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In any Field Business, Politics, Education, Government Those in Power Should be Required to Step Down After Five Years GRE Issue Essay
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Bhaskar Das

Content Specialist

GRE issue essay is introduced in the examination to get an insight into the creative and logical thinking of the candidate. It is the duty of the candidate to present their issue essay in an organized manner to fetch good marks. The candidate will be given thirty minutes to draft an issue essay answer. This is a scoring section, if the answer is written in a well-planned structure then the candidate has a chance to get good marks. In any Field Business, Politics, Education, Government Those in Power Should be Required to Step Down After Five Years GRE Issue Essay model answers are given below. The purpose of the GRE issue essay is to evaluate the presentation of arguments by candidates in the best possible manner.

The structure of the GRE issue essay should be kept in mind to attempt the question and score good marks. Below is given the structure to be followed by the candidate:

Introduction: In the introductory paragraph, the candidate has to put forward the points on the basis on which the entire discussion would be based. Also, the brief explanation of the topic is a necessary part of the introduction.
Body Paragraph 1: The candidate has to start explaining why they are in favor or against the notion. There should be a valid reason and example for the case, and candidates should put forth the strongest reason and example in this paragraph of GRE AWA essay.
Body Paragraph 2: In this paragraph, the candidate has to bring into concern the second reason to support their answer. The examples should be backed up with correct and logical explanation. The reason you are stating should be relevant and must be declared strongly.
Final Paragraph: The candidate has to conclude the arguments presented in paragraphs 1 and 2. The reasons and examples presented in the above paragraphs should be briefed and further expanded as per requirement.
Conclusion: The candidate has to wrap up their essay by giving a brief of what they have written about in their essay. The work of the conclusion is to act as a brief summary of the entire GRE Analyse an Issue essay. So specific and important points should be included in the conclusion.

While framing the issue essay answer, the candidate has to be careful about the structure. But, there are certain points apart from the structure that should be kept in mind which are highlighted below:

  • It is better to keep your essay based on real-life examples and keep away the imaginative power in building examples.
  • The candidate should choose whether they will be writing in favor or against the notion. They should continue to do so in the whole essay and not shift from one side to the other. It should not be like GRE Analyse an Argument in which the author's stated opinion needs to be questioned.
  • Throughout the essay writing the candidate has to stick with the notion they are supporting. Do not get stuck by proving the contradictory views either write in favor of the notion or against it.
  • Do not add irrelevant content, stick to the topic throughout as the addition of irrelevant information can lead to the deduction of marks.
  • The candidate needs to put emphasis on the use of active voice and put less focus on passive voice.
  • Stick to the word limit. And use multiple paragraphs to lay down your essay. Usually, the candidate can use 4 to 6 paragraphs.
  • Make sure your statements and points are strong. All the examples you quote should be strong enough to prove your point.

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Question: In any field — business, politics, education, government — those in power should be required to step down after five years.

Write a GRE issue essay on the topic given above. The candidate has to discuss their point of view and support it with valid reasons and examples. The arguments presented by the candidate should be relevant.

Model Answer

There are multiple job positions in every field including business, politics, education, and many more. It is put forth that, "In any field business, politics, education, government those in power should be required to step down after five years". This is a highly debatable statement whether someone should be removed from a powerful post after five years or not. I am in favor of the notion and I believe there is a need for constant change in person at the powerful post. This is required because of the constantly changing environment and to reduce the monarchy of a single person.

The higher the position of a person in a field of work the more power they will have. No one can deny this fact, however, if for the long term this power remains in the hands of the same person that there are chances of destruction. In today's time, if you have money and power then you are looking for the king of the world, and if not the world then at least the place you are working at. But, gradually even after a certain duration, your power has not lessened then the person starts misusing it. The person with power becomes self-centered and starts exploiting others at work in different ways. For instance, South Korea is well-known for unitary power where all the decisions are taken by a single person. Certainly, if the people there don't follow rules and regulations, even if those laws are wicked then they will be getting punished. The power of a single hand will lead to the destruction of that area and people will start living in fear.

Further, if a person remains in power for a longer time then he or she might start feeling that even if they don't work, no one can dethrone them. Let us take an example of government employees in India in previous years. Government employees had fixed-jobs, so they were too lazy to work. Since they had in mind the perception that no one can remove them from their position, it does not matter whether they work or not. But, as per our changing environment and generation, this concept of monarchy or power in a few hands should be replaced.

The idea of "In any field — business, politics, education, government — those in power should be required to step down after five years" is correct according to me. As there might be serious repercussions people have to face due to power in the hands of a single person for a longer time. The powerful person will try to keep an upper hand in almost all situations and try to subjugate others. Instead, he/ she will get comfortable in that position and will never fear getting fired. But, if in every five years the person in power changes then, the others will get a chance. Also, the problem of unemployment will decline. The future generation will be confident that they will get employed if they will work hard towards achieving heights.

To conclude, I would state it is better that the powerful person should come down from a powerful position. Others should also get a chance to taste the essence of power and do work for the benefit of people. The powerful or upper positions are given to people to do something for the benefit of the general public and for the growth of the field. I feel that to walk in with the development and growth taking place in the surrounding, the person in power should also be updated. This is only possible if they are replaced after every five years.


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