thesis and be relevant to the topic.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting reason should be stated, accompanied by examples and logical analysis. The candidate must provide real life examples so that the reader can relate to it.
Final paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument presented as the essay's topic in the GRE Analyze an Issue section. Candidates must demonstrate that their point of view is correct and the counterargument is incorrect by using a third example and reason.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the Issue Essay topic and provide reasons and examples to support the candidates' points of view. This section contains a summary of the entire essay.

The topic is determined by the framework of the GRE Issue essay. The Human Mind Will Always be Superior to Machines Because Machines are Only Tools of Human Minds GRE Issue Essay, candidates can use the below strategies. They can consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay unlike GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned is important. The candidates must not change sides in the middle of the essay.
  • Candidates can choose any side as per their wish. They can go for or against the statement. However, the whole passage should focus on the chosen side.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. This will help the reader relate to the life experiences.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements. These types of sentences will put forward a strong point in the examiner’s mind.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words.
  • The conclusion should be a brief of the whole essay. Candidates can include all the key points and state them in the ending paragraph to support their point of view.

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Topic: The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer:

Human beings have become so advanced that they can create life now. With the advent of modern science and technology, this has been possible. Humans have performed miracles in every field. One such example is the creation of machines. Machines were created to assist man in his daily activities. These machines are the result of human ingenuity, and they will never be able to outperform the human mind. If a man can create them, he can also break them. They are simply tools in the hands of humans, and no matter how massive, accurate, or timely these machines are, they will never outperform a human brain. If man had not invented machines, these machines would not exist. As a result, I agree that the human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are nothing more than tools for human minds."

The modern age is one of computers, and this machinery is one of mankind's creations, but it cannot work on its own. Although it is faster, more responsive, and more accurate than the human mind, it was designed to perform all of these functions. As a result, until it is used by a human mind, a computer is merely a waste piece of machinery. Similarly, all machines created by humans assist humans in performing their tasks, but these machines are ineffective on their own. The most significant distinction between humans and machines is that humans can think and analyze situations in ways that machines cannot. Humans can act and solve problems in a variety of ways. A machine, on the other hand, can simply solve a problem that we give it, but it cannot apply logical thinking to it. Emotions are another point of distinction between humans and machines. We, humans, are endowed with emotions that allow us to react appropriately in various situations, but machines are not. A human mind is far more creative than a computer, which is why it can create such a large number of machines.

These machines were created by humans, but in some ways, they are superior to us. Can we ever imagine traveling to a distant location without the aid of transportation? Again, a computer was created by man, but the functions it performs for us could never be performed by a genius. Machines can also perform the same task multiple times with accuracy that humans cannot.

Machines have become an indispensable part of our lives, and life would be much more difficult without them. Humans' ability to create better and better things has proven their superiority over machines. As a result, humans are unquestionably far superior to machines, not only because humans created them, but also because humans can destroy them. These machines have no life and are only used by humans.

If we consider drones, which take images and videos from a bird’s eye view. Drones are created by humans and are also controlled by them. They do not have a mind of their own. They will fly in the direction that humans want it to. If they had their own minds, they would have flown in the direction they liked. These machines are not created with a mind of their own. They do not have or can develop emotions. If the humans created a machine with minds, it would go against the humans itself. Hence, they would not do that and lose control.

In conclusion, I would like to say that machines are just pieces of metals that are joined together to perform a task. The tasks of these machines are decided by humans and are controlled by them. Hence, I do agree with the statement that Human mind will always be superior. Machines are just the tools of the human mind that humans have designed for their benefit.


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