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Colleges and Universities Should Specify all Required Courses and Eliminate Elective Courses in Order to Provide Clear Guidance for Student's GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

The GRE Issue essay evaluates a candidate's ability to write out ideas and thoughts while also exhibiting critical thinking skills. To pass the topic challenge, candidates must be able to write the essay in a well-structured and well-planned manner, with distinct ideas and arguments. Colleges and Universities Should Specify all Required Courses and Eliminate Elective Courses in Order to Provide Clear Guidance for Student's GRE Issue Essay topic has been mentioned below. The GRE Issue Essay is the GRE Analyze an Issue topic. The model response is presented in the following section.

Use the GRE Issue Essay framework as a guide, which is broken down into five paragraphs:

Introduction: Candidates must first state the topic of their essay, followed by their position on the topic. For the GRE AWA essay, candidates should also consider providing explicit explanations and examples.
Body Paragraph 1: Begin with the most compelling explanation, followed by examples and logical analysis. This supporting paragraph should be related to the topic and provide strong evidence to back up the thesis.
Body Paragraph 2: Provide examples and logical analysis to back up the second supporting point.
Last paragraph: The counterargument that was provided as the topic for the GRE Analyse an Issue essay should be addressed in this paragraph. Candidates must provide a third example and rationale to show that their opinion is correct and the opposing viewpoint is incorrect.
Conclusion: The reader should be reminded of the topic of the issue essay, as well as the rationale and examples used to support the candidates' positions. A synopsis of the entire essay can be found here.

Based on the framework of the GRE Issue Essay, the topic "Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students" might consider the following techniques to respond:

  • You must choose a stance and stick to it throughout the essay. Examine a situation in which the author's stated opinion has to be questioned. Switching sides and criticising the author like GRE Analyse an Argument is not the option here.
  • Introduce the topic and state the opinion. You keep a single opinion throughout the essay. Saying for and against both will definitely reduce the scores in the GRE Issue Essay. Provide relevance and specificity to the real world while presenting explanations and examples.
  • Strong declarative assertions with active language and cause and effect claims are essential. Provide real life examples. The strongest point of view should be put forward first.
  • The less relevant opinions should be stated later in the essay. Also mention the disagreement topic.
  • It's vital to find your opposing opinion and then dispute it with two or three words to end the essay on a strong note. This will prove your point.
  • The conclusion will have an overview of the whole topic. It can be a mirror image of the introduction.

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Topic: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students.

Reason: College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Model Answer:

Schools and universities have been shown to educate students about their passions. They also prepare them for future changes, forcing them to follow a set track does more harm than good. While some direction in the form of obligatory studies is necessary for students, the guidance should not be imposed on young minds. Such demands may only cause annoyance. Furthermore, asserting that college students prefer to obey instructions over making their own decisions is an extremely wide generalization. Some students may prefer to study things that are not required but are subjects in which they are interested. Therefore, I disagree with the given statement that Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students. As a result, it is critical to provide pupils with a wide range of options. With the use of an example from my own life, I would defend my point of view.

A variety of courses were taught during my time at university. The primary branches of economics as compulsory studies were the key subjects that were taught to us. However, after graduating from university, I selected one of the elective subjects for my specialization. Labor Economics was one of my university electives. In my country, I am now conducting both macro and micro research on youth unemployment. It's worth noting that young unemployment falls within the category of labor economics.

In this approach, institutions give students a fantastic opportunity to pick a subject that interests them out of a variety of options. Another thing we see in our daily lives is people choosing occupations that are not in the students' best interests. Because of their parents' pressure, many of them chose it. When they understand their passion later in life, they are obliged to alter their field. As a result, institutions must provide a variety of additional possibilities for students. It is stated that because college students make their own selections. It is not necessary to retain an open end, which I disagree with because making one's own judgments is critical to having a successful career. If others make decisions for us, we will be in difficulty in the future in one way or another. As a result, it is critical that everyone chooses their own topics.

It has also been noticed that when people desire to perform anything as a passion, they put up their best effort. Additionally, it has been suggested that if we can uncover our passion, we will not need to work hard. This does not imply that you will not work; rather, it implies that you will love the work you will accomplish based on your interests. Similarly, Mark Zuckerburg would not have established Facebook, the widely used social media network, if he had been forced to pursue medicine or the arts. He's also not likely to become the world's youngest billionaire. He was able to make a difference, though, since he chose a sector that he was passionate about.

To summarize, students must be given a variety of choices from which to choose a course or subject that they are interested in. Students require some form of supervision in the form of established courses in order to be aware of real-world problems and to have the means to solve them. Elective subjects, on the other hand, should not be disallowed because they give students the opportunity to pursue a wide range of interests.


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