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Educators Should Find Out What Students Want Included in the Curriculum and Then Offer it To Them GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue Essay will present a topic of a general nature. Candidates will be asked to take a stand and defend their position via logical and analytical thinking. This section is to test the candidates critical thinking skills, coming up with compelling arguments to support your view. Candidates must write a well-structured, cohesive article stating correct and logical reasoning. “Educators Should Find Out What Students Want Included in the Curriculum and Then Offer it To Them” model answer is provided below. The model answer demonstrates the way in which GRE Issue Essay should be written.

The GRE Issue Essay format has 5 paragraphs. This is considered as the standard format. Students can make changes to this format and can include 4-6 paragraphs also. The brief description and structure of the essay is provided below.

Introduction: Candidates must mention where you stand in regards to the given issue. Choosing a side and explaining the position clearly is very important. The side you choose does not make a difference. Candidates can select for or against the topic in GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: Students must present their strongest reason supporting their stand. They must back it with one or multiple small examples. It is also important to elaborate the examples with logical reasoning and critical thinking. Candidates also need to provide justification on their thoughts to prove their point of view.
Body Paragraph 2: Present your second reason with one or more examples. This is important as the candidates must back their examples with real life scenarios. This will help the readers understand the point of view of the candidate.
Body Paragraph 3: Present a different view, preferably countering your points and weaken the argument. This will demonstrate your elaborate thought process. Also providing examples relating to the counterargument will prove that the candidate’s point of view is correct and the counterargument is incorrect.
Final Paragraph: If you have more points that would strengthen your position, include it in a separate paragraph. Make sure that your writing piece is easy to read and does not seem tiresome in GRE Analyse an Issue essay.
Concluding Paragraph: Summarize your body paragraphs and reassert your position based on the issue. This paragraph can contain a brief overview of the whole essay. The final verdict on the side chosen by the candidate should also be formulated.

The topic is determined by the framework of the GRE Issue essay. In Educators Should Find Out What Students Want Included in the Curriculum and Then Offer it To Them, candidates can use the below strategies. They can consider the following strategies to respond:

  • Unlike the GRE, choosing a side and adhering to it throughout the essay GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned. The candidates must not change sides in the middle of the essay.
  • Candidates can choose any side as per their wish. They can go for or against the statement. However, the whole passage should focus on the chosen side.
  • While stating explanations and examples, provide relevancy and specificity to the real world. This will help the reader relate to the life experiences.
  • It is critical to make strong declarative statements that include active language and cause and effect statements. These types of sentences will put forward a strong point in the examiner’s mind.
  • The conclusion should be a brief of the whole essay. Candidates can include all the key points and state them in the ending paragraph to support their point of view.

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Topic: Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

The quality of any education system is determined by its curriculum. The world is witnessing continuous development in areas of arts, science, economy, literature, which eventually influence the industry. Hence, redressal of the education system should be synonymous to the current advancements. The curriculum should be updated regularly to incorporate the latest research and findings. Prospective students always look through the course curriculum while exploring their options to determine which one would best suit their interests. I believe it is necessary for educators to know the topics students want in their curriculum, after they are taught the essential concepts in their first year. It must be noted that while students’ opinions should be taken into serious consideration, they should be evaluated before being included.

After a foundational year inclusive of basic subjects, students become aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, engaging the students to design their curriculum will be beneficial. The students will have the chance to evaluate their interests and have a primordial outlook of their career trajectory. This could also allow confused students to realize if they have chosen the right path. Many degrees are now accompanied with a specialization, offering combinational learning. Elective subjects are a good example, students should be asked about their interests and be offered the respective subjects. Mandatory learning of uninteresting subjects could result in the loss of morale and overall interest in the course.

Interactive and enthusiastic students are an indicator of successful teaching. When students learn a subject of their interest, it is reflected in their grades. Incorporating topics after a thorough discussion will give the teachers a clear idea of what knowledge they want to acquire from their course. This will help to redress the curriculum accordingly. This creates a conducive environment where the teachers are content with imparting knowledge to students who are eager to learn. With time, students are opting to conduct their own research based on what they are being taught. Asking them about their expectations from a subject sets a goal for the teacher, who could modify their teaching methods and topics accordingly.

There are limitations to this idea of asking what the students want and then giving it to them. This should be enforced only after the primary concepts have been taught because an overview of all the subjects is obligatory for the students. Students will learn of all the options available to them and also be exposed to newer concepts that could become their area of major. All the students should be encouraged to give their opinions. Ideas from both sides should be discussed and those that are favorable to the outcome should be taken up. Many institutions take course-end surveys, which will not be as useful since their views could be inconsistent with those of the incoming students.

The concept of education is similar to a bargain. Students may get what they like or they may have to learn something they don’t wish to. As aware as they might be, educators have more experience and have a deeper understanding of what is important and what is not. Not everything is rosy about the life we live; we have to perform duties or functions that are necessary despite the lack of interest. Similarly, some subjects that may seem futile could actually serve a greater purpose in later life and career. After all, if students have chosen to be educated by these teachers, they have to place a considerable amount of trust in them.

Many teachers now adopt a no-book approach. They don’t teach from a particular book, rather they give the students the required information and encourage students to conduct their own research. They go through scientific publications or find relevant books on their own. This kind of learning will lead to creative and innovative ideas which could further lead to novel inventions. The future of this planet rests on the shoulders of the youth. They should be given a seat at a table.


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