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It is More Harmful to Compromise One’s Own Beliefs Than to Adhere to Them GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue Essay is a 30-minute section of the GRE in which a candidate would have to state their opinion. The opinion should be regarding a prompt and they should give relevant arguments for or against the topic in the written format. The GRE Issue Essay analyses the level of critical and rational thinking of the candidates. It also examines their capability to express their logical reasoning and analytical thinking in writing. The topic for GRE Analyse an Issue is ‘It is More Harmful to Compromise One’s Own Beliefs Than to Adhere to Them GRE Issue Essay”. A model answer for the same has been given below.

For writing GRE Issue Essay, the candidates must divide their entire essay into five paragraphs. Thus, the structure for writing a GRE Issue Essay has been mentioned in the following points:

Introduction: The candidates must first mention the issue given to them and also state their position regarding the same. They can provide a brief explanation of the topic and why this topic can be discussed. A short example can also be included in this paragraph of GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: In this paragraph, the candidates must write the strongest reason for their opinion on this issue. The candidates must make sure to support the reason with suitable examples. Real world examples created a lasting impact on the readers. This paragraph should be written in such a way that it completely supports the opinion of the candidate on the given issue. The candidates must be careful not to sway away from the given issue and mention only those points that are relevant to the topic.
Body Paragraph 2: The second paragraph also has a similar structure to body paragraph 1. It should contain another reason with suitable real-world examples. The candidates must analyse and explain the examples in a logical and rational manner.
Final Paragraph: In this paragraph, the candidates must provide a counter argument regarding the GRE Analyse an Issue essay. The candidates must convince the readers that their perspective and opinion is correct and the counterargument is wrong.
Conclusion: Candidates must make sure to remind the reader on the given topic and try to provide a summary of the GRE Analyse an Issue essay essay in this paragraph. All the key points and the opinion should be demonstrated logically.

On the basis of the above structure for writing the GRE Issue Essay, the candidates might consider to follow the strategies mentioned in the following points:

  • The candidates should strictly choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay. They must not argue for both sides of the given issue like GRE Analyse an Argument essay.
  • The candidates must make sure not sway away from the given issue. They must always give reasons and examples that are relevant to the given topic. It is advisable to provide relevant examples from the real-world.
  • The candidates must make use of strong and declarative statements in order to avoid any form of misunderstanding or miscommunication.
  • It is not advisable to write the given issue in the first person. The first person should only be used if the candidate is providing personal experiences as an example while writing the essay.
  • It is important for the candidates to provide and identify a counter-argument and then refute the same with at least two-three sentences.

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Topic: It is harmful to compromise one’s own beliefs than to adhere to them/

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

The given statement claims “It is harmful to compromise one’s own beliefs than to adhere to them”. In the real world, people will often face situations where they have to choose between compromising their own beliefs or to adhere to those beliefs. Some individuals might choose the easier way out and would compromise their beliefs. This is because adhering to one’s beliefs in the face of opposition is quite difficult. Irrespective of the situation, not compromising one’s beliefs and adhering to it will always prove to be beneficial in the long run. I do believe that one should always stay with their beliefs and hold their head high.

All individuals do not face the same experiences during their lifetime. Therefore, different individuals develop different sets of beliefs. For example, a poor kid, who has remained deprived of even the basic necessities of life, performs menial tasks to sustain himself. His experiences have led him to believe that money is the most important thing in the world. On the other hand, a rich kid, who has received all forms of luxury, does not have many friends. Thus, his experiences have led him to believe that friendship is the most valued possession of any individual and that money is trivial. In such cases, both the kids should hold on to their beliefs and should not, in any way, compromise it. This is because if the poor kid starts believing that money is not important, he might not work hard and thus, lead a life of poverty. On the other hand, if the rich kid compromises his belief of valuing his friendship, he might end up being lonely.

Different individuals have different religious beliefs. This not only depends on the culture but also the principles and morals that have been ingrained in each individual since childhood. Thus, all individuals are taught to follow certain rituals and practices by their parents and their community. In cases where individuals fail to adhere to the norms of their community, they might face certain repercussions in the long run. For example, an individual, belonging to a community where being non-vegetarian is prohibited, has the same when offered to by an individual outside of his community. Although the effects of his compromise might not be visible at first glance yet in the long run, the repercussions of his actions will definitely surface. The individual might be ostracized by his community as well as his parents. As a result, the individual might regret his decisions later on in the future. In such situations, individuals must politely restrain from the offer and adhere to one’s own religious beliefs.

As long as one’s beliefs are not in conformity with the society, it is important to adhere to them. If an individual chooses to adhere to his belief that there is nothing wrong in taking bribes, then, his belief will definitely cause him harm in the long run. At the same time, if an individual believes that taking bribes is illegal, but still chooses to do so, it is bound to bring some sort of trouble. Another example of adhering to one’s own beliefs even at the face of extreme opposition is the freedom struggle of India. The patriots strongly believed in independence and did not compromise it even in the face of severe opposition. This ultimately helped the people gain independence from the British Raj in 1947.

In conclusion, it can be said that it is of utmost importance that individuals adhere to one’s own beliefs and not compromise it under any situation. This is because the very identity of an individual is shaped by the beliefs that the individual holds. Compromising one’s beliefs is equivalent to giving one identity, morals and principles.


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