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Some People Believe That to be Effective, Political Leaders Must Yield to Public Opinion and Abandon Principles For The Sake of Compromise GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay assesses candidates' critical thinking abilities and ability to express ideas and thoughts in writing. Candidates must be able to present the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, expressing precise views and arguments, for the issue task. Positive actions should be praised, while negative ones should be ignored. The topic for GRE Analyzes an Issue is “Some People Believe That to be Effective, Political Leaders Must Yield to Public Opinion and Abandon Principles For The Sake of Compromise GRE Issue Essay GRE Issue Essay. The model response is provided below.

Candidates can use the following structure for the GRE Issue Essay, which is divided into five paragraphs. Candidates also have the liberty of choosing 4-6 paragraphs depending on their writing style. The 5 paragraph structure is the standard form of GRE Issue Essay.

Introduction: Candidates must first state the issue that has been assigned to them, followed by the position that the essay will take. Furthermore, candidates should consider providing specific reasons and examples for the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling reason should be stated first, followed by supporting examples and logical analysis. This reason paragraph should fully support the thesis and be relevant to the topic. The logical analysis and justification should be provided to support the topic sentence.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting reason should be stated, accompanied by examples and logical analysis. Candidates must try to provide real life examples. This will create an impact on the reader’s mind as they will be able to relate to the example.
Final paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument presented as the essay's topic in the GRE Analyze an Issue section. Candidates must demonstrate that their point of view is correct and the counterargument is incorrect by using a third example and reason.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the topic of the Issue Essay and provide reasons and examples to support the candidates' points of view. This section contains a summary of the entire essay.

On the basis of the above-mentioned structure for drafting a GRE Issue Essay, the candidates must also follow the strategies mentioned below:

  • It is important for the candidates to pick a side and maintain it while writing the given issue. Under no circumstances should the candidates argue for both sides of a given issue like GRE Analyse an Argument.
  • The candidates must be careful not to divert from the given issue. They must always provide a relevant and rational reason and real-world examples while discussing the given topic.
  • The candidates are advised to use strong and analytical statements in order to prevent any misunderstanding. Using a large amount of vocabulary will have an impact on the reader.
  • The candidates must, under all circumstances, avoid writing the given issue in the first person. It can only be used if the candidate is providing an example from their personal experiences.
  • The candidates must be careful to identify and provide a counter argument in the second last paragraph of their essay. This would help them present their opinions in a stronger manner.

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Topic: Some people believe that to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principles for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

Model Answer:

Some people believe that one of the most important characteristics of an effective leader is their willingness to fully surrender to the opinion of ordinary people. It is best to let their opinion speak first. There is much to be said in opposition to this suggestion, and ignoring their principles and objectives invariably leads to their country's demise. Despite various assertions to the contrary, I argue that both of these points of view have merit and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. I strongly advise the government to use public opinion and officials' judgments as references to be an effective leader.

To begin, I acknowledge that people elect their governments to meet their needs, and thus political leaders should respond to those needs when they are in power. We cannot deny that the cornerstone of a government's responsibilities is to direct its nation's affairs in the best interests of its citizens. Furthermore, government officials are constituents of the people, which gives them an advantage in understanding people's demands. Moreover, finding sustainable solutions, and answering their questions. Although every generation of governmental leaders considers Abraham Lincoln's famous motto "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Further is to be an important moral principle, they must persevere in binding their actions to this principle.

Some argue, however, that to be an effective political leader, one must steadfastly commit to one's judgement and pay little attention to prioritising people's ideas. What does it indicate? The main point is that it gives more weight to the preference of the leader. Although this idea appears ridiculous at first glance. It is reminiscent of the obstinate bureaucracy of headstrong leaders, which has some advantages in certain circumstances. Which option we choose - to conform to one's judgement or to follow the will of the majority - determines people's fate. Some leaders prefer the former at the expense of the latter.

We cannot, however, associate these political leaders with ruthless tyranny because their starting point is set on the long-term benefits for the majority. There are numerous examples in history. This is adequately demonstrated by Roosevelt's New Deal. If Roosevelt had not subordinated capitalist interests and conjured up a marriage of market economy. Further, government regulation, current Americans would still be suffering from the effects of the Great Depression. Although Roosevelt implemented several policies in the face of business opposition, he is never referred to as a pitiless dictator. On the contrary, we value his astute policies because they protect Americans from a variety of threats. From this vantage point, Roosevelt is qualified as an efficient leader who maintained a favourable balance between the wishes of the common people and his judgments.

A careful examination of these two points of view reveals that I agree with both of them. It does, however, imply that I support these two points of view in two distinct situations. Rather, I strongly advise the government to use public opinion and officials' judgments as references during the policy-making process. Responsible leaders must understand the needs of the people they serve while also expanding opportunities to communicate with the public . This can be about their policies and solicit feedback from them on the benefits and drawbacks of those policies. This will pave the way for an ideal world in which the public and leaders can coexist in harmony and benefit from one another.



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