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Educational Institutions have a Responsibility to Dissuade Students from Pursuing Fields of Study in which they are Unlikely to Succeed GRE Issue Essay
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The Analytical Writing component of the GRE assesses candidates’ capacity to think logically and cohesively. It assesses candidates’ ability to communicate and support your points. Given that the Verbal and Quantitative portions are completely objective, the GRE AWA becomes a crucial tool. It is used for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed GRE Issue Essay is the topic in GRE AWA. The model answer on this topic has been given below.

Candidates must be able to present the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, giving exact opinions and arguments, for the issue challenge. Candidates can use the following framework, which is broken into five paragraphs:

Introduction: Candidates must first describe the subject that has been presented to them, accompanied by the position that the essay will take. Furthermore, candidates should consider offering specific reasoning and examples for the GRE essay. Based on the given topic candidates need to identify the topic of the essay and evaluate its meaning. Further, it needs to state the opinion that it is willing to take considering the topic of the essay. This paragraph would briefly consider the reasons and adjoining examples to validate the chosen opinion.

Body Paragraph 1: The most compelling rationale should be expressed first, followed by supporting instances and logical analysis. This reasoning paragraph should adequately corroborate the thesis and be related to the issue. The first reason on the given topic needs to be completely strong and the absolute reason to stand at the chosen opinion.

Body Paragraph 2: The second supporting rationale should be provided, accompanied by examples and logical analysis. The second reason needs to be in line with the topic of the essay and accordingly, should ensure that real-life examples are provided. This would help in validating the essay further.

The final paragraph: should address the counterargument given in the topic essay. Candidates must demonstrate that their point of view is correct and the counterargument is incorrect using a third example and rationale. This is the third paragraph for the GRE Analyse an Issue essay which needs to restate the given topic first followed by the third counter argument. This should be presented in a way that should be able to prove the chosen opinion to be right.

Conclusion: The conclusive paragraph needs to ensure that the topic of the essay is restated with the opinion that is chosen by the candidates. The reasons for the opinion and the complementary examples need to be evaluated within the essay.

A well-written problem essay develops and forcefully supports a specific point of view while also providing enough rationale for the choice of that perspective. One is required to comprehend a problem and then present compelling grounds for favouring one side of an argument over the other. While the examiner will have access to your assessment question, your argument must be clear and strong enough. This is to ensure that the arguments are able to be comprehend in the absence of the assessment question. To ace this section based on the given topic and writing an effective answer, the following strategies can be deemed to be useful:

  • Candidates need to choose a side and stick to it throughout the essay unlike the GRE Analyse an Argument where the given statement needs to be critiqued
  • It is important to ensure relevance and specificity to the real world while stating reasons and examples for the essay
  • Making strong declarative statements with use of active language and cause and effect statements is important
  • Identifying your opposite opinion and then refuting it with two-three sentences is important to conclude the essay with a strong point.

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Topic: Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed in the GRE Issue Essay.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Model Answer

Educational institutions have particular obligations to raise students' awareness of different types of majors and to assist them by providing data about these majors. They cannot guess which kind of kids will succeed in which majors. They have various divisions and sort children depending on their ability in these categories to assist them in discovering and reinforcing their intellect. Education is the most significant aspect of a person's prosperity and overall growth. Many countries have a significant illiteracy rate, rendering them unable to fully develop. Educational establishments are the driving factor behind offering quality education as well as honing an individual's varied skills.

Any judgement on a student's career options must be based on a thorough evaluation of the student. Individually reaching out to hundreds of students in a college is a difficult task. In making these decisions, the student is the best guidance. Although he may seek advice from academic members at his institute, the final decision must be made by him.The decision to pursue a particular field of study should be made solely by the student. Institutions can take specific methods to introduce certain subjects that have a correlation with students' exceptional strengths. Further, they can be directed to study in that sector. For example, they understand that students who cannot solve mathematical issues and encounter difficulties should not study engineering. However, the student who can create appealing fiction stories should instead pursue a career in literature.

Furthermore, several educational institutions examine a variety of strategies to encourage students to stay in disciplines that they have chosen but are unable to complete satisfactorily. Because in some circumstances, learners must be drawn to experts in order to discover their brilliance. They are accountable for providing high-quality education that fosters student development and prepares them to be excellent professionals in their chosen sector. They have the tools and knowledge to guide the student down the path to success and accomplishment.

No matter how intelligent or knowledgeable a person is, they have no right to pass judgement on others. They may be ineffective in determining an individual's genuine potential. It is possible that a person recognizes their potential later in life. Hence, if they are demoralised throughout the critical years of college, they may acquire a low self-image.

The definition of success varies widely between individuals. For some, success may imply being wealthy and financially secure, for others it may imply achieving the pinnacle of their creative potential. For still others, it may include being socially sound and knowing one's potential. If a student feels discouraged, they may never attempt to pursue something they are not excellent at. This will have a significant influence on their overall growth. What is far more crucial for the institute is that its students receive an excellent education. If a person is not doing so adequately in his major field, it does not necessarily follow that the subject is not of interest to him. It is likely that the student is not acquiring an interest in the matter because the manner in which he is being taught is not stimulating. Another reason may be because the faculties and libraries are inadequate. As a result, rather than measuring its students' psychology, the institute should focus on these difficulties.

Finally, educational institutions have specific responsibilities and missions in order to guide students in their academic endeavours. Further, they help them become effective members of society. These institutions could assist students in selecting their subjects by consulting with experts who have useful experience in drawing connections between inherent strengths and courses of study.


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