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College Students Should Base Their Choice of a Field of Study on The Availability of Jobs in That Field GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE issue essays focus on the creative and critical thinking ability of the candidate. The examiner wishes to gain insight into the candidate's expressing and thinking skills through a well-structured and well-planned essay. The classic structure of the GRE issue essay consists of five different paragraphs in an organized form. The GRE Issue Essay topic in this case is 'College Students Should Base Their Choice of a Field of Study on The Availability of Jobs in That Field.'

The structure given below will help the candidates to draft their essays in the best form. The entire essay should be divided into five paragraphs. It also depends on candidates. They can use 4 to 6 paragraphs. Below is given the structure to follow for writing a better essay:

Introduction: In the introduction, the candidate needs to introduce the topic and state whether they are for the motion or against it. The candidates can also mention examples to prove their point in the GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 1: In the first paragraph, the candidate should state the strongest and best reason for proving their point. The candidate should fully support the reason with examples and further statements to support. You should concentrate more on explaining your reasons in a well-planned manner.
Body Paragraph 2: Further, in this paragraph, another counter argument should be brought up by the candidate. The reason given in this paragraph should also be strong and supported with statements. Show the relation of examples with the topic. It is important to establish a strong relation with the topic.
Body Paragraph 3/ Final Paragraph: In this final paragraph, counter arguments are presented in the above two paragraphs. The reasons in GRE Analyse an Issue can be elaborated on in it. Here you can strongly state whether you are in favor of the notion by using the examples or against it.
Conclusion: Here the candidate has to brief about the entire essay. Basically, the conclusion will serve as a gist of the essay. Your conclusion should work as a mirror to the entirety provided by you in the essay.

The candidate can follow the above-given structure while keeping in mind the points. These will help the candidate to write on the topic 'College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field':

  • Choose one side either in favor or against the notion, and stick to it throughout the essay. Do not provide an ambiguous answer as in GRE Analyse an Argument, wherein one time you are saying you are in favor and other times you are against it.
  • Emphasize the use of active voice more and avoid including sentences in passive voice.
  • If you are refuting the statement then give appropriate reasons supported with examples. Also, examples help to give credibility to the answer.
  • There should be connectivity between the examples provided by you and the topic. It would be better if you do not distract from the topic.
  • Keep away the essay from fictional substances and include relevant content. The addition of irrelevant content might distract the reader and lead to a deduction in marks.

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Topic: College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

The candidate can follow the above-given structure while keeping in mind the points. The points will help the candidate to write on the topic . The topic is 'College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field':

Model Answer:

College life plays a crucial role in a student's life as the field of study in which they are going to pursue their career will decide their future. Most students move forward with their interests and passion, but there is an ongoing debate. The subject of the debate is whether career choices should be based on job opportunities or not. However, I am totally against the notion that "College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field". I opine that your interest should be the basis of your educational preference. Certainly, if you move forward with a career in which you have the least interest then, you might face the consequences at a later stage. The ample working opportunity won't be enough if you don't have the willingness to work in that field.

The wide availability of jobs in a specific field seems to be attractive but what if you crave to work in a certain field. In my opinion, instead of only checking the job availability in that field, one should check several other factors as well. For instance, your interest, personality, educational background, and such things should be given more preference. Everyone gets stuck into this problem of decision-making once in life. I have seen closely the effect of bad decisions on my career path in my friend's case. She always wanted to become a fashion designer but after analyzing the job availability in the field of law, she chose law as her career. Ultimately, in the end, she was finding it difficult to deal with theoretical and practical knowledge of the law. Instead, if she would have followed her passion then she might have done wonders. However, later she pursued her passion but she lost a lot of time because of a bad decision.

To support my notion, I would further point out that we live in a continuously changing environment. Even if the trends are showing that job opportunities in a particular sector are more than they might be wrong. Since no one knew that coronavirus was going to worsen the situation around the world, ultimately there is no certainty as to what will happen in the future. Also, being the future of the country instead of seeking a job you can create job opportunities. Since the owner of a company makes a lot of money as compared to an employee. I feel the idea of choosing your career path by keeping in mind the job availability is absurd.

The claim that 'College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field' does not seem to fit in longer terms. Being ignorant of one's interests and personality might lead to difficulty in pursuing that profession. For instance, my friend opted law because of job availability in that sector, though she wanted to become a fashion designer. In the short term, it might have benefited her. She was sure that she will be getting a hold of a good job but she is finding it difficult to deal with the profession. Also, there is no certainty as to what will happen in the future, so students should smartly choose their field of study in college.

To put my case at rest, I would suggest that the student should choose the field of study in college on the basis of their interest. The student should prefer to opt for the subject in which they are actually interested. The above-given cases show the problems they might face if students tend to choose the field of study on the basis of job availability.


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