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Government Should Place Few, If Any, Restrictions on Scientific Research and Development GRE Issue Essay
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Government Should Place Few, If Any, Restrictions on Scientific Research and Development GRE Issue Essay is the topic in GRE Analytical Writing. Candidates are required to respond to the question of GRE Issue Essay based on the brief statement given on an issue of general interest. Based on the GRE Analyse an Issue task, candidates abilities to think critically and express their thoughts in writing is assessed. Candidates are expected to understand the given situation and answer with ample reasons for choosing a side to the argument. Candidates arguments in the GRE Issue essay needs to be well written and strong with a well-planned structure

Topic: Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Scientific research can be considered having both constructive and destructive purposes in the world. However, it is important to understand that scientific research produces stringent results which are often misused when implemented for its use. Companies and organisations can be considered to be misusing the scientific developments taking place. This requires the government to put some form of restrictions on scientific research and development. Scientific research that has taken place over the years in terms of developing nuclear sciences and powers has remained an issue of controversy. Scientific research that has taken place in order to develop nuclear energy is used for power generation. The use of this nuclear energy can be considered also for destructive purposes like producing nuclear weapons that might result in mass destruction of life and property. Significantly, with private organisations being allowed to develop nuclear weapons in order to sell to different countries might increase the risk of destruction. This is because selling it to different countries only increases the probability of potential mass destruction with the presence of nuclear weapons in abundance. These are the negative reasons which can be considered riskier and hence, needs the government to endure restrictions on scientific research and development one of the major impacts of nuclear weapons has been faced after the World War II when the America dropped its weapons in the Hiroshima and nagasaki regions in Japan resulting in mass destruction. Another case of mass destruction occurred in September 2011 when the Al Qaeda forces attacked the World Trade Centre in the USA with nuclear bombardment creating a shock around the world. The development of science and scientific development never took a turn worse in the 21st century.

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However, scientific research and development has flourished and resulted in highly appreciable performances. This can be said in the field of medical sciences. Scientific research and development that has led to the emergence of treatments allowing people to do botox and keep their faces younger can be considered to be some positive development. However, the costs involved in botox are quite expensive and most of these developments cannot be afforded by the common people who may not have the luxury or need to do so. It becomes important to remain concerned regarding the fact that scientific development has resiltsed in human cloning as well just like animal cloning. While the research on human cloning continues, animal cloning has remained beneficial for the people. However, success of the human cloning would allow people unable to have a baby to consider having a baby clone. On the other hand, it remains extremely dangerous as its use can be done in the wrong way. Accordingly, human trafficking can be made possible by people who can avial larger sums of money by creating clones and hence, misusing the scientific development. 

It becomes extremely important to further understand other forms of scientific research in the field of medical science which not just resulted in the development of cosmetic treatments but also to the form of drugs. The medicines prescribed by the doctors to people have certain quantities which affect the body like alcohol. These are drugs which cause people to feel dizzy and people becoming addicted to it might face immensely drastic health conditions. Rehabilitation centres have been opened for treating people from drug addictions and thus, drugs have been proven to be quite a destructive development of science. Scientific research and developments has resulted in the growth of technologies allowing the growth of hackers in the society. Limiting the ways in which the government can control the activities of the hackers or any illegal entity trying to curb the privacy of the people is important. In the lieu of experiencing growth and advancement in the world, governmental restrictions on scientific research and development have become limited. Government certainly needs to understand the massive destruction that is caused by these scientific research which are otherwise meant for constructive purposes. Accordingly, governments need to impose restrictions in a few aspects of the society on scientific research and development to be able to curtail the negative impacts. This would also ensure that morally degraded people as well as people having negative intentions are unable to misuse the scientific developments. 


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