What should be done so that placements at NIT Hamirpur can be like that of PEC Chandigarh?

1 Answer

Shubham Saxena Posted On - May 4, 2021
B.Tech from Banasthali vidyapeeth (2020)

My brother is from PEC Chandigarh, so I might be able to share some facts with you. Some important factors regarding placements of PEC include the following:

  • PEC has an academic policy that requires you to complete a 6-month internship in an industry or a research laboratory during the fifth semester. It strengthens the industry-academia relationship while also securing good PPO. This policy does not apply to NITs.
  • PEC's alumni-institution relationship is one-of-a-kind because of its long history. Try to construct it at NITH so that in upcoming days it'll be fruitful.
  • A dedicated Career Development and Guidance Cell (former TPO) is required to contact and invite large corporations to the campus.
  • With the practical approach to teaching and the freedom to participate in extracurricular activities, PEC students have a lower academic load than NITH students.
  • The final but most important factor is the ability (not to be confused with talent) that the students develop here being a part of a club or society.

Above all, study hard to gain good core knowledge, use your nit tag, and try to land good off-campus placement offers. This will certainly change the atmosphere on campus and your college's image in the eyes of industry. The change will come gradually with time.



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