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Scandals are Useful Because They Focus Our Attention on Problems in Ways That No Speaker or Reformer Ever Could GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay evaluates students' critical thinking abilities and their ability to convey ideas and thoughts in writing. Candidates must be able to present the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, giving exact opinions and arguments. “Scandals are Useful Because They Focus Our Attention on Problems in Ways That No Speaker or Reformer Ever Could GRE Issue Essay” is Analyse an issue topic. Candidates need to understand the topic and provide logical reasoning to support their point of view. The model response is provided below.

Provided below is the five-paragraph framework for the GRE Issue Essay. This is the standard pattern for writing GRE Issue Essays. Students can also choose between 4-6 paragraphs for their essay. The format for the five paragraph essay is mentioned below.

Introduction: Candidates must first state the subject that has been presented to them, followed by the position that the essay will take. Candidates should also consider offering specific explanations and examples for the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling rationale should be expressed first, followed by examples and logical analysis. This supporting paragraph should be relevant to the issue and thoroughly support the thesis. The explanation should be clear enough for the reader to understand the candidate’s point of view.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting explanation should include instances and logical analysis. Real life experience and examples should be provided. This helps the reader to relate to the situation and understand the examples better.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument that was offered as the GRE Analyse an Issue essay topic. Candidates must demonstrate that their perspective is correct and the counterargument is incorrect using a third example and rationale.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the issue essay's topic and give the reasoning and instances that support the candidates' positions. Here you can find a synopsis of the complete essay.

The topic is determined by the framework of the GRE Issue essay. In Scandals are Useful Because They Focus Our Attention on Problems in Ways That No Speaker or Reformer Ever Could GRE Issue Essay, candidates can use the below strategies. They can consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay unlike GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned is important. The candidates must not change sides in the middle of the essay.
  • Candidates can choose any side as per their wish. They can go for or against the statement. However, the whole passage should focus on the chosen side.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. This will help the reader relate to the life experiences.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements. These types of sentences will put forward a strong point in the examiner’s mind.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words.
  • The conclusion should be a brief of the whole essay. Candidates can include all the key points and state them in the ending paragraph to support their point of view.

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Topic: Scandals are Useful Because They Focus Our Attention on Problems in Ways That No Speaker or Reformer Ever Could GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Model Answer:

As we humans have the ability to think, speak, and learn and what not. We live in a society where we make rules and regulations as per our convenience and everyone follows the rules. With time new rules are introduced or previous ones are reformed. We perform day to day tasks with all the abilities and skills. The task we perform can be performed in many ways. All the actions to do a task are judged by other human beings. Here comes the question of doing a task in the right or wrong way. These days, the innovation is creating at a high speed, and the media can exploit this so an amount of scandals get scattered. I agree with the fact that scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems.

It is right that we advance by committing errors, simply we just learn by our own mistakes. It is just with experience of managing tough spots that an individual becomes more aware and practical to deal with that task. The issue drives you to attempt every one of the potential arrangements and you think of a long-lasting and enduring arrangement. It’s just finding the best fit. Analysing previous and accordingly making decisions next. A task with some lacking or wrong in it is considered as an issue or problem. When it becomes big it can be considered a scandal. When the problem takes the shape of a scandal, then the quantity of people involved increases and also there is a rise in people affected by it. The sentiments and feelings of individuals are impacted and observing an answer turns into even more troublesome. It disrupts the peace, law and order of a place of issue. Henceforth it turns into the thing of most extreme significance for any pioneer to bring back the circumstance of harmony and predictability. According to a Times of India report in 2010, New Delhi witnessed the Commonwealth Games CWG scam. It was one of the major Indian Scams, involving a pilferage of around Rs. 70,000 crores. It was estimated that only half of the allotted amount was spent on Indian sportspeople. By this report we can understand the impact of the media covering such big scandals. This resulted in punishing the culprits and making people aware about such conditions. But it’s a sad truth that all the aspects are not covered due to some political or any other reason.

Scandals frequently bring hot news for individuals whether including public at large or only a couple of people. It absolutely brings to centre, the issues that exist in the public eye yet are in many cases not featured enough for the average person. Be that as it may, their single sided portrayal can't be thought of as valuable as it would bother a few misleading feelings. It is not difficult to get a piece of information highlighted in a magazine or communicated through TV. In any case, it is incredibly hard to distinguish the covered up, complex subtleties and break down the issue according to alternate points of view. Most frequently, the news is cut up in an assessment making it challenging to frame any closely held individual beliefs.

A corporate scandal can have an intense effect on a company’s reputation. Uber is no stranger to controversy. In last few years, media has highlighted numerous allegations of sexual harassment at the organisation. It’s observed that Uber is using illegal technology to dodge law enforcement, poach drivers from competitors and spy on users. Once the harm is done cannot be repaired. The stigma is always there. Sometimes it also affects the next generation. It costs people in terms of finance, image and reputation. It’s not just a single person who is affected by such activities but people associated with it also face criticism. In this fast moving world with technology everything is accessible and we are not sure what is the truth behind it.

All in all, I contend that the beneficial effects driving public thoughtfulness which scandals bring, is just legitimate when the embarrassments are valid. In any case, the manner in which scandals present will in general damage and misuse of public assets. There are other options also instead of scandals, which can be solved to handle big issues in society. For example, open conversation and ordinary votes to supplant improper lead representatives. Hence, scandals are useful because they receive our attention on issues which are not addressed otherwise.



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