As it is MBBS we have to learn everything possible. So it is not easy but it is always worth it in the end no matter how much studies you have to carry out you can pull it off in the end. The curriculum is vast but everything is worth putting doctor in front of your name.
The Mbbs is a vast topic, only the people with intrest in the curriculum can cope up with its hectic nature. The tecahing method should be made more digitlaised than the classic old boring lectures. The ascpect of helping people made me attracted to this course
Mbbs is a tiring course If one didn't choose this career as per their wish. If u r passionate enough then u would be able to enjoy this course at its fullest. It's a wonderful course and career option Faulty were also helpful to us here.
Mbbs is a course that has its difficulties but is yet still wished for by many.... The faculties are well versed in the subject they teach and provide all the required knowledge to ace the subject.....
Mbbs is a course wanted by all. The number of NEET aspirants have only increased every year and is a very competitive examination. The mbbs course can be cleared by each and every student who has entered the course.
Professional collage we can set the job on here, and a lot of opportunity on all hospitals I want to go abroad.
Our college is the one in which our lives are very much attached to. So we all love our college.
Satisfactory management that pays due attention to the needs of the student community.
Only positive reviews about my college, I really enjoyed it right from first year to intership, I tried to enjoy each moment of my college. Of course there were ups and downs.
The students of our college have freedom of expressing their views in the form of there batch representatives which are chosen every year by the college faculty. Our college gave emphasis on the safety of the students and also at the same time provide them with freedom of speech.
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