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The Best Test Of An Argument Is The Argument's Ability To Convince Someone With An Opposing Viewpoint GRE Issue Essay
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The GRE AWA section in the exam assesses candidates’ capacity to think logically and cohesively, as well as ability to communicate and support reasons. The GRE AWA becomes a crucial tool for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. The Best Test Of An Argument Is The Argument's Ability To Convince Someone With An Opposing Viewpoint GRE Issue Essay is the topic in GRE AWA. The model answer on this topic has been given below. Candidates need to ensure that they are able to present their opinions and ideas clearly with valid reasons and examples.

Candidates can follow the below mentioned structure for writing their essay:

Introduction: Students have to introduce the topic directly. Candidates need to evaluate the topic and present its opinion in support or against the given statement. Accordingly, the reasons that the candidate would present for its opinion needs to be stated briefly in this paragraph. Further, the potential instances that would be used by the candidate to support the reasons need to be mentioned here.
Body Paragraph 1: One has to state his or her position about the topic clearly here. The strongest example can be stated which will be helpful to make a clear understanding and carry forward the other parts of the essay. Based on the given topic of this GRE Analyse an Issue essay
Body Paragraph 2: Giving proper real life examples are very me here. Students have to write relevant examples which will support their stand about the topic. Candidates need to ensure that their second reason is supported with examples which have real life value and are not vague.
Final Paragraph: Here a student has to write why he chose those examples and how it is relevant to support his own stand. This clarification should be very specific and brief. The final paragraph should state the topic and provide the third reason for the opinion. Accordingly, the reasons for the final paragraph need to prove that the given statement for the essay topic is wrong.
Conclusion: In this last paragraph the student should make a contrast and show that his argument is right, and the given topic is wrong. After stating proper reasons he has to write clearly his stand again and conclude the essay.

Thus, using this structure of the essay will be very helpful in making a good score. Furthermore, it will give a very good structure to the essay. Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay should be written with careful analysis. For this issue one can use these strategies to write a well planned essay. The strategies :

  • It is important for stating relevancy of the topic and taking a clear stand about the topic. Accordingly, candidates should state their chosen opinion while introducing the essay and stick to it entirely. Unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument, candidates need to provide their opinion and not refute the given argument.
  • Giving relevant, real life experience is very important. No assumption can be used here as examples. Candidates should provide their examples which are not vague hence, using real-life examples is suggested.
  • Clarification of the stand must be stated clearly and briefly. Using cause and effect patterns can be helpful. It will be a clear understanding of the example which would help in validating the opinion of the candidate better. Moreover, they are required to present brief points for GRE analysis of an issue.
  • Contrasting with the topic and proving that topic wrong is a good step to conclude the essay. Candidates should ensure that in their concluding paragraph, they restate the topic of the essay and the opinion of the candidates. This should be followed by briefly stating the reasons and concluding that the given statement is wrong.

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Topic: The Best Test Of An Argument Is The Argument's Ability To Convince Someone With An Opposing Viewpoint GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

It has been proved that in order to gain someone’s side to provide a convincing argumentation. Through argumentation, if someone can be convinced of opposing viewpoints, then the argumentation is said to be powerful. It must be ensured that the person at the opposite end, must have a logical viewpoint. It is often the case that there are some people with an ossified fixed mindset. It becomes really difficult to change their mindset even by the most sound argument..

For a human being, his/ her viewpoint about the various religions starts being inculcated since their early birth. For example, a Christian child will have a certain perception about a Hindu child, or their culture and so. Thus the various impressions about the various religions start from the very beginning of one's life. Thus with time, it grows stronger, with their self-made logic and perception. And it becomes very difficult to change one viewpoint when that person grows older. These beliefs are generally based on their feelings and their way of looking at others and also depend on the child’s background, parental background, environment, etc. Thus there are many factors that frame an impression about the other religion, which is not easy to change. When small, these views can be changed by changing their way of seeing others. Moreover, way of adjusting to other religions, and the way of considering others, because they learn to visualise this at an early age.

Secondly, if we take a look from the political aspect, it is a very hard job to gain discipline from the opposition party. In general, the opposition party of any leading political party will always find the ideas or policies of the leading party to be incongruous. This is not always true. It is often so because they are the opposition party. And they cannot support the leading party even in their good deeds or policy structure. This ultimately pollutes the environment. Now, in order to judge the ideas or policies of the leading party. If they are actually good or beneficial for the public or not, there must be a platform where people can exchange their reviews. But instead of listening to each other and giving proper justification, it ultimately ends up in a quarrel. This ultimately leads to no solution.

Advertising companies use various techniques to gain potential customers and win their approval. The psychology of an argument is the most important. The psychology of a particular argument has the power to convince others and also has the capability to change the people’s mindsets of some people. There are some strategies for presenting the arguments. Like, leaving the best argument for the last, in order to make the opponent remember them, is also one of the psychological strategies.

It is not always possible to convince somebody through argument. It is also not true that if someone is incapable of convincing someone else. Then it’s not that his arguments were weak or the presentation of his arguments is weak. There are some areas that cannot be changed in a person, some impressions, some feelings, and some beliefs that cannot be changed just through argument. Even if it is explained that this is completely false and that there are innumerable instances that would prove it wrong. The illiterate person will not be convinced that he is wrong in this aspect. It is just because he does not change his view, and thinks that what he thinks is correct. Thus it is not only about the argument skills of an individual, but also about the person who is on the opposite side of the question. Therefore, an argument cannot be judged good or bad, strong or poor, simply because he is unable to change someone’s view.



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