For every year the college will conduct sports bout,daksha and annual day these events are happend in the month of jan-march. Extra curricular activities are too good in the off campus there are pratice session in the evening.
We have different clubs like technical and non technical cubls both technical cubls like satellite and Greeks for Greeks and many other cubls and we also have non technical cubls like specdum and aalap and click cadgets
Freshers day will be celebrate in our college during the start of the academic year when juniors came to our college and synergy fest will be held every year and sports held in December or in January hackathons and campfire will be there
Their in total 9 libraries in the college I get any book I want if I apply access card to enter the library. Their is a projector in the classroom which help display ppts and so on. Their is a sports club with extraordinary players and well mannered students. My friend named dharun and also my benchmate runs the club named AUISC.
We have a annual fest which is called synergy and it almost in the month of March or a Feb and we also have daksha which is good at campus from different different colleges students for allowed to participate and our college encourage to participate in sports and extra activities and they also have different clubs like NSS NCC in our college
The campus have very small clubs which are not active during every part of the year but they can active when it is fests are being conducted so I cannot comment on the clubs. Social aspixel also nice they also encourage reels making in college and photography clubs are also very active
The clubs are present in every branch and also universities clubs are also there but most of the clubs are not active entirely but only active during first only our friend Ishwar is club present of and does a reaction
The annual fests are taksha synergy and freshers day also on Jan 26 Tejas is also conducted where we have to show innovative innovations to many guests the library has large amount of books and all are accessible to the students we can also pay extra 5000 for keeping the book with us and I am entire semester it is known as Book bank we will receive the required books for each m also the people don't use it sports and extra curricular activities are connected twice in a year one is for inter college where is branch competes with another branch and another is sports about where a people from other college come to complete with us
There will be very lesser no of events occur in our college namely Sports bout,Daksha,Annual day There will be vast no.of books in Library Nothing much just having a projector I would say they have great infrastructure in sports There are many clubs for students
We have many clubs in our college including NCC NSS sports bechar very much popular in our college paid the faculty are very much interested in participating than the students without learning without knowing anything about
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