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People's Attitudes are Determined More by Their Immediate Situation or Surroundings Than by Society as a Whole GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In GRE Issue Essay candidates have to read a given topic and derive a strong view of either for or against the topic. After that, candidates have to write a well-structured and well-planned essay in context with either the pros or cons they derived from the given paragraph. GRE Issue Essay analyses the candidate’s ability to think deeply and rationally about any burning issue or a topic. This helps to improve their skills such as critical thinking and creative writing. People’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole is the topic for GRE Issue Essay. The systematic and detailed model answer for the aforementioned topic is given below.

Candidates can follow the below-given structure to write GRE Issue Essay for any given topic. The structure of the GRE Issue Essay is divided into five paragraphs as mentioned below:

Introduction: Candidates should first derive a firm opinion from the given topic that may be in favor of the topic or against it. They should also state the way through which the essay will move further. Moreover, candidates also mention some strong reasons that will represent their GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: Consider this paragraph as an opening monologue. Candidates can express their views on the side they have chosen about the given topic supported by some relevant and day-to-day life examples. Candidates are not judged on the side they have chosen.
Body Paragraph 2: In this paragraph, candidates can give secondary examples that will support their opinion strongly and logically. For example, candidates can share their own experience or something that they have seen in their real-life relevant to the given topic. This will provide a direct impact on the reader’s mind since they will be able to relate to the topic.
Final Paragraph: Candidates should consider the final paragraph as an epilogue where they can bring their views about the counterargument of GRE Analyse an Issue essay topic. To prove that counterargument is wrong and their claim is right, candidates should provide some outstanding examples and insights.
Conclusion: Conclusion is the end of the GRE Analyse an Issue essay where one must bring the importance of the given topic. Candidates must summarize what they have written in the whole essay.

Depending upon the above mentioned detailed structure of the GRE Issue Essay, the topic of People’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole would follow, the below standard guidelines and strategies:

  • Candidates should choose one side (either pros or cons) and must stick to that side by justifying it throughout the GRE Issue essay. It should not be like GRE Analyse an Argument where candidates must have to write and criticize the given opinion by the author.
  • Candidates must verify the authenticity of the facts they are providing while supporting their claims.
  • Insights provided by candidates in support of their claim must have cause and effect statements to validate it.
  • In the concluding paragraphs, candidates must strongly oppose the counterargument views and statements by providing full proof justification.

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Topic: People’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole

Expressing your views firmly about the chosen side (In-favor or against) of the given topic will shape your GRE Issue Essay in a well-explained and consistent manner.

Model Answer:

We often say that the “First Impression is the last impression”. But is it really necessary and justiciable to assess the attitude of a person at the very first meeting? Then the answer is a big no. Yes, you read absolutely right. In today’s world, more people are spontaneous and hurry to judge someone based on a few circumstances and situations that are absolutely wrong. Who knows that the same person may be good in other situations in which his/her attitude personifies more. But nowadays, people take less time in opinion-making and determining the attitude of someone. If we consider people's attitudes in context with the society as a whole then it will be different than determining their attitudes by immediate situations.

More often people are pulling the legs of others who do great in society by being opportunistic. This is usually done to degrade the personality or attitude of the same person when he/she does anything wrong, even unintentionally. This is very unfortunate as we may not know the real reason behind their actions. So, we must stop judging people’s attitudes by their sudden reactions. Hence, instead of considering a few situations, we must determine their attitudes when they cohesively work or behave in society as a whole. Human minds are closely drawn towards negative things. They find it difficult to think about the positives. Fear, anger and other emotions drive the negative mentality of people.

Let me take you all through one of my personal experiences where my attitude was also determined quickly in the wrong way by my diploma professor. So, let's begin with my experience. In the very first year of my diploma course, I was a class representative of our 80+ strength class. One day, we all didn’t have any idea whether the first lecture of Physics was going to be conducted or not as the professor was not there in her cabin. Also, none of us had a contact number for her as we all were new in the class. So, after waiting for 15 to 20 minutes we all went outside of the class. Later, the next day when the professor came she directly pointed out me in front of the whole class as I was a class representative. She said that it was my responsibility to contact her for a lecture and said I failed miserably in my duty as a class representative. So, she made a quick determination of my attitude and personality out of an immediate situation. She could have given it a second thought why I wasn't able to contact her for the lecture.

Based on the above experience, it is quite evident that “People’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole”. But if we consider that people’s attitudes should be judged at the very first moment then it is also not completely wrong. To some extent as we come to know how they react and behave under pressure and load. We must realize that people should be given time to prove that they are sufficient enough to showcase their attitudes firmly in society as a whole. So, in the end, I would like to say that judging people’s attitudes by immediate circumstances should not happen again in our society.

Allowing people some time to interact with you before making a sudden opinion about their attitudes is important. If you don't allow others to showcase their attitude in a positive way then definitely we are failing to be an ideal society as a whole. Empathy and a little patience can bring out a whole new person and create a new world. So judging people by their immediate reaction is not correct. They might be in trouble, fear, anger, jealousy or anything else. These might be the cause of immediate reaction but the person is nice the next moment. Hence, determining attitude at one instance is not what I go by.



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