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In Any Situation, The Best Way To Persuade Other People Is To Present Them With Facts And Statistics Rather Than With Emotional Argument GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay assesses the students' critical thinking abilities and ability to convey ideas and thoughts in writing. Candidates must be able to deliver the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, giving exact opinions and arguments, for the topic issue. ‘In any situation, the best way to persuade other people is to present them with facts and statistics rather than with emotional arguments.’ is the topic for the GRE analyze an issue. We have provided the model answer below.

The GRE candidates can follow a specific structure for their GRE issue essay. Candidates can write 4-6 paragraphs in their structure. An example of the standard structure of 5 paragraphs has been provided below:

Introduction: Candidates must first describe the subject that has been presented to them, followed by the stance that the essay will take. Furthermore, candidates should consider offering specific reasoning and examples for the GRE AWA essay. Candidates must stick to one side throughout the essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling rationale should be expressed first, followed by supporting instances and logical analysis. This reasoning paragraph should adequately support the thesis and be related to the issue. Candidates must try to provide multiple scenarios for the reader to relate.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting rationale should be provided, accompanied by examples and logical analysis. The examples provided must have a relation with the real life scenario. This will help the examiner to relate to the situation. This will also create a lasting impact on them.
Final Paragraph: The last paragraph should address the counterargument offered as the topic of the GRE Analyze an Issue essay. Candidates must demonstrate that their point of view is valid and the counterargument is incorrect using a third example and rationale. Proving their point of view as correct against the counterargument creates a deeper impact.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the Issue Essay and give the reasoning and instances that demonstrate the candidates' points of view are right. Candidates need to provide synopsis of the full GRE Analyse an Issue essay.

Based on the structure of the GRE Issue essay, the topic: In any situation, the best way to persuade other people is to present them with facts and statistics rather than with emotional arguments, one should follow and practice the following strategies.

  • Choosing a side and sticking to it throughout the essay, as opposed to the GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated remark must be criticised. Candidates must not switch sides.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. Candidates must prove their point of view to be correct in all and every way.
  • It is critical to make powerful declarative claims using active language as well as cause and effect statements.
  • It is critical to identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it in two to three phases in order to end the essay on a strong note.
  • The conclusion must have the brief of the whole essay. Important points and examples must be reminded to the reader in this section. The final statement should be provided.

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TOPIC: - In any situation, the best way to persuade other people is to present them with facts and statistics rather than with emotional arguments.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

Humans are emotional beings, and many a time, our judgement is affected and heavily influenced by our emotions. This topic has caught much attention over the years. There have been debates on ways to persuade other people whether to present them with facts and statistics or to persuade them with emotional arguments. I personally believe that using facts and statistics provides a strong front and back up to your argument. Presenting facts during an argument is much more structured and logical. They further strengthen your stance since facts are true and indisputable but emotions can be questioned and very often challenged. This is due to their immense linkage with one’s feelings and thoughts.

Using emotional methods and ways to persuade another, blocks one’s sense of freedom and clouds their judgement. On the other hand, facts provide the individual with a genuine sense of freedom, and hence they are more inclined to gravitate toward conciliation. When a person is absorbed in an emotional feeling of responsibility. They frequently overlook the seemingly insignificant severity of the circumstances, which lead to grave predicaments. We often see this occurring in matters of religion, where many are emotionally targeted and influenced into doing fallacious activities. One thinks that this is his/her true freedom but soon realises that they have been deprived of their desires and choices. Had they understood and analysed the matter with a sense of logical and critical thinking then no such thing would have ever occurred.

Persuasion is the process of reaching a mutual understanding and agreement with someone. This takes place while influencing one by means of feelings and emotions may come into effect in various situations. However, it is not considered the same as reaching a mutual understanding and agreement with one another. This can only be done through the use of facts. A facts based strategy to persuasion is one in which the other person is informed of the potential implications of a decision. When both sides in a conversation grasp the factual ground they are standing on, they are more likely to realise what the future may hold. Moreover, when they make a certain decision. As a result, they may define what constraints they may face as well as strategies to alleviate them.

We often see that in quite a few situations one is easily convinced with an emotional argument. This occurs often because strong emotions may and usually tend to override even the most clear facts since people are both emotional and intellectual beings. People may elicit what they want from others with just the appropriate amount of emotional impact. But this often tends to lead to grave situations. For example, in a critical medical emergency, a doctor while operating does not decide to save a person's life just because he was emotionally influenced. Rather, they think logically and analyse the facts which ultimately leads to the patient’s safety. This clearly shows us the efficiency and the structured approach of the facts based method of persuasion.

In conclusion, emotional arguments merely energize a biased perspective and frequently underplay problems that operate as a ticking time bomb in the long term. Facts and statistics, on the other hand, provide an opportunity to comprehend potential outcomes and thus supply a safe space for liberal decision making. Facts are objective and free from bias unlike emotional arguments which differ depending on one’s feelings and chain of thought. Thus, using facts and statistics are two rational ways to appeal to the other person in a discussion.


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