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Formal Education Tends to Restrain Our Minds And Spirits Rather Than Set Them Free GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE Issue Essay determines the ability of the candidate to analyse an issue in a logical and cohesive manner. It measures how well the candidates are able to portray and support their arguments on the given topic. Strong and persuasive writing skills and ability to think out of the box provides a cutting edge for the candidates in GRE Issue Essay. Formal Education Tends to Restrain Our Minds And Spirits Rather Than Set Them Free is a GRE Issue Essay topic. The model Answers are provided below.

Candidates can follow the five layered structure in which the GRE Issue Essay is divided:

Introduction: Candidates need to state the topic provided to them. This section can include examples, justification and logical reasoning. Candidates need to understand a situation and then provide ample reasons for choosing one side of the argument over the other in GRE AWA Essay. They need to explain what the essay is going to focus on.
Body Paragraph 1: The strongest and the most logical reasons supporting the topic should be stated. The candidates must provide logical and cohesive reasoning to support the statement.
Body Paragraph 2: The issue essay hinges on reasoning. Real life examples to support the topic and the thesis statement can be included.
Final Paragraph: The final paragraph should provide the counter argument statements. They should be provided with enough reasoning to support the agreement. In GRE Analyse an Issue essay, the candidates need to provide examples of counter arguments which will prove that their perspective is correct. This will also help make the counter argument wrong.
Conclusion: The candidate should have the liberty to express their thoughts regarding the agreement and counter argument. The conclusion should remind the reader about the topic and the supporting statements. An overview of the whole essay can also be provided.

The topic Formal Education Tends to Restrain Our Minds And Spirits Rather Than Set Them Free would consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Choosing the positive side of the argument and sticking to it throughout the essay. Candidates should not critique the given topic like GRE Analyse an Argument.
  • Relevance to the real world and like experience to be provided as examples to support the statement.
  • Strong reasoning statements and usage of effective statements to support the thought.
  • Identifying the opinion, contradicting it with a counter argument to prove the opinion right is important.
  • An overview of the strong points to be included so that it strikes a note in the reader’s mind.

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Topic: Formal Education Tends to Restrain Our Minds And Spirits Rather Than Set Them Free GRE Issue Essay

Model Answer:

The idea behind formal education was to free the mind and spirit. But, it is often asserted that formal education tends to restrain our minds rather than set them free. And, by the time formal education finishes, an individual is more likely to be educated with redundant information. Therefore, education seeks to enlighten us, but fails to do it holistically. Students get the best of schooling, but fail to go in depth of subjects.

A child is seldom seen as being able to explore his/her mind or inner self. Instead, he learns whatever is taught to him by his parents or teachers, which are already established facts and figures. Since early schooling, we all have memorized lines from a textbook to reproduce them in the exam, even if we do not understand its meaning. This is because the pressure of scoring high in exams is so much that students have no option but to stick to books without actually understanding the concept. When these students grow into adults, formal education tends to play on their mind and they are unable to think outside the realm of it. Too much of formal education tends to form narrow thinking.

As grades tend to determine our future, the importance of learning in a formal classroom tends to have a great significance. Children are often unable to take up courses of their interest due to constant pressure from their parents to score well in school. Sometimes, the children themselves are conscious of their performance and the fear of failing might lead them to concentrate on their studies. This simple, yet effective way is likely to harm the students and society in the long run. The development of the mind and character of a student might be hindered with this restrictive system. Instead of allowing students to discover through their own experience, the education system provides students with established facts and theories. Starting from the direction in which the sun moves, to why stars shine, everything can be found in books. We learn what is mentioned in books without learning them from our own experience. The joy of learning, discovering the self and world and the necessity to question the unknown, which was educated in the Vedic period has diminished today. Education has been merely transformed into a system consisting of classrooms, books, assignments and examinations.

Formal Education prepares us for a decent earning and better lifestyle, but fails to make us understand about the very essence of our lives. It has shown us a world of materialism, i.e., existence of life depending on the amount we earn and how we live, overlooking the spiritual part of life. The formal education tends to forget the ideas of philosophers like Rabindranath, who set up Shantiniketan to educate the students in the lap of nature. Some of the most successful people in the past and present have been those who had little knowledge of formal education. They were those who did not restrict themselves to its structured system. In order to free your mind, you will have to tear yourselves apart from the norms of formal education. While on one hand, you receive various rewards for doing well in your formal education, you do not have any incentive to free your mind, on the other. Such rewards deprive people of the motivation to set their minds free. They fail to look beyond the confines, stop nurturing their curiosity and lose their dreams, desires and their identity.

Thus, formal education tends to assume huge importance in the early years of life. The amount of pressure it exerts leaves people with little or no time to set their minds free or to think outside the realm of it. It's time that we give up on the restrictive ways and adapt to modern technology that provides a chance to go beyond the present limits. Formal education must be designed in a way that pays utmost attention to their students' mind and allows them to use it for problem solving. In this way, a society can read the right people for the future. Having said that, education is important for every individual and society, but it must be correctly balanced with practical and creative learning. When combined appropriately, formal education will actually open the door for countless opportunities existing in the world.



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