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Some People Believe That the Purpose of Education is To Free The Mind and The Spirit GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In the GRE Issue Essay, the candidates are tested for their ability to think critically and write persuasively. In the GRE Issue Essay, candidates must support one side of the topic and select for or against the statement. They should write logical and analytical essays which will prove their point of view as correct. The whole point of the task is to see how the candidates can put forward their opinion on the given subject. Some People Believe That the Purpose of Education is To Free The Mind and The Spirit GRE Issue Essay model answer is given below.

The aspirants are advised to keep the following points in the mind while writing an essay. It will help students to get an edge over another writer. The essay is divided into five paragraphs as follows:

Introduction: Students need to first reason the issue assigned to them followed by displaying your stance, it should always be backed rationally with scientific points. Further, aspirants can prefer providing specific reasons and examples the GRE AWA essay would focus on.
Body Paragraph 1: The most rational reason must be placed first endorsed by suitable examples and logical analysis. This paragraph with reasons should fully support the thesis and be aligned to the topic.
Body Paragraph 2: The subsequent supporting reason should be stated backed by examples and scientific data, if any.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph should bring up the counterargument presented as the topic of the GRE Analyse an Issue essay. With the help of another example and reason, students need to present that their perspective is based on logical facts and the counterargument is flawed.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the examiner about the topic of the Issue Essay. It should state the reasons and examples that support the writers’ perception to be correct. A succinct crux and futuristic suggestion of the issue provided can be given here.

Strategies that can be followed while writing the “Some People Believe That the Purpose of Education is To Free The Mind and The Spirit GRE Issue Essay”:

  • The candidates should strictly choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. They must not argue for both sides of the given issues in GRE Analyse an Argument.
  • The candidates must make sure not sway away from the given issue. They must always give reasons and examples that are relevant to the given topic. It is advisable to provide relevant examples from the real-world.
  • The candidates must make use of strong and declarative statements in order to avoid any form of misunderstanding or miscommunication.
  • It is not advisable to write the given issue in the first person. The first person should only be used if the candidate is providing personal experiences as an example while writing the essay.
  • It is important for the candidates to provide and identify a counterargument and then refute the same with at least two-three sentences.
  • In conclusion, the candidate must state the important points in brief. They can restate their point of view again in conclusion.

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Topic: Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. Others believe that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

Write an answer in which you’ll state the extent to which you support or discard with the examples and elaborate your reasoning for the stance you take. While developing and supporting your stance, you should ponder ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations strengthens your stance.

Model answer

Education is grasping knowledge. Knowledge has neither any limitations nor regards the age. Knowledge should be available to all and accessible to all. With passing time and changing political, economic situations the objective and aim of getting knowledge has changed. Whatever may be the objective of the education, the core is that it involves learning. I agree with the statement that “Some People Believe That the Purpose of Education is To Free The Mind and The Spirit”.

With time a school of thought emerged which promotes education as the medium of liberating soul and spirit. This school of thought is highly prevalent in India. Philosophers like Gautam Buddha being the advocate of this school of thought. Though he did not believe in the spirit or other metaphysical element, the idea he conveyed was nonetheless the same. He professed that if one wants to achieve nirvana. i.e., to become bodhi. Nirvana is a state of mind when the soul is liberated from the body and the person becomes free from all desires. He advocates that to attain nirvana one needs to be known to all knowledge. Only then one will be free from all desires and hence will become liberated himself from the cycle of life and death.

With the advancement of time the many other schools of thought emerged. They were born to counter the earlier school and advocate that formal education is to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. This contradiction is not meant to deliberately counter the other school. Instead, it depends on the social, economic, and political spheres which are prevalent in the society. This school of thought is mostly prevalent in the western society. Scholars of this school believe that our mind is like a free horse, and thus it is hard to have control over the horse. To gain the command over the mind one needs to attain knowledge so that he can have control over the mind. This western school of thought believes that to restrain our train of thoughts it is important to be educated. It is pertinent to know that it will be naïve of the observer to outrightly reject any school of thought. Because scholars of the school are inspired by the prevalent conditions of the society. Therefore, none of the schools can be said to be absolutely correct or a failure. The success of these philosophies is dependent on the number of followers one has. It is reiterated, here, that the philosophies cannot be judged on the just myopic view of good or bad. Instead, here, the number of believers adjoined with the school is to be considered.

In the Indian subcontinent the view on education since the ancient time is that it is a medium to liberate the soul from the body and attain salvation. Sages from historical times have connected education and spirituality. That is why India has produced many such sages cum philosophers. The idea propounded by them around 2500 years back, still has a number of followers. To mention few such sages, with full due respect, are Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya, Maharishi Vyas, Chanakya etc. They all had somewhat similar thoughts that knowledge must be such to attain salvation.

The later school of thought also became a sensation in the modern times, prominently after liberalization, as the thought moved drastically from spiritualism to materialism. Again, it is to say that even this philosophy is not to be judged from the binary vision of good or bad. At this time in India trade and commerce inches to a new height. In this background this thought emerged. There are more such scholars who advocate other views on education and how it should be perceived.

I believe that no school of thought can be denied and the other can be accepted on the basis of correctness. Because as mentioned earlier, the philosophies are based on the basis of social, political, and economic ideas prevalent in the society.


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