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One Can Best Understand the Most Important Characteristics of a Society by Studying its Major Cities GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In GRE Issue Essay, the students are given a statement with two contrasting ideas, from which they are required to pick a side and stick with it till the end. Here, it is important to remember that choosing a side is not sufficient. The test takers must be able to defend their choice with adequate and clear instances. The purpose of this task is to assess the student's thinking and reasoning capabilities along with evaluating their range of vocabulary and lexical knowledge. Students must also think of suitable examples that will support their stance. One should remember that here quality matters over quantity, so two or three solid examples will suffice over multiple weak instances. Once this is done, the writing process becomes comparatively easy.

GRE aspirants can follow the given structure to curate a meaningful issue essay. The structure consists of five paragraphs. Students can choose between 4-6 paragraphs also.

Introduction: Here, the students must restate the given topic and end the paragraph with the side they choose to defend. The students need to explain in brief regarding the topic and why this topic can be discussed. A short example can also be included in this paragraph of GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The strongest reason supporting the student's claims should be mentioned in this paragraph. Students must back their examples with correct and justified explanation. This paragraph should be written in such a way that it completely supports the opinion of the candidate on the given issue. Real life examples will help the reader relate to the situation and have a clear understanding of the point of view.
Body Paragraph 2: The second-best reason is kept for this portion of the essay furthermore strengthening the examinee's idea. Although the student is running against the clock, if possible, they can also think of a third example. This will help them establish their point further. That example has to be mentioned here.
Final Paragraph: While test-takers are supporting their choice throughout the essay, in most cases, the contradicting idea also has some merit. Hence, before concluding those merits should be acknowledged in the second last paragraph.
Conclusion: Lastly, all the instances given in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 should be summarized in the conclusion. Finally, candidates should tell the readers about the choice made by the writer.

On the basis of the above structure for writing the GRE Issue Essay, the candidates might consider to follow the strategies mentioned in the following points:

  • Do not use complex words, offensive or controversial statements. This might create an impact on the reader.
  • Do not agree or disagree right away. Find adequate examples in favor of FOR and AGAINST claims. Choose the side that has sufficient instances to support the claim.
  • The candidates should strictly choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. They must not argue for both sides of the given issue like GRE Analyse an Argument essay.
  • Do use connectors while stating the examples. The essay should be a mix of simple and complex sentences. It is not advisable to write the given issue in the first person. The first person should only be used if the candidate is providing personal experiences as an example while writing the essay.
  • Time yourself while preparing for the test so you can complete the essay in 30 minutes. Proofread the piece for any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Counterargument is very important as it provides more depth to the chosen side.

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Topic: One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities

Model Answer:

It is no secret that major cities often represent a country and the prevalent culture of its society. Furthermore, these cities are important business hubs, determining the economic and political position around the world. The given statement probes the idea that studying major cities helps one understand society better. Although at a glance it seems right, further thought into the matter shines a light on deeper aspects. Even though big cities have a lot to reflect on the community, studying them may not necessarily help one understand the most important characteristics of society. My stance on the matter has been further illustrated through examples in the following paragraphs.

Today with improved connectivity and significant opportunities, big cities around the globe have become a cocktail of different cultures. Cities like Toronto, Paris, New York, and London have diverse populations who hail from different parts of the world. Over the period, every individual has somehow contributed to the society and culture of the place. Hence with time, the original society was molded and given a new form. Therefore, if one wishes to understand it, they have to first determine which areas they want to study and only then move in the desired direction. It may also require investigating the anthropological and cultural past of the region. This can also be understood from the angles of the Mughal and British invasions of India. Each time a foreign party came to India and established settlements in major cities, there was a substantial shift in the community, culture, and society. It has continued for ages, and so, these cities can not be a yardstick for understanding the most important characteristics of society.

Next, it is obvious that society is constructed by the people and their lifestyles. Hence, it is essential to identify where the majority of the population lie and what their lifestyles look like. In the case of developing nations, a large portion of citizens can be found in suburbs, towns, and villages rather than in main cities. Here, studying the main cities will therefore not be enough. For instance, New Delhi, the capital of India, is its largest metropolitan city, followed by other popular metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, and more.

Now it would be delusional to state that studying these cities alone will help one identify the most important attributes of Indian society. Surely, some aspects of society will remain similar throughout, but that does not imply those are the most important ones. With such an approach, most of the population residing in the rural areas will go unrecognized. Hence, the attempt to perceive society will remain incomplete. Minutely studying major cities to understand the important characteristics of a society is definitely an easier and more convenient approach. Additionally, it can be a great place to start. Nevertheless, it can often be flawed and produce inadequate results. Hence limiting the study to big cities will be naive.

In sum, to comprehend the important characteristics of society one must investigate the past. They must understand the changing patterns and evaluate other places besides major cities for a better understanding. The best way to understand the most important characters is not only by studying major cities. They come from various factors as discussed above.



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