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Competition for High Grades Seriously Limits The Quality of Learning at All Levels of Education GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE Issue Essay task assesses the abilities of the candidates in their critical thinking and logical reasoning. The GRE Issue essay checks a candidate's ability to convey opinions and suggestions in writing using critical thinking skills. Candidates must be able to provide the essay in a very well-structured and planned manner in order to pass the topic task. Competition for High Grades Seriously Limits The Quality of Learning at All Levels of Education GRE Issue Essay is the topic for GRE Analyze an Issue.

The model response is provided below. Candidates can follow the pattern for the GRE Issue Essay, which is separated into five paragraphs. It depends on the candidate if they want to increase or decrease a paragraph. The essay might also contain 4-6 paragraphs.

Introduction: In the introduction, candidates must first state the subject that has been presented to them, followed by the stance that the essay will take. Students must note that they need to stick to the side of the argument that they choose. Candidates need to justify their reasons in the introduction part of the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling explanation should be expressed first, followed by examples and logical analysis. Every example can be justified and explained with real life examples. This will help the reader to understand the situation in a better way. The thesis and the reason behind proving that particular example must be stated.
Body Paragraph 2: The second contributing reason should be given with instances and a logical analysis to back it up. Multiple scenarios and examples can be provided. The need for explaining these examples should be mentioned.
Final paragraph: The final paragraph should contain a counter argument as the topic of GRE Analyse an Issue essay. Candidates must provide this counterargument and state the reason as to why their point of view is correct. The opposing argument should give more depth and reason to prove their point of view.
Conclusion: The conclusion must serve as a reminder of the issue essay's topic, as well as the reasoning and instances that support the candidates' points of view. A synopsis of the entire paper.

The topic “As we get more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious” will consider these techniques to answer:

  • Unlike the GRE, choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay GRE Analyse an Argument, in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. Providing relating examples will help the reader understand the point of view better.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements.
  • Candidates need to provide a counter argument to prove their point. This will reflect the strength of their side.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, it's critical to identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words.
  • Stick to the word limit. And use multiple paragraphs to lay down your essay. Usually, the candidate can use 4 to 6 paragraphs.
  • Make sure your statements and points are strong. All the examples you quote should be strong enough to prove your point.

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Topic: Competition for High Grades Seriously Limits The Quality of Learning at All Levels of Education GRE Issue Essay

Write a GRE issue essay on the topic given above. The candidate has to discuss their point of view and support it with valid reasons and examples. The arguments presented by the candidate should be relevant.

Model Answer:

The competition for high grades makes students mentally handicapped whereas, in reality, all that they lack is the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. The competition for having the best job and best college has stunted many young creative minds to measure their potential based on their scores. They feel as if one small mistake from them may affect all of their future endeavors. Thus limiting their learning ability and trimming self-confidence. Such learning demeans education. They start measuring their skills in a subject depending on their scores. I believe in the fact that competition for high grades trims a students skills and quality of education.

The syllabus of our textbooks does not cover all the real-life problems and the major skills that are needed in all fields. Thus forcing students to excel in something which does not cover the learning required for future endeavors is completely meaningless. It is not that children should not study and compete, but such limited learning imparts negative long-term effects on the child. They are constantly pressured to score well to excel in life. Such pressure imparted at a young age automatically affects their decisions when they grow. Competition for high grades creates a fear in the student to make mistakes. The unsaid pressure that they have to always be correct is burdensome. More than the positive in them, students start perceiving their negatives, increasing self-doubt. This mentally affects them, and the self-doubt does not leave the students even in the latter part of their life. The unanswerable questions of not having a good future if not scored high grades leave them anxious. All of the results, however high they might be, come from compulsion rather than a true score of learning.

Healthy competition is something that benefits the students. It automatically induces discipline and willpower to score more than each other. Instead of demotivation, the competition becomes a reason for them to continue studying. On the other hand, this same competition creates an automatic comparison of students in their minds. Students also start believing that the more we write textual sentences in the answer, we have the probability to score more. This downgrades their understanding capability. Its quality doesn’t matter but only results to stand at the top matter. Here students learn just for the sake of excelling in exams and not grow out of it. They naturally grow hatred towards the subject for which they were once curious. The person who worked hard and scored an average score has already started considering themselves a loser due to this unhealthy competition.

Yes, competition is required to be accountable and to monitor your growth in learning. All learning does not occur within books and the four walls of the classroom. Nor is it limited to the restricted and deprived syllabus of textbooks. The real world thrives on experience learning! For instance, children usually have a curiosity to try a different sport. Some schools have given so much importance to book knowledge that there is very less advancement in the sports section. Before the student develops a liking for sports, they are already weaved into the competition of excelling in book knowledge. The students who can start sports as their career don’t realize their potential at an early age thus losing the actual years of growing in sports. By the time they realize their liking for sports they are already loaded with board exams, taking up jobs, and choosing a career path at which they are not good.

Parents and teachers telling kids to become like someone has already given the child the idea that they will never be enough. They always lack in some aspects with respect to toppers. Such a competition that hampers the quality of learning also hampers the quality of understanding the child has. It limits the child’s natural reasoning capacity. Apart from this, such an unhealthy competition leaves the child empty without any interest in learning and discovering their interests. Such learning is no longer a boon but a bane!


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