All the colleges which are affiliated to LNMU are A-grade colleges that provide very effective education with very affordable fees. Any student from lower grade to higher can take admission in the college. The entrance exam level is quite high but if you honestly study you'll definitely get enrolled.
Course Curriculum Overview
The course curriculum consisting of the exact subjects and focuses very much on the research field. Labs and fieldwork are also very frequent and usually end your day with a hectic one because the subject is very broad but you can easily manage the time for your self-study and your social life and gatherings.
Placement Experience
Placements are not provided by the campus but students can surely apply out of campus placements. In this college, only pure talent can be placed in a good firm. So, aspirants must take care of that. No internships are provided by the campus that also you can apply online for.
College Events
With the best education and a hectic day they conduct cultural events, nights every festival is also been celebrated and large gatherings can be seen there. This also refreshes your mind and helps to meet more people and explore more.
Fee Structure And Facilities
Fees are very affordable, mine was 1,900 approx. You can easily get the whole fee structure from the official site of the college. Tuition fees of LNMU Darbhanga, Bihar is only 360 INR for both the semester each.
Fees and Financial Aid
Besides the very affordable fee structure and very effective study pattern the college also provides scholarships for some community's students. For the loan schemes which are provided by the government for India, you can surf on ""national scholarship portal"".
Campus Life
The inner environment of the campus is very much healthy and there is no such discrimination based on color, caste, and gender. Also, there are different clubs made by the students and run by the students which conducts different extracurricular activities, sports tournaments, etc.
PGET (post-graduation entrance test) is to be conducted every year for the admission of the candidates willing to take admission in the PG courses. The candidate first has to register himself/herself on the official site of the college and get the log-in id and password to further fill the forms consisting of essential personal information.
Faculties are very qualified and humble. They provide very effective study materials which penetrate very easily. Also, they are always there to help and are very particular for giving regular lectures.