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No Field of Study Can Advance Significantly Unless it Incorporates Knowledge and Experience From Outside that Field GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

In GRE Issue Essay, the candidate will be tested for their ability to think critically and write persuasively. In the GRE Issue Essay, candidates must support one side of the topic and select for or against the statement. They should write logical and analytical essays which will prove their point of view as correct. The whole point of the task is to see how the candidates can put forward their opinion on the given subject. No Field of Study Can Advance Significantly Unless it Incorporates Knowledge and Experience From Outside that Field GRE Issue Essay model answer is given below.

Candidates are required to consider the following structure for the GRE Issue Essay and it is divided into five paragraphs:

Introduction: The first step in writing the GRE Issue Essay is introducing the topic and stating the issue assigned to the candidate. In this part of GRE AWA, the candidate has to talk about the issue and why he/she is in support of or against the motion. We can briefly state reasons like, a foreign perspective gives a new way of viewing the existing field of study. Many major courses need some theories from other subjects to develop.
Body Paragraph 1: Candidates are required to present some strong examples and logical analysis to prove why he is in support of or against the topic given. The examples should be believable, real, and relevant to the topic. They also need to provide justification and correct reason behind stating those examples.
Body Paragraph 2: This section is the same as the previous one. The candidates are required to give more examples and logical analyses to support their statements. In the above example, we can talk about how outsiders to a particular field of study give a new perspective to the existing beliefs. This makes it easy to develop new theories and understand the existing ones.
Final Paragraph: In this paragraph, the candidate is required to bring up the topic again and explain why his/her perspective is correct and the counterargument is wrong. Candidates have to present another example in this section to prove that whatever they've explained till now is correct and the opposite is not. Basically, it is the same as the above paragraphs but in this one, you have to focus more on proving why you support the statement.
Conclusion: In the conclusion, the candidate should remind about the topic again and also the reasons for supporting the statement. Candidates don't have to write the reasons in detail as they have also mentioned above. Just a few brief examples will work along with a short summary.

Strategies that can be followed while writing the “No Field of Study Can Advance Significantly Unless it Incorporates Knowledge and Experience From Outside that Field GRE Issue Essay” model answer:

  • The candidates should strictly choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. They must not argue for both sides of the given issues in GRE Analyse an Argument.
  • The candidates must make sure not sway away from the given issue. They must always give reasons and examples that are relevant to the given topic. It is advisable to provide relevant examples from the real-world.
  • The candidates must make use of strong and declarative statements in order to avoid any form of misunderstanding or miscommunication.
  • It is not advisable to write the given issue in the first person. The first person should only be used if the candidate is providing personal experiences as an example while writing the essay.
  • In conclusion, it is important for the candidates to provide and identify a counter-argument and then refute the same with at least two-three sentences.

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Topic: No Field of Study Can Advance Significantly Unless it Incorporates Knowledge and Experience From Outside that Field GRE Issue Essay

Model answer:

All the fields of study are somewhere related to each other. You can't derive theories of physics without applying mathematical equations. You can't study the economy of a country without having knowledge about the financial situation and accounting solutions. The statement claims that no field of study can advance unless outsiders bring some knowledge and expertise. I support the statement as every field can not have complete knowledge about the subject matter. Using knowledge from different areas will broaden the perspective and the subject can be studied will more advancements and knowledge. Just like one person cannot possess knowledge about everything, a single field of study cannot have every skill required for better theories and a thesis. So, knowledge from other areas should be utilized to enhance the learning of a particular subject.

If we talk about science and its subject matter, physics needs mathematical equations to derive many important theories. Scientists have developed many theories in physics by using maths as the basis for calculation. One can not study physics without having a basic knowledge of mathematics. I agree that advanced knowledge is not necessary. However, a basic knowledge of the other subject indicates the fact that most of the fields of study are related to each other. If we want to develop our field of study significantly, we should welcome expertise from different fields.

Belief is an important term that often dictates the way we see my subject matter. An outsider will bring a fresh perspective to the existing field of study. This is because they are neutral to the study material and can give the best possible alternative to achieve a particular task. It makes it easy to understand the existing theories and develop new ones. A person who doesn't study chemistry will view the subject in a neutral and authentic sense. These people will identify the theories which are not working in a practical sense. How? Because they are bringing in their area of expertise in another field to identify any possible mistakes. This is done by channelizing their skills into that particular subject matter.

It is important to allow outsiders to enter into a different field of study as it is not possible for any field to develop without taking support and help from others. No subject can work in isolation. Scientists used to develop their theories and practicals by studying other fields of study and understanding equations developed by other scientists. Even if a person works in isolation without any external help, he/she can not gain advanced knowledge of that particular subject matter. It is important to welcome new perspectives and help in your study matter for your field of study to flourish and grow.

To sum up the topic, every field of study has some limitations and it can not grow without taking help from others. These fields are interconnected and one cannot continue to flourish while ignoring others. Imagine economists working and developing economic theories for a country without having any knowledge of finance and business. They can not form correct policies without understanding the concept of how the markets and economic system work and for that. They need to know about financial institutions and the business environment present in a country. A person who is working in isolation can never achieve knowledge to his greatest potential. This thing will create obstacles in his/her way to becoming the best in that particular field. So, the above statement is true and we need knowledge from outside our subject matter to grow and flourish in the long run.


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