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Society Should Make Efforts to Save Endangered Species Only if The Potential Extinction of Those Species is The Result of Human Activities GRE Issue Essay
Bhaskar Das logo

Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue Essay determines the ability of an individual in critical thinking and logical reasoning on a given topic. It’s an important tool to test the candidate’s articulation, analytical thinking, and how well they are able to support their arguments through their writing abilities. Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. GRE Issue Essay is the topic for GRE Analyse an Issue. The Model answer has been given below.

Candidates have the option to choose between 4-6 paragraphs for the essay. Candidates can choose to formulate their essay in the given structure consisting of five paragraphs. This is the standard structure of the GRE Issue Essay.

Introduction: In this part, the candidates are expected to state the topic and the position they have undertaken regarding that topic. Candidates should select and justify whether they are for it or against the topic. In addition to this, the candidates can provide a brief overview of the reasons/examples that the latter part of the GRE AWA Essay will be focused around.
Body Paragraph 1: This paragraph should be relevant to the topic and candidates must stick to it. So, here the candidates can give the strongest argument that they have in support of their viewpoint earlier stated in the introduction. To enhance the argument further some examples can be given. Providing a strong and relevant viewpoint gives an edge for the candidate.
Body Paragraph 2: The second paragraph will contain the rest of the supporting arguments augmented with examples and justifications regarding the candidate’s viewpoint. The examples and the viewpoints can be of real world and real life so that the reader can relate to it. This will have a strong impact on the reader’s mind.
Final Paragraph: The final paragraph will mention the counterargument which is the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue Essay. This counterargument needs to be juxtaposed against the candidates’ viewpoint. This will show that what the candidate stands for is correct when compared to the alternative.
Conclusion: The conclusion ideally contains a summary of the Essay. Its purpose should further drive home the point that compared to counterargument, the position of the candidate is correct.

Based on the structure of the GRE Issue Essay, following strategies can be considered while forming a response to the given topic. The topic in this case is Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities GRE Issue Essay:

  • Candidates must pick a side and arguments in favor of that side should be showcased in the whole essay. This is unlike GRE Analyse an Argument, where a critique of a given statement is required which allows for balanced comments on both sides.
  • The examples used in the Essay must be relevant to the topic and as far as possible. Choose real-world examples which are practicable as it increases the relevance of the examples as well.
  • It's important to use strong and declarative language while avoiding self-reference. So, refute the counterargument strongly, preferably, in the conclusion.
  • Candidates should stick to one side of the argument. They are not judged on the basis of which side they choose. They are judged on how well they can prove their point.
  • Both Introduction and the Conclusion should be very precise and written succinctly. Introduction should talk about the position undertaken and Conclusion talks about the position sought to be refuted in unambiguous terms.

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Topic: Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

It is a well known fact that human activities are largely responsible for potential extinction of endangered species. However, there are non-anthropogenic factors that threaten endangered species into extinction. Our Environmental concern shouldn’t be overshadowed by discrimination. It appears counterproductive to waste efforts on determining which species are threatened by humans and which are naturally threatened. It will be easier to make plans to save endangered species regardless of what threatens their existence. I believe that efforts to save endangered species should be made not depending on if it is due to human activities. It should be made without thinking of reasons.

The endangered species need saving even though what threatens them is natural elimination. They may provide some precious ecosystem services that might benefit humans in the long run, especially medicinal benefits if any. Today we don’t see dinosaurs but who knows what they were capable of had there been human interaction. Similarly, if an area has turned into desert due to climate change, then species from there will be eliminated as there are no plants to feed on. In this case, humans need to protect such pollinating species so that they can rehabilitate that desert area again by introducing flora.

Some species are beneficial for the environment and it's not their time to vanish out of existence. However, natural disasters make no discrimination and can pose a serious threat to such species especially if they are endangered. Similarly, diseases can force endangered species to go extinct even though they have an important role in ecology. For Example, the bats that host the COVID virus are also essential to pollination of baobab trees. These trees produces nutrient rich fruit even in dry and arid conditions. So we can’t let that particular species of bat become extinct.

One argument that is often raised is that Society should make conservation efforts for only those animals which face the threat of potential extinction due to human activities. The reason is that one shouldn’t interfere in the course that nature takes and absence of dinosaurs hasn’t had any adverse effects. These efforts against nature will only cost more money. I am of the opinion that it will be equally costly to determine what has been caused by human activities because ecology is a complicated mess of intercedences. Further, scientists have been utilizing time, effort, and money to revive some of the prehistoric creatures, especially the Mammoth. In order to save these expenses in future it's important that we reasonably save whatever species we can.

In conclusion, I am of view that wildlife conservation polices should be uniform and without discrimination. We should save whoever we can as they can bring us unknown benefits. The time and effort exerted to implement this discrimination might upset the social fabric of the places who have formed attachments.


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