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Nations Should Suspend Government Funding for the Arts When Significant Numbers of Their Citizens are Hungry or Unemployed GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay assesses a candidate's ability to express themselves in writing while also demonstrating critical thinking skills. Candidates must be able to compose an essay that is well-structured and organized, with distinct ideas and arguments. Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed GRE Issue Essay is a topic of the essay. This article contains the model answer for the topic.

As a guide, candidates can use the GRE Issue Essay framework, which is divided into five paragraphs. Candidates have the liberty to choose from 4-6 paragraphs. The standard structure is of 5 paragraphs which are explained below.

Introduction: The topic of the essay must be stated first, followed by the candidate's position on the topic. Candidates should also consider offering specific explanations and examples for the GRE AWA essay. A brief overview of the topic is expected to be explained in the Introduction.
Body Paragraph 1: Candidates must start with the most compelling reason, then move on to examples and logical analysis. This paragraph should be relevant to the topic and provide convincing evidence to support the argument. Explaining the examples and scenarios will give the candidates an edge over others.
Body Paragraph 2: Support the second supporting point with examples and logical analysis. Candidates must provide real life examples as it will be easier for the reader to relate. The real life examples and their explanations should have a strong point of view.
Final paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument that was offered as the topic for the GRE Analyse an Issue essay. Candidates must present the third example and rationale to support their position and refute the opposing side.
Conclusion: Remind the reader of the issue essay's topic, as well as the rationale and examples used to support the candidates' perspectives. The complete essay's synopsis may be accessed here.

The following strategies could be used to answer the topic "Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed". These are selected based on the framework of the GRE Issue Essay:

  • Choose a position and stick to it throughout the essay. It is very important as candidates cannot change sides in the middle of the essay like GRE Analyse an Argument essay.
  • Consider a case in which the author's stated viewpoint must be challenged. They can consider a counterargument to prove that their position is absolutely correct.
  • Present explanations and examples that are relevant and specific to the real world. This will give the reader a scope to understand the point of view better.
  • Strong declarative statements, active language, and cause-and-effect claims are required.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, discover your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words. Also an overview of the whole essay needs to be provided.

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Topic: Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed

Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. Write a response in which you discuss how much you agree or disagree with the statement, as well as the reasoning behind it with examples.

The author recommends that in times of adversity, funds should be diverted to ensure adequate food and jobs for the city's underprivileged residents. While the author's outlook is generous, any financing optimization that benefits a larger population should be explored. It is also necessary to understand the consequences of a complete diversion of money. In conclusion, I disagree with the provided assertion, and the following paragraphs clarify why.

It is critical to examine the many sources of income for an art-house at the outset. Government funding is a tiny but is a crucial source of revenue for most organizations. Other sources of funding, including revenues from sales and exhibitions, philanthropic grants, and voluntary donations, give more considerable relief. Although they are all intimately related to market conditions, they can be of greater help. In a downturn, donations and proceeds to non-profit organizations are drastically reduced. Residents from all walks of life prefer to save or invest their money in sectors that promise an immediate return on investment. In the absence of these, art galleries rely exclusively on government grants and funding. If these are also withdrawn, a vicious cycle is likely to emerge, beginning with a reduction in marketing and promotion. This will lead to a decrease in viewership for these events or shows. The culminating effect of this decreased popularity being felt on lowering ticket sales and a further loss in private sponsorships.

Art's principal function is to stimulate the senses, as a way of self-expression, and as an external manifestation of our many emotions. The arts' intangible and unquantifiable value must not be overlooked. Art, as W.B. Yeats' poem 'Lapis Lazuli' illustrates, brings hope and encouragement when there is little else to elevate people's spirits. It helps to re-energize and re-energize a depressed populace, and the joy it brings is a powerful medication for dealing with the hard realities of the times. From another perspective, people's hardships give fire to artists' imaginations. Several well-known artists such as Damien Hirst and Andy Warhol have risen from the ashes of tragedy. Every nation has a responsibility to carry on this cultural inheritance to future generations, which will be difficult if funding is cut off.

The author's most direct argument is that the economic benefits of the arts are extensive. Arts contribute significantly to a country's economy by promoting tourism and providing work to many people, both directly and indirectly. Many artisans in isolated places rely solely on income from the sale of their works of art. If the money supply is cut off, these artisans will be further pushed into the abyss of poverty. The widespread unemployment would contribute to the economy's already strained state. It is smarter to maximize resources and monetary rewards by ensuring that they are allocated most effectively to benefit the greater number rather than one group. Indeed, this tightly controlled supply could operate as a catalyst for artistic innovation and entrepreneurship. The art houses would be forced to justify their continuous support. They would be encouraged to create art that serves as a tangible and intangible lifeline to society.

In conclusion, the author substantially undercuts the mercenary and non-mercenary benefits of art and so makes a case for divesting government doles. However, as previously stated, art performs an even greater role in times of economic and political crisis than it does in times of peace and prosperity. Depriving the arts of their vital role by denying them financial resources would be counterproductive and self-defeating.


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