There is numbers of fest conducted by college we celebrate each festival in our college In winter there a sports week and after that there's an annual function held There is lack of social life at college In our college NSS is the group runs by faculties and students to help the people
Overall experience in this college was average or below average. The college does not provide any type of club or gym. Festival Like Holi In March Are held very good. Then Ganesh Chaturthi in September Is Held The Navratri Is Held In October . College Celebrates Durga Puja by garba dance . And Ganesh chaturthi by ganjesh sthapna. Technical Events are not held in the college. Not hackathon or coding roud is held in the college. Annual Function Is Celebrated in November. Rest festivals have leaves but are not celebrated. Overall Campus Life Is Best For Enjoying And Wasting Life but not fire studying here.
Overall experience is good. Placement comes and good campus drive for students they have So many students placed by that college. Placement more depends to your skill. Every student dream to placed to dream company
There were a lot of extracurricular exercises in the college for example educational visits, workshops, the inter-college competitions also we celebrate different events and celebrations to become familiar with various societies and cultures.
There were plenty of extracurricular activities in the college such as national seminars, tours, workshops, inter-college competitions, international guest lectures also celebrating various occasions and festivals to learn more about different cultures.
I think it is the only campus where politics not per the gender tolerance is everywhere in the earth there are big labs machines to perform activities lots of faculties are Phd to explain well and with lots of fun with faculty and they are Frank as well
This campus has well designed Laboratories, Seminar Hall, Class room, Girls common room, Machine room, Sophisticated instruments room, Library with all necessary books and scientific journals with internet facility, for all round development of the students. The campus also has a beautiful playground with all the sports facility.
Since it is a technical institution, labs are 3-4 days a week. Each lab of 2 hours at most for proper utilization of time as well providing enough time to students for performing experiments and noting down everything that is required. Sports happen every Saturday in the second half duration which includes cricket, volleyball, football, badminton, table tennis, etc as well as indoor games like chess and carrom takes place. On the same day, extracurricular activities happen. Last Saturday i.e. 23/02/2019 photography competition was held and was organized by the Photography Club of the college. There are few more clubs each of different field and aims.
Parties such as those of farewell are conducted with great zeal and zest and other competitions such as rock band, debate etc. Are conducted in collaboration with other local colleges.
College is a CO-ED. and yet people if every caste, religion, race studies there. Nither there is any kind of gender biased issues. There is always a chance for people who want to learn something else is present for students, Everyone gets a chance to participates in lots of activities like sports, competitions, like robotics, debates etc.
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