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Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay
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The GRE AWA section in the exam assesses candidates’ capacity to think logically and cohesively, as well as ability to communicate and support reasons. The GRE AWA becomes a crucial tool for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay is the topic in GRE AWA. The model answer on this topic has been given below. Candidates need to ensure that they are able to present their opinions and ideas clearly with valid reasons and examples.

Students can use this type of structure while writing the essay. The structure is given bellow:

Introduction: Students have to introduce the topic directly. Candidates need to evaluate the topic and present its opinion in support or against the given statement. Accordingly, the reasons that the candidate would present for its opinion needs to be stated briefly in this paragraph. Further, the potential instances that would be used by the candidate to support the reasons need to be mentioned here.
Body Paragraph 1: One has to state his or her position about the topic clearly here. The strongest example can be stated which will be helpful to make a clear understanding and carry forward the other parts of the essay. Based on the given topic of this GRE Analyse an Issue essay
Body Paragraph 2: Giving proper real life examples are very me here. Students have to write relevant examples which will support their stand about the topic. Candidates need to ensure that their second reason is supported with examples which have real life value and are not vague.
Final Paragraph: Here a student has to write why he chose those examples and how it is relevant to support his own stand. This clarification should be very specific and brief. The final paragraph should state the topic and provide the third reason for the opinion. Accordingly, the reasons for the final paragraph need to prove that the given statement for the essay topic is wrong.
Conclusion: In this last paragraph the student should make a contrast and show that his argument is right, and the given topic is wrong. After stating proper reasons he has to write clearly his stand again and conclude the essay.

Thus, using this structure of the essay will be very helpful in making a good score. Furthermore, it will give a very good structure to the essay. Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay should be written with careful analysis. For this issue one can use these strategies to write a well planned essay. The strategies :

  • It is important for stating relevancy of the topic and taking a clear stand about the topic. Accordingly, candidates should state their chosen opinion while introducing the essay and stick to it entirely. Unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument, candidates need to provide their opinion and not refute the given argument.
  • Giving relevant, real life experience is very important. No assumption can be used here as examples. Candidates should provide their examples which are not vague hence, using real-life examples is suggested.
  • Clarification of the stand must be stated clearly and briefly. Using cause and effect patterns can be helpful. It will be a clear understanding of the example which would help in validating the opinion of the candidate better.
  • Contrasting with the topic and proving that topic wrong is a good step to conclude the essay. Candidates should ensure that in their concluding paragraph, they restate the topic of the essay and the opinion of the candidates. This should be followed by briefly stating the reasons and concluding that the given statement is wrong.

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Topic: Claim: Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts.
Reason: Politicians and other government experts are more informed and thus have better judgement and perspective than do members of the general public.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Model answer:

In a democratic country policies are produced for the well-being of common people of that same country. Politicians and other government officials are only the representative of this democratic society. They have the power to make major decisions. After taking major decisions, they are capable of making new policies also. These policies should be for the well-being of large common people. But this doesn’t mean that they have the ultimate power regarding the policies. It should never be a good choice to let them do whatever they want devoid of the common people’s sake.

Certainly, I am taking the opposite side of the given topic. A country can not run smoothly only by the government officials. There are so many private sectors to help them out. Together they are making good policies. Government does not have that much capacity to control all kinds of new businesses. They can approve some private plan which will be beneficial for the common man. Working together can give a profit to both of them and also will be able to fulfil the basic needs of the public.

For example, people consider private company building materials for making a project successful. There are no sufficient means of production within the hands of the government. So they are unable to provide proper things. A helping hand from private start-ups is helping them to complete the project within due time and with the best materials. Furthermore, it is beneficial for both of them. Another example, people want job security in doing jobs in government sectors. But the government is not able to give jobs to people. Here private companies are making job vacancies and creating employment. This can be seen as a help towards the government. The stress towards them to get a job has decreased a little. People are doing great in this online business. People are adoring these private sectors as their source of income.

Politicians can have a personal profit in this process. They can pass a policy thinking only about the sake of themselves and their party. Though they should think about the common people as they are there in a representative position just because of these people’s vote. When personal profit is prioritised, common people’s sake is ignored which is not at all desirable. Politicians are representing a society and have to be dutiful towards people who helped him to reach that position. But after reaching that point they create a group of politicians. They just forget about these people and think about their own group’s profit. Their profit can be the opposite of common people's sake. They create a clash. For example, a politician helped a friend to build his shopping mall in the area where so many poor labourers lived. This can be a profit for politicians but is disastrous to the poor one, he will lose his shelter. So the major decisions should never be taken by only the politicians or the government experts.

Lastly, we can say in a country like India whose economy is a mixed one, there can not be only governmental decisions. Common people have the right to raise their voice about their own needs. And also can voice against any policies which can damage their work ethics and are not at all beneficial to them. It is not logical to give the government officials supreme power. There must be a control over their power. Otherwise, they will use the power in bad things which can be harmful to the common people. So I’m clearly refuting the topic that major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts.


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