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No Act is Done Purely For The Benefit of Others GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue Essay is one of two tasks in the Advanced Writing section of GRE. The test taker will be given 30 minutes to read and write an essay on a given topic.The candidate will be tested for their ability to think critically and write persuasively. In the GRE Issue Essay, candidates must support one side of the topic and select for or against the statement. They should write logical and analytical essays which will prove their point of view as correct. The whole point of the task is to see how the candidates can put forward their opinion on the given subject. No Act is Done Purely For The Benefit of Others GRE Issue Essay model answer is given below.

The standard structure of the GRE Issue Essay has 5 passages. The students have the liberty to choose from 4-6 paragraphs. The structure for the standard essay is provided below.

Introduction: Candidates should discuss the topic to the extent to which they agree or disagree. The test taker could completely agree/disagree or partially agree/disagree as long as the stand is presented clearly. The candidates must state the topic and explain it in brief. This must be followed by the side that they are choosing. Students can go for or against the statement..
Body Paragraph 1: Start with your strongest evidence and elaborate with an example. The strongest point put forward will have an impact on the reader. The thesis and the reason behind proving that particular example must be stated. Students must note that they need to stick to the side of the argument that they choose. Candidates need to justify their reasons in the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 2: Present your second argument along with an example. Multiple scenarios and examples can be provided. The need for explaining these examples should be provided with analytical and logical writing.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph can be used to either acknowledge arguments against your stand and weaken them or present more arguments and examples supporting your position. The final paragraph should contain a counter argument as the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue essay. The opposing argument should give more depth and reason to prove their point of view.
Conclusion: Conclude your essay by restating your view on the topic and summarizing your arguments. This will remind the reader of the points discussed and the arguments placed.

The topic “No Act is Done Purely For The Benefit of Others GRE Issue Essay” will follow this structure in putting forward the correct point of view.

  • Unlike the GRE, choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay GRE Analyse an Argument, in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned.
  • The first evidence is based on middle-class people choosing to help the impoverished without expecting anything in return.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. Providing relating examples will help the reader understand the point of view better.
  • My second reason expands on people in certain professions which require them to face risks every day. Glory and respect are not their primary intention when choosing the fields in question.
  • Candidates need to provide a counter argument to prove their point. This will reflect the strength of their side. Test takers should remember that they will not be evaluated on what side they choose.
  • I will present how millions went out of their way to help strangers during the covid-19 pandemic.

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Topic: No Act is Done Purely for the Benefit of Others.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

Some of the most common arguments against selfless deeds include fame, monetary profits and professional benefits. On the hit TV series, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Joey argued that selfless good acts were a paradox. The reason being performing such a deed would make one feel good about themselves, thus making it a selfish deed. We also know that helping others releases endorphins in the brain that are synonymous to exercise for mental health. However, I condemn this line of thought and strongly believe that not all acts done for the benefit of others are done with selfish intentions. The past two years have shown that this world is filled with kind and generous people, working purely for the welfare of others. I will elaborate in the following paragraphs that selfless acts are more common than one might think.

Billionaires and business tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos and many others are continually involved in philanthropism. They have donated billions in medical aid, research and development and world hunger. Since the top 1% control almost half of the global wealth, their acts of generosity are more of social responsibility and done out of accountability. However, the world cannot survive on the moral obligations of the rich alone. A large proportion of the general proportion is involved in acts of kindness in their everyday life, with no ulterior motives. A substantial percentage of the volunteers and donors are from the middle-income group. It might be because they are cognizant of the sufferings of the less fortunate. For example, many children brought up in foster homes, grow up to become foster parents themselves. To assume that such people have selfish reasons for their acts of kindness is a far-fetched theory.

Medicine and defense are two of the noblest professions, with an extensive rigorous selection process. One might argue that they do it for respect and prestige. But these reasons cannot compare to the gravity of putting your life on the line or taking the responsibility of someone’s life into your hands. A soldier that sacrifices his life to save his colleagues is the greatest example of a completely selfless act. The courage and valor demonstrated on the battlefield are unparalleled. They cannot be denigrated with rebuttals portraying these acts being done in the name of glorification and to be hailed as a hero. Likewise, one does not choose to enter the medical profession to become wealthy. The number of hours that medical students put in must have a greater motivation, which is undoubtedly to save lives. When treating highly infectious patients, doctors put their own lives at risk too.

When the world was battling against the Covid-19 pandemic, we witnessed the greatest acts of mankind. There were a multitude of incidents of strangers driving the sick to hospitals, feeding the poor for free of cost, helping the needy with medicines, and asking for nothing in return. These were not people not looking for popularity, they were not wealthy, and were struggling to make ends meet. Despite facing their hardships, they went out of their way to provide help in their capacity, out of the goodness of their hearts. Healthline workers worked round the clock to treat victims and stayed away from their families for months to keep them safe. If they were doing it to achieve greatness, we should have remembered their names. How can these acts be considered selfish? Do innovators, who come up with novel products to solve a particular issue, do it only for financial reasons?

To conclude, it Is not easy to understand the intention behind every action. But being a misanthrope and assuming that people are self-serving is prejudiced. It is easy for the rich to make exorbitant donations since the capitalist society allowed them to amass such great amounts of opulence. But we cannot diminish the efforts of the countless number of people who lend a helping hand every day, only intending to make a difference in someone’s life. It is important to believe that we live in a world that is compassionate and thoughtful. Generous deeds can be witnessed in the simplest moments of a random day. It is a mother taking care of her children out of love or a teacher choosing her profession to shape the young minds of the future. Or it is a man who installed a public fridge and filled it with food for the impoverished. Hence, I am confident that not all acts are done for one’s benefit.


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