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The Luxuries and Conveniences of Contemporary Life Prevent People From Developing into Truly Strong and Independent Individuals GRE Issue Essay
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The Analytical Writing component of the GRE assesses your ability to reason logically and coherently, as well as your ability to communicate and support your views. The AWA becomes a valuable tool for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. Furthermore, the GRE AWA is used to determine the authenticity of your writing abilities. It might be used as a yardstick to compare the quality of your SOP to determine whether it was written by you or someone else. The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals GRE Issue Essay is the topic model answers for which is provided below.

First and foremost, the requirements for the GRE AWA Issue essay is not the same as an argument essay. The idea here is to read through the prompt, then agree or disagree with the premise. Candidates should examine the following five-paragraph framework for the GRE Issue Essay:

The topic for the GRE Analyse and Issue essay is determined by the structure of the essay. The following structure needs to be followed by the candidates to properly organise the essay:

Introduction: Students have to introduce the topic directly. Candidates need to evaluate the topic and present its opinion in support or against the given statement. Further, candidates need to present proper instances that would be used to support the reasons and validate the candidate’s opinion.
Body Paragraph 1: One has to state his or her position about the topic clearly here. The first reason for the opinion needs to be stated and justified with an example. Using the strongest example candidates should make a clear understanding and carry forward the other parts of the essay.
Body Paragraph 2: Candidates need to give real life examples in this paragraph as well. Candidates need to ensure that their second reason is supported with examples which have real life value and are not vague.
Final Paragraph: Here a student has to write why he chose those examples and how it is relevant to support his own stand. The final paragraph should state the topic and provide the third reason for the opinion. Accordingly, the reasons for the final paragraph need to prove that the given issue for the essay topic is wrong.
Conclusion: In this last paragraph the student should make a contrast and show that his argument is right, and the given topic is wrong. After stating proper reasons he has to write clearly his stand again and conclude the essay.

However, in order to excel in writing the GRE issue essay, candidates need to follow the strategies given below that could be helpful for their practice.

  • Unlike on the GRE, you must choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. Candidates need to analyse a statement and give their opinion unlike GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's claim must be questioned.
  • Giving relevant, real life experience is very important. No assumption can be used here as examples. Candidates should provide their examples which are based on real-life examples that would help in validating the reasons.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause-and-effect statements. It will be a clear understanding of the example which would help in validating the opinion of the candidate better.
  • Contrasting with the topic and proving that topic wrong is a good step to conclude the essay. Candidates should ensure that in their concluding paragraph, they restate the topic of the essay and the opinion of the candidates. This should be followed by briefly stating the reasons and concluding that the given statement is wrong.

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Topic- The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

Even though many people believe that modern life's pleasures and conveniences are harmless, they inhibit people from developing into independent individuals. The utilisation of modern facilities reduces people's autonomy. This is true in some ways, as people have become more reliant. However, we cannot overlook the significance of many aspects of our life. Furthermore, despite the use of amenities, humans are still incredibly powerful and self-sufficient beings. It's only that when people witness crimes happening around them, they blame the wealthy. Further they blame the comfortable lifestyle for people's ineptness, irresponsible behaviour, and independence.

It's difficult to picture a life without the internet, smartphones, power, a dishwasher, a washing machine, an air conditioner, and other modern amenities. The development of these instruments has made life easier and less stressful. I don't need to depart for another country three months in advance to attend a conference because I can take a few hours off a flight. Luxury is everything unnecessary and costly, but it is beneficial to pleasure and comfort. People in modern times, particularly the metropolitan population, live opulent and convenient lives. The development of technology and technologies such as electricity, the internet, automobiles, and good healthcare has enhanced people's quality of life and life expectancy. This is because people may dedicate more time to improving their human faculties instead of mundane activities. Prior to the industrialization era, for example, families spent most of their time on their farms and lived subsistence lives.

Technological growth has provided humans with many convenient amenities, which are beneficial if a person does not fully rely on them. These facilities assist humans in overcoming physical challenges that might otherwise be difficult to conquer with only human force. People might overcome challenges caused by geography, weather, or time by using amenities such as a car, cell phone, computer, aeroplanes, and so on. Automobiles and aeroplanes transport people from one location to the other in a shorter time. However, people become overly reliant on them. Modern conveniences have also provided people the time and opportunity to explore and improve the world in which they live. For example, studies are being undertaken to determine ways to address challenges such as climate change.

The amenities and conveniences of modern life have also aided women in coming into their own. Women's roles were confined to the confines of their homes. However, as a result of modern conveniences, women and their responsibilities have transformed. A woman does not have to spend her entire day in the kitchen. Gadgets such as the microwave, stove, and mixer have made it possible for her to attend school and work while also fulfilling her responsibilities as a homemaker. Furthermore, women are now viewed as men's contemporaries rather than the weaker sex since they have been able to develop. This might not have been conceivable if we were still locked in a time when women were expected to spend the majority of their time caring for their families.

Many people spend a significant amount of time using services such as television and mobile phones. These folks get so dependent on these items that the lack of these amenities makes them feel unsafe. This partial dependence, however, does not imply that people are weaker mentally or emotionally. A person with a strong character and a positive outlook on life is always ready for any challenge or competition. Those with typical shortcomings or negative attitudes about life blaming riches or poverty without considering the underlying causes in them.

In conclusion, the conveniences of modern life have aided human beings in developing and utilising their God-given abilities while also making them sluggish. Individuals, on the other hand, are better off with these amenities than without them.


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