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In Any Field Of Endeavour, It Is Impossible To Make A Significant Contribution Without First Being Strongly Influenced By Past Achievements Within That Field GRE Issue Essay
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The GRE AWA section in the exam assesses candidates’ capacity to think logically and cohesively, as well as ability to communicate and support reasons. The GRE AWA becomes a crucial tool for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. In Any Field Of Endeavour, It Is Impossible To Make A Significant Contribution Without First Being Strongly Influenced By Past Achievements Within That Field GRE Issue Essay is the topic in GRE AWA. The model answer on this topic has been given below. Candidates need to ensure that they are able to present their opinions and ideas clearly with valid reasons and examples.

Candidates can follow the below mentioned structure for writing their essay:

Introduction: Students have to introduce the topic directly. Candidates need to evaluate the topic and present its opinion in support or against the given statement. Accordingly, the reasons that the candidate would present for its opinion needs to be stated briefly in this paragraph. Further, the potential instances that would be used by the candidate to support the reasons need to be mentioned here.
Body Paragraph 1: One has to state his or her position about the topic clearly here. The strongest example can be stated which will be helpful to make a clear understanding and carry forward the other parts of the essay. Based on the given topic of this GRE Analyse an Issue essay
Body Paragraph 2: Giving proper real life examples are very me here. Students have to write relevant examples which will support their stand about the topic. Candidates need to ensure that their second reason is supported with examples which have real life value and are not vague.
Final Paragraph: Here a student has to write why he chose those examples and how it is relevant to support his own stand. This clarification should be very specific and brief. The final paragraph should state the topic and provide the third reason for the opinion. Accordingly, the reasons for the final paragraph need to prove that the given statement for the essay topic is wrong.
Conclusion: In this last paragraph the student should make a contrast and show that his argument is right, and the given topic is wrong. After stating proper reasons he has to write clearly his stand again and conclude the essay.

Thus, using this structure of the essay will be very helpful in making a good score. Furthermore, it will give a very good structure to the essay. Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay should be written with careful analysis. For this issue one can use these strategies to write a well planned essay. The strategies :

  • It is important for stating relevancy of the topic and taking a clear stand about the topic. Accordingly, candidates should state their chosen opinion while introducing the essay and stick to it entirely. Unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument, candidates need to provide their opinion and not refute the given argument.
  • Giving relevant, real life experience is very important. No assumption can be used here as examples. Candidates should provide their examples which are not vague hence, using real-life examples is suggested.
  • Clarification of the stand must be stated clearly and briefly. Using cause and effect patterns can be helpful. It will be a clear understanding of the example which would help in validating the opinion of the candidate better. Moreover, they are required to present brief points for GRE analysis of an issue.
  • Contrasting with the topic and proving that topic wrong is a good step to conclude the essay. Candidates should ensure that in their concluding paragraph, they restate the topic of the essay and the opinion of the candidates. This should be followed by briefly stating the reasons and concluding that the given statement is wrong.

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Topic: In Any Field Of Endeavour, It Is Impossible To Make A Significant Contribution Without First Being Strongly Influenced By Past Achievements Within That Field GRE Issue Essay

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

Humans are curious by nature, and this curiosity for various unknown things has only caused humanity to evolve the way it has. We owe the success we have been able to achieve to our inquisitive minds and willingness to dare to take less-trodden paths. It was undeniably not always easy, but those who gave their all for their work and ensured success are honoured.

Looking back at the past history of human lives, it is clear that they have made a significant achievement that has resulted in some impossible situations becoming possible. In addition, human races have attempted to use the past experiences of their ancestors to advance in some areas. In fact, humanity has a kind of limit on these experiences; therefore, they can only use some of them, not all of them. The statement mentioned that it is impossible for mankind to improve in any field, which is in conflict. It is so with some fields of study, such as aerospace engineering and knowledge, which can have an age of about fifty years. Before the first human journey to the moon, there was no previous achievement in this field. Even though this technology would never have occurred to our ancestors. However, NASA was able to land its first spacecraft on the moon and the new science of aeronautics was founded.

So, it is not necessary to have success stories in front of you in any field in order to achieve something great. First of all, if we as humanity had always sought only successful examples in any field, would it even be possible to get to where we are now? We are one of the most advanced and evolved races on Earth. Because we have done things differently than anyone else. Moreover, it was possible because we did not wait to be shown how things are done, but rather availed less travelled routes and did miracles with our determination. It was Thomas Edison who dared to explore the idea and, after nearly ten thousand failures, invented the lightbulb. Had he stuck to what everyone else was doing at the time, or waited to be swayed by someone else's success, who knows how long darkness would have ruled the nights? Furthermore, both common sense and history have shown us that we humans love a challenge. And we have always seen unknown phenomena or mistakes as challenges that we faced and proved our abilities. To illustrate this, let's consider the example of space exploration.

Some might feel down after failing. Therefore, some might argue that being influenced by previous achievements in any area can provide the necessary confidence. But we should also know that the past achievements that make us confident enough are also those that dared to be one of the first to explore the field/idea. In conclusion, do your best in any field with almost no past achievements. It may feel scary, but as history has shown us, even every failure teaches us something and contributes to ultimate success. Furthermore, the statement mentioned that this is impossible to achieve in all areas of striving. Over time, this invention has been improved and developed, but the fundamentals and basic rules remain the same.

Therefore, humanity has been able to use the same achievements of previous humans as instructors and leaders. In summary, humanity has demonstrated its ability to transform impossible parts of life into possible facets when there is no prior experience of doing so. On the other hand, he or she could use previous experience to advance in some areas of study.

Finally, it is fair to say that no one can make a significant contribution to any field without first being influenced by previous achievements in that field. While these contributions generally improve our quality of life, it's likely that the next major discovery will have a profound impact.



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