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Leaders are Created by The Demands That are Placed on Them GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay evaluates students' critical thinking abilities and their ability to convey ideas and thoughts in writing. Candidates must be able to present the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, giving exact opinions and arguments. “Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed on them” is the given GRE Analyse an issue topic. Candidates need to understand the topic and provide logical reasoning to support their point of view. The model response is provided below.

Candidates should examine the following five-paragraph framework for the GRE Issue Essay. This is the standard pattern for writing GRE Issue Essays. Students can also choose between 4-6 paragraphs for their essay. The format for the five paragraph essay is mentioned below.

Introduction: Candidates must first state the subject that has been presented to them, followed by the position that the essay will take. Candidates should also consider offering specific explanations and examples for the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling rationale should be expressed first, followed by examples and logical analysis. This supporting paragraph should be relevant to the issue and thoroughly support the thesis. The explanation should be clear enough for the reader to understand the candidate’s point of view.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting explanation should include instances and logical analysis. Real life experience and examples should be provided. This helps the reader to relate to the situation and understand the examples better.
Final Paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument that was offered as the GRE Analyse an Issue essay topic. Candidates must demonstrate that their perspective is correct and the counterargument is incorrect using a third example and rationale.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the issue essay's topic and give the reasoning and instances that support the candidates' positions. Here you can find a synopsis of the complete essay.

The topic is determined by the framework of the GRE Issue essay. If Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them, candidates can use the below strategies. They can consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay unlike GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned is important. The candidates must not change sides in the middle of the essay.
  • Candidates can choose any side as per their wish. They can go for or against the statement. However, the whole passage should focus on the chosen side.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. This will help the reader relate to the life experiences.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements. These types of sentences will put forward a strong point in the examiner’s mind.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words.
  • The conclusion should be a brief of the whole essay. Candidates can include all the key points and state them in the ending paragraph to support their point of view.

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Topic: Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them

Write a response in which you discuss how much you agree or disagree with the statement, as well as your explanation for your choice of viewpoint. Consider how the statement might or might not be true in establishing and supporting your argument, and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

What makes someone a leader? A leader is someone who inspires others by his charisma and ability to guide them in the correct direction. When doing leadership activities, a leader must display attributes such as confidence, integrity, dedication, honesty, and competence. A leader must meet the needs of the people under his command. However, the claim that people's demands may make a leader is unjustified because not everyone can instill the attributes required of a leader. A person can be voted as a leader by his peers, but he will not be able to lead effectively unless he possesses inherent leadership qualities. As a result, while leaders do attend to the wants of the people they lead, these demands can never create leaders on their own.

The primary role of a leader is to provide a solution for the growth of those who follow him. Consider the position of political leaders. These figures are chosen by the general public. During the election process, political leaders are placed against one another, with the winner being the one who receives the most votes. What must these politicians do to win elections? They must continually demonstrate to the populace that they will meet their needs and give them the amenities they require. The leader who is finally elected is expected to follow through on his pledges. A leader who can keep the promises he made during the campaign will very certainly be re-elected for a second term. His ability to follow through on his promises cannot be developed overnight. People may have chosen a person and set demands on him, but unless he exhibits leadership skills, he will not be acknowledged as a leader.

The obligations that are placed on a person make being a leader a difficult task. A manager's job in a business is to lead the people who work for him in such a way that the company's productivity rises and earnings rise. The manager's qualifications and expertise may have aided in his or her appointment. However, to meet the demands imposed on him as an effective leader, he will need leadership skills in addition to his capabilities. The manager's inability to manage the employees under him in the most cost-effective manner may result in his replacement by more competent management. As a result, after being nominated as a leader, a person must demonstrate his competence. Simply establishing demands is insufficient for developing leaders.

One need only look back in history to find examples of various leaders who have risen to lead their people in response to demands. Mahatma Gandhi led India to independence, but could the Indian people have made Mahatma Gandhi out of anyone else by putting demands on him? Mahatma Gandhi's qualities, beliefs, and principles were held in high regard by those who followed him. India's freedom struggle placed significant demands on all of its leaders, but only a few of them were able to successfully lead the people. As a result, good leaders can be developed as a result of external pressures combined with the support of the natural leadership traits.

To conclude the essay, I would like to say that the renowned and the best leaders that we have received till date came due to their leadership qualities. If they did not have that leadership quality, people would not place their demands and expectations on them. The common people believed in them because they saw a great leader in that person. Hence, it is very important to have that quality. The demands of the people will follow once they prove to be a worthy leader.


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