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The Effectiveness of a Country's Leaders is Best Measured by Examining the Well-Being of That Country's Citizens GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay evaluates a candidate's ability to communicate ideas and thoughts in writing while employing critical thinking skills. Candidates must be able to give the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, with explicit ideas and arguments. The effectiveness of a country’s leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country’s citizens. GRE Issue Essay is the GRE Analyse an Issue topic. The model answer is provided in the following section.

The GRE Issue Essay framework, which is divided into five paragraphs, can be used as a guide. The candidates can use 4-6 paragraphs also. The standard five paragraph structure is provided below:

Introduction: Candidates must first state the subject that has been presented to them, followed by the position that the essay will take. Candidates should also consider offering specific explanations and examples for the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling explanation should be expressed first, followed by examples and logical analysis. This supporting paragraph should be relevant to the issue and thoroughly support the thesis. Providing a correct justification and logical reasoning is very important.
Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting reason should be given with instances and a logical analysis to back it up. Real world examples and experiences can be provided. This will create an impact on the reader’s mind.
Final paragraph: This paragraph should address the counterargument that was offered as the GRE Analyse an Issue essay's topic. Candidates must demonstrate that their perspective is correct and the counterargument is incorrect using a third example and rationale.
Conclusion: The conclusion should remind the reader of the issue essay's topic, as well as the reasoning and instances that support the candidates' points of view. This is where you can get a synopsis of the complete essay.

The topic "The effectiveness of a country’s leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country’s citizens" examines the following strategies. This is based on the structure of the GRE Issue essay:

  • Unlike the GRE, choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned. Candidates are not judged on what side they choose. They are judged on how well they can prove their point.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. This will create an impact on the reader’s mind and provide the candidate an edge over others.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements. The use of different vocabulary will create a good impression.
  • To end the essay on a strong note, it's critical to identify your opposing viewpoint and then refute it with two or three words. The final point of view can be shared.

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Topic: The effectiveness of a country’s leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country’s citizens.

The effectiveness of a country’s leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country’s citizens. Write a response in which you discuss how much you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for your stance.

Model Answer:

As representatives of the people, a country's leader is expected to represent the best qualities of the country. These best qualities are defined not only by elections but also by popular support and affection. The well-being of citizens can be used to assess a leader's effectiveness. However, this is an incomplete measure of leadership that may overstate or under-estimate their efficacy. Diverse leaders in a country have different effects on different individuals at different periods and in different regions. A leader who established universal healthcare as a child and helped eliminate childhood mortality may have a regressive foreign policy. This leads to the country's involvement in the war, resulting in the deaths of many soldiers and citizens. In conclusion, I disagree with the notion that the effectiveness of a country’s leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country’s citizens.

A good leader who is thought to be effective at one moment may not be so at another. A leader who pumped up the economy's animal spirits by expanding the transportation network. Moreover, it has also developed the auto sector, and oil drilling. This has been immensely advantageous to the generation of job seekers at the time, as well as the economy in general. However, due to an over-reliance on carbon-based fuels, the same policies may result in future environmental crises. In such a circumstance, the leader's measures, however effective they may have been in the short term. They may not be effective in boosting citizens' well-being in the long run.

At the same time, a leader's efficacy cannot be judged at the moment of implementation because policies take time to take hold and gain traction on the ground. Some measures can take years to bear fruit, especially if the leader is no longer popular and must rely on someone else to appropriate the result's goodwill. In emerging countries, for example, the effects of basic education would not be obvious until the children reached adulthood. Even then, quantitatively capturing it may be difficult.

Similarly, the negative consequences of a leader's policies might be felt many years after he or she has passed away. This impacts the current leadership to deal with an unpleasant situation and the people to suffer. As a result, any analysis of a leader should take into account the temporal dimensions of leadership effects. The global crisis of 2008-09, for example, had a severe impact on Barack Obama's first years in office. That does not rule out the possibility that he was useless. Similarly, the American legacy of Middle East conflicts limited his options and forced him to make difficult decisions.

Finally, the leaders of a country might have varied effects on different people at different times. It is extremely difficult to assess citizens' well-being and attribute it to a single leader or a group of leaders. Does a leader's effectiveness have a direct impact on the population's well-being? In some ways, the answer is yes. Is it, however, a necessary condition? Is it a valid criterion for evaluating a country? No, in some countries, where the populaces are impoverished, a leader's ineffectiveness can be recognized. Although there are some countries where leaders are competent and endeavour to aid their citizens, there are still many individuals who live in poverty.


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