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Some People Believe That the Most Important Qualities of an Effective Teacher are Understanding and Empathy. Others Believe That it is More Important for Teachers to Be Rigorous and Demanding in Their Expectations for Students GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In GRE Issue Essay, the students are given a statement with two contrasting ideas. They are required to pick a side and stick with it till the end from the two sides provided. Here, it is important to remember that choosing a side is not sufficient. The candidates must be able to defend their choice with adequate and clear instances. The purpose of this GRE Issue Essay is to assess the student's thinking and reasoning capabilities along with evaluating their vocabulary and lexical knowledge. Candidates must abstain from using ornamental words, especially those meaning or usage of which they clearly do not know. The wrong usage often leads to a loss of marks.

Candidates have a choice to select between 4-6 paragraphs. The standard form of GRE Issue essay is five paragraphs. The candidates can follow the given structure to curate a meaningful issue essay:

Introduction: The candidates can start with a general introduction along the lines of the topic. Then they can restate the topic and end the paragraph with the side they choose to defend. Candidates can also mention the reason for choosing the side in GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The strongest reason supporting the student's claims should be mentioned in this paragraph. Candidates must provide examples which run parallely with the supporting statement. The explanation and logical reasoning should also be provided.
Body Paragraph 2: The second-best reason is kept for this portion of the essay furthermore strengthening the examinee's idea. Candidates can provide real life examples. This will create a direct impact on the reader’s mind as they will be able to relate with the example. Although the student is running against the clock, if possible, they can also think of a third example that will help them establish their point further. That example has to be mentioned here.
Final paragraph: While test-takers are supporting their choice throughout the essay, in most cases, the contradicting idea also has some merit. Hence, before concluding, those merits should be acknowledged in the second last paragraph. Counter Argument provides more depth and helps to establish the point of view more appropriately in GRE Analyse an Issue essay.
Conclusion: Lastly, all the instances given in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 should be summarized in the conclusion. Finally the candidates can mention their point of view one last time which will create a lasting impact on the reader.

Provided below are few tips as per the topic which will help the candidates to ace the issue essay:

  • Do not use complex words, offensive or controversial statements
  • Do not agree or disagree right away. The reader should also get a chance to view the counterargument in order to establish the point of view.
  • Find adequate examples in favor of FOR and AGAINST claims. Choose the side that has sufficient instances to support the claim. Candidates must stick to one side unlike GRE Analyse an Argument essay.
  • The essay should be a mix of simple and complex sentences. This will help to increase the scores as the reader will find variety in writing.
  • Proofread the piece for any grammatical or spelling errors. These errors will score the essay down.

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Topic: Some people believe that the most important qualities of an effective teacher are understanding and empathy. Others believe that it is more important for teachers to be rigorous and demanding in their expectations for students.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

Model answer:

Throughout the ages, every aspect of education has changed but one. The pivotal role of teachers in shaping student’s minds. Educators often share an intricate relationship with their pupils that has to be carefully nurtured. The given statement presents two contrasting views. One which says that teachers should be empathetic, while the other dictates teachers to be demanding in order to bring out the best from their students. Both of these views are debatable from different standpoints. I personally resonate with the first idea, the reasons for which are illustrated in the following passages.

It is essential to understand that a classroom hosts an assortment of students with varying intelligence and emotional quotients. While some students are all-rounders, some flourish in particular subjects, and others are excellent athletes or artists. Furthermore, every individual in a classroom hails from a different socioeconomic background. Hence, it is important for the teacher to factor in different traits and circumstances of his or her students before designing a one-size-fits-all approach. This is where empathy and understanding come into play. If the teacher fails to understand the entire class, then he is only catering to a handful of learners. These are particularly those with a keen interest in the teacher's area of specialization. For instance, in a class of 50 students, only 20 students have an inclination towards mathematics. The remaining 30 students struggle with the subject. It is the math teacher's responsibility to understand these 30 students, address their pain points and help them improve. Unless the teacher is empathetic, they shall not be able to assist the pupils.

One should remember that we are living in a world that is driven by technology. There is no dearth of sources from where people can gather information. Therefore, today a teacher's role is not just limited to transmitting information that is readily available over the internet. However, their duty as always rests in imparting wisdom and knowledge that will aid the students in sailing through life. Lord Buddha is considered to be one of the greatest teachers in history. Yet he is remembered for the valuable lessons he has passed on to his disciples through kindness. We do not recall him just for the priceless teachings that are still relevant. But he is recognized for his mannerisms. In the 21st century, students would resort to and confide in their teachers for value-addition, and not strict adherence to a computerized curriculum. If the teacher is empathetic towards the students, they will listen to the teacher. This will help the teacher as well as the students to understand the lesson. Human morality is unthinkable without empathy and every teacher must understand that. The more they can acquire a place in the student’s heart, the more successful they will be.

Empathy and understanding pave the way toward building strong student-teacher relationships.

Although the above points support the first contention that teachers should be understanding and have empathy, the latter argument cannot be discarded totally. There can be instances when the teacher is rigorous and demanding, which only motivates the students to perform well academically or otherwise. To give an example, a coach's relentless training and inducement can help a football team win a tough match. This is applicable in other fields too.

Nevertheless, such an approach can have a detrimental impact on a child, leaving them demotivated and in self-doubt. It can lead to unwanted distress further hampering a child's performance. In conclusion, for me, an ideal teacher is someone who is empathetic as well as motivating. Someone who is capable of providing adequate support to a child outside the purview of the curriculum.


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